- author: Yves Vindevogel (vindevoy)
- date: 2020-05-01
- Search widget, with minimal number of characters
- Word(s) based search on all the pages and posts
- Case-insensitive search
- Search results with highlight of the word searched
- Number of occurrences of the searched word(s)
- Author and date of each search result
- Image on top of the page is the image of the first result found
- Uses cache for during search, but does not cache itself
- Exclude pages or posts from the search
- Default settings for items not in the environment files
- Ability to switch of caching (localhost during development)
- Tags are shown on the bottom of the page or post
- Dates are now written in a nicer format
- Better passing on of data through-out the templates
- Commenting in the templates
For more information on this release, see the issues for this milestone:
- author: Yves Vindevogel (vindevoy)
- date: 2020-04-26
- Added a simple re-route script to re-route HTTP to HTTPS. Can be used if you don't want to run behind an NGINX or Apache.
For more information on this release, see the issues for this milestone:
- author: Yves Vindevogel (vindevoy)
- date: 2020-04-25
- Colour of the background for code is now aligned with the colour of the boxes
- Blue border is gone on the buttons on the home page (primary buttons)
- Margin problem on the tags for smaller screens
- No data showing in the version widget on smaller screens
- External links go in a new tab or window
- Tags now also display page x of y
- MIT License is linked to a Wikipedia page
For more information on this release, see the issues for this milestone:
- author: Yves Vindevogel (vindevoy)
- date: 2020-04-25
- Added the code to start with HTTPS instead of HTTP
- CherryBlog.org will run on HTTPS from now on
For more information on this release, see the issues for this milestone:
- author: Yves Vindevogel (vindevoy)
- date: 2020-04-23
- Page caching added, next to the data caching (which remains in place for common data)
- Caching is in a class now
For more information on this release, see the issues for this milestone:
- author: Yves Vindevogel (vindevoy)
- date: 2020-04-17
- Code is now following the Model-View-Controller pattern
- Logging updated for CherryPy and added for CherryBlog
- Updated the caching system, all data is stored in memory
- Server can now run in daemon mode, including user privileges
- Try Except added when reading configuration and content
- Texts are now in I8N directory, for future translations
- Static directories and static files can be served
- Separator is now a setting
- Minor bug fixes
For more information on this release, see the issues for this milestone:
- author: Yves Vindevogel (vindevoy)
- date: 2020-04-11
- Missing top image in the posts archive
- Alignment of the footer for small devices
- Code boxes were not showing nicely
For more information on this release, see the issues for this milestone:
- author: Yves Vindevogel (vindevoy)
- date: 2020-04-11
- Introduction on top of the index page
- Footer menu
- Important news widget
- Version widget
- Categories are now named tags
- H-elements have a slightly different colour now in order to make the text more readable
- Logo added to the top menu and as favicon.ico
- The first post for a tag contributes the image to the top of the page
- Logging is now saved
- Root of the theme and data directory can be parameterized
- Makefile enhancements
- Directory updates
- Blog title is bigger, together with the main menu
For more information on this release, see the issues for this milestone:
- author: Yves Vindevogel (vindevoy)
- date: 2020-04-08
- The layout has changed:
- Menu back to normal size of the original template
- Code is better highlighted, but not yet fantastic
- Number of types of posts is no longer hard coded.
- Renamed the directory site to settings because it makes more sense.
For more information on this release, see the issues for this milestone:
- author: Yves Vindevogel (vindevoy)
- date: 2020-04-08
- The layout has changed a bit:
- Less spacing
- Smaller font
- Top menu now colours correctly the active menu
- History menu item
- A major bug with for instance Facebook was fixed. No longer is adding things on the URL causing the app to crash.
- Links in the uploaded pages yesterday are working.
For more information on this release, see the issues for this milestone:
- author: Yves Vindevogel (vindevoy)
- date: 2020-04-07
- Index page with 3 types of posts:
- Spotlight post (1 on top)
- Highlighted posts (2 below)
- Standard posts (rest)
- Archive of older posts
- Static pages like 'about', 'documentation' and 'credits'
- Categories widget
- Bootstrap tested on smaller devices
Base architecture:
- Written entirely in Python 3
- Theming with Jinja 2
- Bootstrap template
- Content written in Markdown
- Settings in YAML
- Multi-environment using YAML
For more information on this release, see the issues for this milestone: