###Plugin description Plugin converts IPFIX data into JSON format.
###Format Each data set is an array of data records.
"@type": "ipfix.entry",
"ipfix.octetDeltaCount": 3970,
"ipfix.packetDeltaCount": 14,
"ipfix.flowStartMilliseconds": "2015-08-03T14:10:2.012",
"ipfix.flowEndMilliseconds": "2015-08-03T14:11:2.380",
"ipfix.ingressInterface": 2,
"ipfix.ipVersion": 4,
"ipfix.sourceIPv4Address": "",
"ipfix.destinationIPv4Address": "",
"ipfix.ipClassOfService": 0,
"ipfix.ipTTL": 52,
"ipfix.protocolIdentifier": "TCP",
"ipfix.tcpControlBits": ".AP.SF",
"ipfix.sourceTransportPort": 443,
"ipfix.destinationTransportPort": 49285,
"ipfix.egressInterface": 0,
"ipfix.samplingInterval": 0,
"ipfix.samplingAlgorithm": 0
Default plugin configuration in internalcfg.xml
Or as ipfixconf
Plugin type Name/Format Process/Thread File
storage json json /usr/share/ipfixcol/plugins/ipfixcol-json-output.so
Here is an example of configuration in startup.xml:
<name>JSON storage plugin</name>
- metadata - Add record metadata to the output (yes/no) [default == no].
- tcpFlags - Convert TCP flags to formated style of dots and letters (formated) or to a number (raw) [default == raw].
- timestamp - Convert time to formated style (formated) or to a number (unix) [default == unix].
- protocol - Convert protocol identification to formated style (formated) or to a number (raw) [default == formated].
- ignoreUnknown - Skip elements with unknown semantics (yes/no). Data of unknown elements are formated as unsigned integer (1, 2, 4, 8 bytes length) or binary values. Names will have format 'eXXidYY' where XX is enterprise number and YY is element ID [default == yes].
- output - Specifies JSON data processor. Multiple outputs are supported.
- type - Output type. print, send, file and server are supported.
- output : print - Writes data to the standard output.
- output : send - Sends data over the network.
- ip - IPv4/IPv6 address of remote host (default
- port - Remote port number (default 4739)
- protocol - Connection protocol, one of UDP/TCP/SCTP (default UDP). This field is case insensitive.
- output : file - Store data to files.
- path - The path specifies storage directory for data collected by JSON plugin. Path can contain format specifier for day, month, etc. This allows you to create directory hierarchy based on format specifiers. See "strftime" for conversion specification.
- prefix - Specifies name prefix for output files.
- dumpInterval
- timeWindow - Specifies the time interval in seconds to rotate files [default == 300].
- timeAlignment - Align file rotation with next N minute interval [default == yes].
- output : server - Sends data over the network to connected clients.
- port - Local port number.
- blocking - Type of the connection. Blocking (yes) or non-blocking (no).