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File metadata and controls

146 lines (101 loc) · 5.15 KB


刑天基于分布式的Broker设计,将强化学习过程划分LearnerExplorer 两部分。如下图所示,Learner通过broker 获取trajectory数据,用于模型策略的迭代更新;而Explorer 通过Broker 更新探索模型,以及收集探索的轨迹数据。



Algorithm 模块的工作目录为xt/algorithm


  • prepare_data: 数据的准备以及预处理
  • train_ready:检查训练就绪状态
  • update_weights_map:用于更新multi-Agent中各Agent和权重之间的策略关系
  • checkpoint_ready:检查checkpoint的就绪状态
  • predict:前向推理过程
  • save:保存模型
  • restore:恢复模型

用户在xt/algorithm目录下建立新的目标文件夹,在该文件夹下面实现 用户Algorithm继承该基类之后,只需实现prepare_datatrain 接口即可。并通过@Registers.algorithm注册到系统,示例如下。

from xt.algorithm import Algorithm
from zeus.common.util.register import Registers

class NewAlgorithm(Algorithm):
    def train(self):
        # your train processing, to update the weights of models
    def prepare_data(self, train_data, **kwargs):
        # train_data point to the total trajectory of all agents


Model 模块的工作目录为xt/model

Model 模块用于定义深度网络的架构,以执行网络的推理和训练过程。考虑到不同深度学习框架后端的差异,系统抽象了Tensorflow的XtModel 基类,使用Tensorflow 后端的用户可以直接继承该基类;而Pytorch后端用户可以按照传统的深度学习方法继承torch.nn.Module基类,自行实现模型的定义,预测和训练等逻辑。最后通过@Registers.model 注册到系统,示例如下。

import torch
from zeus.common.util.register import Registers

# Pytorch 
class NewPyTorchModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init(self, model_info):
        # init model architecture
    def forward(self, inputs):
        # inference 
# Tensorflow 
# tf_compat cover compactibility among different versions tensorflow
from xt.model.tf_compat import K, Dense, Input, Model, Adam  
from xt.model import XTModel

class NewTFModel(XTModel):
    def create_model(self, model_info):
        # create model architecture
    def train(self, state, label):
        # train process


Agent 模块负责算法与环境的交互逻辑,并整合multiagent中不同trajectory的数据,其工作目录为xt/Agent。一般情况下,开发者只需继承Agent基类,并实现infer_actionhandle_env_feedback 两个接口即可。

from zeus.common.util.register import Registers
from xt.agent import Agent

class NewAgent(Agent):
    def infer_action(self, state, use_explore):
        Infer an action with the `state`
        :param state:
        :param use_explore: Used True, in train, False in evaluate
        :return: action value
    def handle_env_feedback(self, next_raw_state, reward, done, info, use_explore):
        # do process on the environment's feedback


Environment 模块封装不同环境的差异性,提供兼容Gym 的API形态。开发者只需实现init_env,resetstep 方法。其工作目录为xt/environment

from xt.environment.environment import Environment
from zeus.common.util.register import Registers

class NewEnv(Environment):
    """It encapsulates an openai gym environment."""

    def init_env(self, env_info):
        create a atari environment instance

        :param: the config information of environment.
        :return: the instance of environment

    def reset(self):
        reset the environment, if done is true, must clear obs array

        :return: the observation of gym environment
        return state

    def step(self, action, agent_index=0):
        Run one timestep of the environment's dynamics.
        Accepts an action and returns a tuple (state, reward, done, info).

        :param action: action
        :param agent_index: the index of agent
        :return: state, reward, done, info
        return state, reward, done, info