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File metadata and controls

151 lines (94 loc) · 8.59 KB

Collections, catalogs and items

The aim of resto is to store spatiotemporal items. These items are stored within collections. Each item must belong to one and only one collection. Usually a collection is made of homogeneous items (e.g. the Sentinel-2 collection contains Sentinel-2 images).

However, the collection->item can be restrictive. Thus, items can also be linked to catalogs. A catalog is a simple, flexible JSON file of links that provides a structure to organize and browse items. For instance the "Flood in the South of France 2019-11" catalog could contains items that are related to this event but coming from very different collections

Collections and catalogs



A collection must have a unique id.

Eventually, it can contain an array of aliases (see ./examples/collections/L8.json for instance). These aliases are alternate names to the collection id. Thus {collectionId} value in /collections/{collectionId}/* endpoints can use the original collection id or one of its aliases.

Note that id and aliases must be unique in the database. As a consequence, you cannot create a new collection or set an alias to an existing collection that as the same value of one of the aliases of an existing collection.

Add a collection

To add a collection using the default ADMIN_USER_NAME and ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD (see config.env) :

    # POST a dummy collection
    curl -X POST -d@examples/collections/DummyCollection.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/collections"

Then get the collections list :

    curl "http://localhost:5252/collections"

Note: Any user with the "createCollection" right can create a collection (see rights)

Update a collection

To update a collection

    # UPDATE dummy collection
    curl -X PUT -d@examples/collections/DummyCollection_update.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/collections/DummyCollection"

Then get the collections list :

Ingest an item

To ingest an item using the default ADMIN_USER_NAME and ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD (see config.env) :

    # POST a dummy item inside the S2 collection
    curl -X POST -d@examples/items/S2A_MSIL1C_20190611T160901_N0207_R140_T23XMD_20190611T193040.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/collections/S2/items"

    # Update a dummy item inside the S2 collection
    curl -X PUT -d@examples/items/S2A_MSIL1C_20190611T160901_N0207_R140_T23XMD_20190611T193040_update.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/collections/S2/items/S2A_MSIL1C_20190611T160901_N0207_R140_T23XMD_20190611T193040"

Then get the item :

    curl "http://localhost:5252/collections/S2/items/S2A_MSIL1C_20190611T160901_N0207_R140_T23XMD_20190611T193040"

Note: Any user with the "createFeature" right can insert an item to a collection he owns (see rights)


Add a catalog

    # Create a catalog - user with the "createCatalog" right can create a catalog 
    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalog.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs"

Invalid catalog

    # A catalog at the root level cannot be named "collections" because it is a reserved catalog name
    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/invalidCatalogInRoot.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs"

Add a catalog under an existing catalog

[IMPORTANT] You cannot create a catalog with childs in links because a child cannot exist before its parent. The good way is to create an empty catalog then add its childs through the POST API # This will raise an error because the catalog references childs that do not exist. curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogWithChilds_invalid.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs"

    # Good way: ingest parent without childs then add childs under parent
    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogWithChilds_valid.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs"
    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogChild1.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalogWithChilds"
    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogChild2.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalogWithChilds"

Add a collection under an existing catalog

    curl -X POST -d@examples/collections/DummyCollection.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalogWithChilds"

Add a catalog under an existing catalog that cycle on itself

    # The catalog dummyCatalogCycling is posted under /catalogs/dummyCatalogChild1 but reference one of this
    # parent as a child which is forbiden
    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogChild1.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalog"
    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogChildOfChild1.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalog/dummyCatalogChild1"
    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogCycling.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalog/dummyCatalogChild1"

Add a catalog with item

    # The catalog dummyCatalogWithItem is posted under /catalogs/dummyCatalogWithChilds/dummyCatalogChild1
    # It references :
    #   * a local item that is added to catalog_feature table
    #   * an external item that is kept as referenced within the links column in catalog table

    # First POST the item because it should exist before referencing it within the catalog
    curl -X POST -d@examples/items/dummySargasse.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/collections/DummyCollection/items"

    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogWithItem.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalogWithChilds/dummyCatalogChild1"

Update a catalog

    # Update a catalog - user with the "updateCatalog" right can update a catalog he owns

    curl -X PUT -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogWithItem_update.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalogWithChilds/dummyCatalogChild1"

Update a catalog that has already childs

    # First post 2 catalogs under dummyCatalog 
    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogChild1.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalog"
    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogChild2.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalog"
    # Update dummyCatalog removing one catalog in the links will return an HTTP error because it would remove existing child
    curl -X PUT -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalog_update.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalog"
    # Use _force flag to force links update
    curl -X PUT -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalog_update.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalog?_force=1"

Update a catalog changing everything except links

    # If the links property is not set, then existing links will not be affected

Delete a catalog

    # Delete a catalog - user with the "deleteCatalog" right can delete a catalog he owns
    # This will return an HTTP error because the catalog contains child and removing it would remove childs
    curl -X DELETE "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalog"

    # Use _force flag to force deletion
    curl -X DELETE "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs/dummyCatalog?_force=1"


    # Create a dummy collection
    curl -X POST -d@examples/collections/DummyCollection.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/collections"

    # Add 4 dummy items
    curl -X POST -d@examples/items/dummy1.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/collections/DummyCollection/items"
    curl -X POST -d@examples/items/dummy2.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/collections/DummyCollection/items"
    curl -X POST -d@examples/items/dummy3.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/collections/DummyCollection/items"
    curl -X POST -d@examples/items/dummy4.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/collections/DummyCollection/items"

    # POST a dummyCatalogWithItems catalog referencing 2 dummy items
    curl -X POST -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogWith2Items.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs"

    # PUT the catalog by referencing 4 dummy items
    curl -X PUT -d@examples/catalogs/dummyCatalogWith4Items.json "http://admin:admin@localhost:5252/catalogs"