- Blog - add char to string
- Stack Overflow - check if a string is numeric
- Code Project - need to use toString after using StringBuilder
- TutorialsPoint - character class
- Baeldung - hibernate notnull vs nullable
- W3 Schools - sql null values
- Digital Ocean - hibernate native sql query example
- Java Guides - hibernate native sql queries
- Baeldung - Java DAO Pattern
- Rollbar - unknown format conversion exception
- Spring Docs - AbstractDriverBasedDataSource
- Stack Overflow - jbdc template query where first letter starts with
- Stack Overflow - using like wildcard in prepared statement
- Mkyong - jdbctemplate querying examples
- Spring Docs - scheduling
- Stack Overflow - create new instance of component in spring boot
- Medium - level up your logging
- Baeldung - spring boot logging
- Baeldung - spring aop
- Spring Docs - aop
- Eclipse - JoinPoint
- Nickolas Fisher - AOP to log all public methods
- Spring Docs - declaring advice
- Stack Overflow - spring 4 join point to get method argument names and values
- Stack Overflow - use aop in spring boot to log method calls and their parameters
- YouTube - Introduction to Xml Data Parsing in Java | How to parse the data from given xml in Java
- Oracle Docs - DocumentBuilder
- Oracle Docs - Stream
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- Android Docs - linear
- Stack Overflow - best way to wait for buttons to be enabled
- Browser Stack - selenium wait for page to load
- Stack Exchange - wait until element is not clickable
- Selenium Docs - webdriver waits
- Github - WaitsTest.java
- YouTube - Selenium WebDriver Tutorial #35 - How to Use Fluent Wait in Selenium
- Stack Overflow - best way to make driver wait until a condition is true
- Geeks for Geeks - array copy in java
- Stack Overflow - chunk an array
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