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File metadata and controls

56 lines (52 loc) · 5.01 KB

Language Pack for Eclipse

Syntax highlighting and more for about 40 programming languages and file formats

TextMate grammars and language configurations taken from Visual Studio Code and provided as a plugin based on Eclipse tm4e for the Eclipse IDE.

Update site:

Language/Format File Associations
Batch File *.bat, *.cmd
Clojure *.clj, *.cljs, *.cljc, *.cljx, *.clojure, *.edn
CoffeeScript *.coffee, *.cson, *.iced
C *.c, *.i
C++ *.cpp, *.cc, *.cxx, *.c++, *.hpp, *.hh, *.hxx, *.h++, *.h, *.ii, *.ino, *.inl, *.ipp, *.ixx, *.tpp, *.txx, *, *
CUDA C++ *.cu, *.cuh
C# *.cs, *.csx, *.cake
CSS *.css
Dart *.dart
Docker .dockerfile, .containerfile, Dockerfile, Containerfile, Dockerfile., Containerfile.
Go *.go
Groovy *.groovy, *.gvy, *.gradle, *.jenkinsfile, .nf, Jenkinsfile, Jenkinsfile.
Handlebars *.handlebars, *.hbs, *.hjs
High-Level Shader Language *.hlsl, *.hlsli, *.fx, *.fxh, *.vsh, *.psh, *.cginc, *.compute
HTML *.html, *.htm, *.shtml, *.xhtml, *.xht, *.mdoc, *.jsp, *.asp, *.aspx, *.jshtm, *.volt, *.ejs, *.rhtml
INI File *.ini
Java *.java, *.jav
JavaScript React *.jsx
JavaScript *.js, *.es6, *.mjs, *.cjs, *.pac, jakefile
JSON *.json, *.bowerrc, *.jscsrc, *.webmanifest, *, *, *, *.har, *.jslintrc, *.jsonld, *.geojson, *.ipynb, composer.lock, .watchmanconfig
JSON with Comments *.jsonc, *.eslintrc, *.eslintrc.json, *.jsfmtrc, *.jshintrc, *.swcrc, *.hintrc, *.babelrc, babel.config.json, .babelrc.json, .ember-cli
Julia *.jl
Less *.less
Lua *.lua
Makefile *.mak, *.mk, Makefile, makefile, GNUmakefile, OCamlMakefile
Objective-C *.m
Objective-C++ *.mm
Perl *.pl, *.pm, *.pod, *.t, *.PL, *.psgi
Perl 6 *.p6, *.pl6, *.pm6, *.nqp
PowerShell *.ps1, *.psm1, *.psd1, *.pssc, *.psrc
Pug *.pug, *.jade
Python *.py, *.rpy, *.pyw, *.cpy, *.gyp, *.gypi, *.pyi, *.ipy, *.pyt, Snakefile, SConstruct, SConscript
R *.r, *.rhistory, *.rprofile, *.rt
ASP.NET Razor *.cshtml, *.razor
Rust *.rs
SCSS *.scss
ShaderLab *.shader
SQL *.sql, *.dsql
Swift *.swift
TypeScript *.ts, *.cts, *.mts
TypeScript React *.tsx
Visual Basic .NET *.vb, *.brs, *.vbs, *.bas, *.vba