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webpack powered boilerplate aiming to get you up and running with core web technologies in no time.

Why Starter Pack?

✔️ I want a simple local server to process my HTML, CSS and JavaScript files and not have to worry about IDE/code editor plugin configuration.

Just type npm start into your console once you've installed all the dependencies and all the changes in your code will update automatically in the browser.

✔️ I want Sass and tailwindcss support out of the box.

Industry standard and a new kid on the block. Mix and match, either/or or don't use them at all.

✔️ I want to generate production-ready assets once I'm done with the changes.

Type npm run build into your console once you've installed all the dependencies and you're ready to host your web app!

✔️ I want to be able to edit project config files and get help if I'm stuck.

Even though webpack has somewhat steeper learning curve than comparable technologies, there are more than plenty of resources online to help you out if you hit a roadblock.

Ideal for:

👍️ Creating small web apps: one-pagers, portfolios, blogs, doc pages etc.

👍️ Learning and experimenting.

👍️ Starting small:

If the words BEM, 7.1, partials and modules don't ring a bell, start with one 1 HTML, 1 CSS and 1 JS file and slowly modularize your project as it grows bigger.


  • Development server with parallel and compilation, prefixing, minification and optimization
  • Unused CSS classes removal with PurgeCSS
  • JavaScript transpiling, polyfilling, bundling, optimization and minification
  • Asset optimization
  • Cache busting
  • PostCSS plugin support

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Navigate to project root
cd starter-pack
  1. Reinitialize git repository (skip if you want to create a pull request)
rm -rf .git && git init
  1. Install dependencies from package.json
npm install

That's it! 🙌

Up and Running

You are now ready to spin up a local development server and generate production assets.

1. Run the development server ⚙

npm start

2. Generate production-ready files 🚀

npm run build

Development server


  • Automatic recompilation and page reloading on file changes

  • Source maps

  • / CSS processing

    Entry point: main.css

    At build time, Tailwind will generate classes based on supplied @tailwind directives in main.css file located at the project root. It will also search for tailwind.config.js where you can define your customizations.

    To learn more about customizing Tailwind, refer to the official documentation.

    If you want to add some custom CSS quickly, simply put it after all Tailwind directives in the main.css file.

    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;
    .custom-css {
      border: 1px solid red;

    Note: If you choose not to use any of the Tailwind's classes, no further action is needed. All unused CSS classes will be removed in the production build.

  • processing

    Entry point: main.scss

    Where this approach especially excels is when working with transitions, animations, CSS grid and other CSS features that can be configured in a more intuitive way in Sass.

    You can treat them as two independent entities or mix and match depending on your personal preference or project setup.


    Extract Tailwind classes into BEM-like components for reusability and easier maintenance

    .card {
      @apply rounded-lg bg-backgroundColor-100 shadow-elevate overflow-hidden;
      &__title {
        @apply block text-3xl pb-6 font-display font-bold text-fontColor-300;
      &__description {
        @apply pb-8 text-left text-fontColor-100;

Build process tasks



  • Remove comments and collapse whitespace
  • Copy all *.html files from src/ to dist/

Stylesheets (CSS/SCSS/SASS)


After being processed, all stylesheets are merged into a single CSS file.

  • Generate Tailwind classes based on main.css and tailwind.config.js.
  • Compile Sass into CSS
  • Analyze HTML files against stylesheets with PurgeCSS and remove unused classes
  • Add vendor prefixes
  • Optimize and minimize
  • Extract to main-[contentHash].css
  • Link the stylesheet to all *.htmlfiles

PostCSS plugin chain

plugins: [
   content: ['./src/*.html'],
   defaultExtractor: content => content.match(/[\w-/:]+(?<!:)/g) || [],
         //exclude all classes that are being added dynamically with JavaScript
         whitelist: ['tab-underline', 'rotate-180', 'text-gray-900']
   preset: 'default'



After being processed, all scripts are bundled into a single JS file.

  • Transpile and polyfill through Babel
  • Optimize and minimize
  • Bundle into bundle-[contentHash].js
  • Link the script to all *.html files



All assets are processed with image-webpack-loader which comes bundled with optimizers for JPEG, PNG, SVG and GIF images.


loader: 'image-webpack-loader',
options: {
  mozjpeg: {
    progressive: true,
    quality: 65
  // optipng.enabled: false will disable optipng
  optipng: {
    enabled: false,
  pngquant: {
    quality: '65-90',
    speed: 4
  gifsicle: {
    interlaced: false,
  // the webp option will enable WEBP
  webp: {
    quality: 75


  • Incorporate PurgeCSS into the workflow
  • Review both dev and prod configuration
  • Improve documentation