- Before submitting the issue, read the CONTRIBUTING guidelines.
- Use only one of the templates below to create either an Enhancement or Bug Report issue.
<< What is the purpose of this enhancement >>
<< Is it implemented in another machine learning library? Are there academic papers describing the method? >>
<< What were you trying to do? In other words, what did you expected to achieve? Describe it in here. >>
<< What results have you obtained? Is there an error message? If so, please paste it in here (not all issues produce error messages) >>
Command line << What is the command line to reproduce the behavior? >>
Data source << What data was used? Did you use Kafka? >>
<< Does the problem applies to one specific data source only? If so, Include more information about it, such as the features' domain and dimensionality, the data format, and a sample of data. >>
Infrastructure details
- Java Version:
- Scala Version:
- Spark version:
- OS version:
- Cluster mode or local mode?