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Correlation Plot: regression line #255
set to low-priority as it isn't a blocker for now to needing to tag and release. |
To add more context: Steps to reproduce:
For convenience, here is the error
Acceptance Criteria
@npaszty |
@donyunardi |
Hey, the code that reproduces the issue, so it's simpler for the person handling the issue (note that between library(shiny)
`%make_label%` <- function(lhv, label) {
attr(lhv, "label") <- label
`%keep_label%` <- function(lhv, rhv) {
attributes(lhv) <- attributes(rhv)
ADSL <- radsl(seed = 1)
ADLB <- radlb(ADSL, seed = 1)
exclude_l2 <- c("")
exclude_chg <- c("")
arm_mapping <- list(`A: Drug X` = "Drug X 100mg", `C: Combination` = "Combination 100mg", `B: Placebo` = "Placebo")
ADSL <- ADSL %>% filter(ITTFL == "Y") %>% mutate(TRTORD = case_when(TRT01P == "A: Drug X" ~ 1, TRT01P == "C: Combination" ~ 2, TRT01P == "B: Placebo" ~ 3, TRUE ~ as.numeric(NA)), TRTORD = TRTORD %make_label% "Treatment Order", TRT01P = as.character(arm_mapping[match(TRT01P, names(arm_mapping))]), TRT01P = factor(ARM) %>% reorder(TRTORD), TRT01P = TRT01P %make_label% "Planned Treatment for Period 01")
char_vars_adsl <- names(Filter(isTRUE, sapply(ADSL, is.character)))
ADSL <- ADSL %>% mutate_at(char_vars_adsl, factor)
ADLB_SUBSET <- ADLB %>% filter(!is.na(AVAL)) %>% filter(ITTFL == "Y" & toupper(AVISIT) %like any% c("SCREEN%", "BASE%", "%WEEK%", "%FOLLOW%")) %>% select(c("STUDYID", "USUBJID", "ITTFL", "ARM", "ARMCD", "ACTARM", "ACTARMCD", "TRT01P", "TRT01A", "AVISIT", "AVISITN", "ADY", "PARAM", "PARAMCD", "AVAL", "AVALU", "BASE", "CHG", "PCHG", "ANRLO", "ANRHI", "LBSTRESC", "SEX", "RACE", "LOQFL")) %>% mutate(AVISITCD = case_when(toupper(AVISIT) == "SCREENING" ~ "SCR", toupper(AVISIT) == "BASELINE" ~ "BL", grepl("WEEK",
toupper(AVISIT)) ~ paste("W", trimws(substr(AVISIT, start = 6, stop = stringr::str_locate(AVISIT, "DAY") - 1))), grepl("FOLLOW", toupper(AVISIT)) ~ "FU", TRUE ~ as.character(NA)), AVISITCDN = case_when(AVISITCD == "SCR" ~ -2, AVISITCD == "BL" ~ 0, grepl("W", AVISITCD) ~ as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9]+", "", AVISITCD)) * 7, AVISITCD == "FU" ~ 100, TRUE ~ as.numeric(NA)), TRTORD = case_when(TRT01P == "A: Drug X" ~ 1, TRT01P == "C: Combination" ~ 2, TRT01P == "B: Placebo" ~ 3, TRUE ~ as.numeric(NA)), LOQFL = if_else(as.character(LOQFL) ==
"Y", as.character(LOQFL), "N"), BASE2 = NA, CHG2 = NA, PCHG2 = NA) %>% rowwise() %>% group_by(PARAMCD) %>% mutate(LBSTRESC = ifelse(USUBJID %in% sample(USUBJID, 1, replace = TRUE), paste("<", round(runif(1, min = 25, max = 30))), LBSTRESC)) %>% mutate(LBSTRESC = ifelse(USUBJID %in% sample(USUBJID, 1, replace = TRUE), paste(">", round(runif(1, min = 70, max = 75))), LBSTRESC)) %>% ungroup()
attr(ADLB_SUBSET[["LBSTRESC"]], "label") <- "Character Result/Finding in Std Format"
attr(ADLB_SUBSET[["ANRLO"]], "label") <- "Analysis Normal Range Lower Limit"
attr(ADLB_SUBSET[["ANRHI"]], "label") <- "Analysis Normal Range Upper Limit"
PARAM_MINS <- ADLB_SUBSET %>% select(USUBJID, PARAMCD, AVAL) %>% group_by(PARAMCD) %>% summarise(AVAL_MIN = min(AVAL, na.rm = TRUE), .groups = "drop") %>% mutate(PARAMCD = PARAMCD %make_label% "Parameter Code")
ADLB_SUPED1 <- ADLB_SUBSET %>% mutate(BASE2 = ifelse(toupper(AVISIT) == "SCREENING" & is.na(BASE2), AVAL, BASE2) %keep_label% BASE2) %>% mutate(CHG2 = ifelse(toupper(AVISIT) == "SCREENING" & is.na(CHG2), 0, CHG2) %keep_label% CHG2) %>% mutate(PCHG2 = ifelse(toupper(AVISIT) == "SCREENING" & is.na(PCHG2), 0, PCHG2) %keep_label% PCHG2) %>% mutate(BASE = ifelse(toupper(AVISIT) == "BASELINE" & is.na(BASE), AVAL, BASE) %keep_label% BASE) %>% mutate(CHG = ifelse(toupper(AVISIT) == "BASELINE" & is.na(CHG),
0, CHG) %keep_label% CHG) %>% mutate(PCHG = ifelse(toupper(AVISIT) == "BASELINE" & is.na(PCHG), 0, PCHG) %keep_label% PCHG) %>% mutate(TRTORD = TRTORD %make_label% "Treatment Order")
ADLB_SUPED2 <- inner_join(PARAM_MINS, ADLB_SUPED1, by = "PARAMCD")[, union(names(ADLB_SUPED1), names(PARAM_MINS))] %>% mutate(AVALL2 = ifelse(PARAMCD %in% exclude_l2, AVAL, ifelse(PARAMCD %in% exclude_chg, NA, ifelse(AVAL == 0 & AVAL_MIN > 0, log2(AVAL_MIN/2), ifelse(AVAL == 0 & AVAL_MIN <= 0, NA, ifelse(AVAL > 0, log2(AVAL), NA))))) %make_label% "Log2 of AVAL") %>% mutate(BASEL2 = ifelse(PARAMCD %in% exclude_l2, BASE, ifelse(PARAMCD %in% exclude_chg, NA, ifelse(BASE == 0 & AVAL_MIN > 0, log2(AVAL_MIN/2),
ifelse(BASE == 0 & AVAL_MIN <= 0, NA, ifelse(BASE > 0, log2(BASE), NA))))) %make_label% "Log2 of BASE") %>% mutate(BASE2L2 = ifelse(PARAMCD %in% exclude_l2, BASE2, ifelse(PARAMCD %in% exclude_chg, NA, ifelse(BASE2 == 0 & AVAL_MIN > 0, log2(AVAL_MIN/2), ifelse(BASE2 == 0 & AVAL_MIN <= 0, NA, ifelse(BASE2 > 0, log2(BASE2), NA))))) %make_label% "Log2 of BASE2") %>% mutate(AVAL_MIN = AVAL_MIN %make_label% "Minimum AVAL Within PARAMCD")
ADLB <- ADLB_SUPED2 %>% mutate(TRT01P = as.character(arm_mapping[match(TRT01P, names(arm_mapping))]), TRT01P = factor(TRT01P) %>% reorder(TRTORD) %make_label% "Planned Treatment for Period 01", TRT01A = as.character(arm_mapping[match(TRT01A, names(arm_mapping))]), TRT01A = factor(TRT01A) %>% reorder(TRTORD) %make_label% "Actual Treatment for Period 01", LOQFL = LOQFL %make_label% "Limit of Quantification", AVISITCD = factor(AVISITCD) %>% reorder(AVISITCDN) %make_label% "Analysis Visit Window Code",
AVISITCDN = AVISITCDN %make_label% "Analysis Visit Window Code (N)", BASE2 = BASE2 %make_label% "Screening Value", CHG2 = CHG2 %make_label% "Absolute Change from Screening", PCHG2 = PCHG2 %make_label% "Percent Change from Screening")
ADLB_LOQS <- goshawk:::h_identify_loq_values(ADLB, flag_var = "LOQFL")
ADLB <- left_join(ADLB, ADLB_LOQS, by = "PARAM")
# stopifnot(rlang::hash(ADSL) == "6a0d37a2dc4a81d7ff62dd65e4bc324a")
# stopifnot(rlang::hash(ADLB) == "3c8a641b2a2df269fbc095cacf0a4360")
ADLB <- dplyr::inner_join(x = ADLB, y = ADSL[, c("STUDYID", "USUBJID"), drop = FALSE], by = c("STUDYID", "USUBJID"))
ANL <- ADLB %>% dplyr::filter(.data[["PARAMCD"]] %in% union("ALT", "ALT")) %>% dplyr::select(c("USUBJID", "TRT01A", "AVISITCD", "PARAMCD", "PARAM", "CHG", "AVAL", "LOQFL", "LBSTRESC"))
ANL_x <- ANL %>% dplyr::filter(.data[["PARAMCD"]] == "ALT" & !is.na(.data[["CHG"]]))
ANL_x <- dplyr::mutate(ANL_x, LOQFL = "N")
ANL_y <- ANL %>% dplyr::filter(.data[["PARAMCD"]] == "ALT" & !is.na(.data[["AVAL"]]))
ANL_TRANSPOSED <- dplyr::inner_join(ANL_x, ANL_y, by = c("USUBJID", "AVISITCD", "TRT01A"), suffix = c("_ALT", "_ALT"))
ANL_TRANSPOSED <- ANL_TRANSPOSED %>% dplyr::mutate(LOQFL_COMB = case_when(.data[["LOQFL_ALT"]] == "Y" | .data[["LOQFL_ALT"]] == "Y" ~ "Y", .data[["LOQFL_ALT"]] == "N" | .data[["LOQFL_ALT"]] == "N" ~ "N", TRUE ~ "NA"))
attr(ANL_TRANSPOSED[["TRT01A"]], "label") <- attr(ANL[["TRT01A"]], "label")
p <- goshawk::g_correlationplot(
param_var = "PARAMCD",
xaxis_param = "ALT",
xaxis_var = "CHG",
xvar = "CHG_ALT",
yaxis_param = "ALT",
yaxis_var = "AVAL",
yvar = "AVAL_ALT",
trt_group = "TRT01A",
xlim = c(-48, 47),
ylim = c(0, 55),
title_text = "Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement and Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement @ Visits",
xaxis_lab = "Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement CHG Values",
yaxis_lab = "Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement AVAL Values",
color_manual =
c(`Drug X 100mg` = "#1e90ff",
`Combination 100mg` = "#bb9990",
Placebo = "#ffa07a"),
shape_manual = c(N = 1, Y = 2, `NA` = 0),
facet_ncol = 2,
visit_facet = TRUE,
facet = FALSE,
facet_var = "TRT01A",
reg_line = FALSE,
font_size = 12,
dot_size = 1,
reg_text_size = 3,
loq_legend = TRUE,
rotate_xlab = TRUE,
hline_arb = c(10, 30),
hline_arb_label = "arb hori label",
hline_arb_color = c("red", "blue"),
hline_vars = NULL,
hline_vars_colors = character(0),
hline_vars_labels = " - ALT",
vline_arb = c(50, 70),
vline_arb_label = "arb vert A",
vline_arb_color = c("green", "orange"),
vline_vars = NULL,
vline_vars_colors = character(0),
vline_vars_labels = " - ALT"
p_error <- goshawk::g_correlationplot(
param_var = "PARAMCD",
xaxis_param = "ALT",
xaxis_var = "CHG",
xvar = "CHG_ALT",
yaxis_param = "ALT",
yaxis_var = "AVAL",
yvar = "AVAL_ALT",
trt_group = "TRT01A",
xlim = c(-48, 47),
ylim = c(0, 55),
title_text = "Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement and Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement @ Visits",
xaxis_lab = "Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement CHG Values",
yaxis_lab = "Alanine Aminotransferase Measurement AVAL Values",
color_manual =
c(`Drug X 100mg` = "#1e90ff",
`Combination 100mg` = "#bb9990",
Placebo = "#ffa07a"),
shape_manual = c(N = 1, Y = 2, `NA` = 0),
facet_ncol = 2,
visit_facet = TRUE,
facet = FALSE,
facet_var = "TRT01A",
reg_line = TRUE,
font_size = 12,
dot_size = 1,
reg_text_size = 3,
loq_legend = TRUE,
rotate_xlab = TRUE,
hline_arb = c(10, 30),
hline_arb_label = "arb hori label",
hline_arb_color = c("red", "blue"),
hline_vars = NULL,
hline_vars_colors = character(0),
hline_vars_labels = " - ALT",
vline_arb = c(50, 70),
vline_arb_label = "arb vert A",
vline_arb_color = c("green", "orange"),
vline_vars = NULL,
vline_vars_colors = character(0),
vline_vars_labels = " - ALT"
Created a fix for this issue in this PR and assigned @donyunardi for the review #258 |
What happened?
selecting eithr CHG or PCHG for the x-axis biomarker results in error if regression line is included. could not trigger same error from y-axis analysis variable when selecting CHG or PCHG. this is a bug but I don't know what the best approach is since the regression package used is not NEST it's mcr package from CRAN.
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