Client and Server to serve a website that creates a user-based file server.
React/Redux frontend, to serve a simple webpage, and a Java JAX-RS based REST interface to serve the content and run on the local machine.
Current testing uses apache tomcat to deploy on local computer and service.
Essentially this will be a privatized Google Drive / Dropbox replacement that can run on a local server and act as a backup of important content.
The details are TBD, but looking for the following functionality:
- Browse files
- Download files
- Upload files
- Preview files / thumbnail / in-browser viewing experience.
- User-specific access rights
- File sharing
- More to come as I think of them :)
Setup Instructions (~ 5 minutes)
- Check and change the values to something appropriate!
- Get instance of Tomcat (version 8+ required)
- Deploy exploded war file to /webapps//
- I personally used IntelliJ and just set it to create exploded war with all the dependencies under the server directory.
- Copy web.xml and rewrite.config into /webapps//WEB-INF
- Copy context.xml into a new folder named /webapps//META-INF
- Run npm install in /client
- In package.json, configure the output directory for the COPY command to /webapps/
- Run npm run build-and-copy -> This will build the client-side code into a 'static' folder under the tomcat app
- Now you can start Tomcat -> /bin, run catalina start. Make sure JRE_HOME is set.
By default, the server will be hosted on port 8080.