A bravo live streaming service powered by nginx-rtmp-module.
H264/AAC support, H265 is on the road.
GOP Cache/HLS VOD features
Support Socket Sharding feature that to improve load balance (RTMP reuseport)
cd to NGINX source directory & run this:
./configure --add-module=/path/to/BLSS
make install
app - should match one of application {} blocks in config
name - interpreted by each application can be empty
# for multi-worker streaming, we support off|hash|all option, default is off.
worker_processes 8;
relay_stream hash;
rtmp {
log_format bw_in '[$time_local] pid:$pid sid:$sid slot:$slot service:$service vhost:$vhost app:$app name:$name remote_addr:$remote_addr proto:$proto rtype:$rtype event:$event bw_in_video_kb:$bw_in_video_kb bw_in_audio_kb:$bw_in_audio_kb bw_in_real_kb:$bw_in_real_kb bw_in_exp_kb:$bw_in_exp_kb bw_in_diff_kb:$bw_in_diff_kb last_audio_ts:$last_audio_ts last_video_ts:$last_video_ts last_av_ts_diff:$last_av_ts_diff audio_ts_min:$audio_ts_min audio_ts_max:$audio_ts_max audio_ts_diff:$audio_ts_diff video_ts_min:$video_ts_min video_ts_max:$video_ts_max video_ts_diff:$video_ts_diff last_video_cts:$last_video_cts bw_in_total_diff_kb:$bw_in_total_diff_kb bw_in_video_exp_kb:$bw_in_video_exp_kb bw_in_audio_exp_kb:$bw_in_audio_exp_kb';
log_format bw_out '[$time_local] pid:$pid sid:$sid slot:$slot service:$service vhost:$vhost app:$app name:$name remote_addr:$remote_addr proto:$proto rtype:$rtype event:$event bw_out_kb:$bw_out_kb bw_out_buf_kb:$bw_out_buf_kb last_audio_ts:$last_audio_ts last_video_ts:$last_video_ts last_av_ts_diff:$last_av_ts_diff audio_ts_min:$audio_ts_min audio_ts_max:$audio_ts_max audio_ts_diff:$audio_ts_diff video_ts_min:$video_ts_min video_ts_max:$video_ts_max video_ts_diff:$video_ts_diff';
access_log /data/logs/blss/rtmp_sla.log bw_in bw_out;
server {
listen 1935 reuseport;
service cctv {
# supported wildcards: "*.example.com", ".example.com", and "www.example.*"
hostname pub rtmp *.pub.rtmp.cctv;
hostname sub rtmp *.sub.rtmp.cctv;
hostname sub http_flv *.sub.httpflv.cctv;
application news {
live on;
http_flv on;
gop_cache on;
hls on;
hls_fragment 10s;
hls_playlist_length 30s;
application sports {
hls on;
hls_fragment 1m;
hls_playlist_length 3m;
service hunantv {
hostname pub rtmp *.pub.rtmp.hunantv;
hostname sub rtmp *.sub.rtmp.hunantv;
application show {
live on;
http_flv on;
gop_cache on;
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
access_log logs/http_sla.log main;
keepalive_timeout 60;
server {
listen 8080 reuseport;
listen 80 reuseport;
location / {
http_flv on;
hls on;
root /dev/shm;
types {
application/vnd.apple.mpegurl m3u8;
video/mp2t ts;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;