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[1] "Session information:"
R.version :
x86_64-w64-mingw32 x86_64 mingw32 ucrt x86_64, mingw32 4 3.2 2023 10 31 85441 R R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31 ucrt) Eye Holes
platform :
x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
locale :
tzone :
tzcode_type :
running :
Windows 10 x64 (build 19044)
RNGkind :
Mersenne-Twister Inversion Rejection
basePkgs :
stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
otherPkgs :
list(Package = "groundhog", Title = "Version-Control for CRAN, GitHub, and GitLab Packages", Version = "3.1.2", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(given = \"Uri\",\n family = \"Simonsohn\",\n role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n email = \"[email protected]\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-8601-7211\")),\n person(given = \"Hugo\",\n family = \"Gruson\",\n role = c(\"ctb\", \"aut\"),\n email = \"[email protected]\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4094-1476\"))\n )",
Description = "Make R scripts reproducible, by ensuring that\n every time a given script is run, the same version of the used packages are\n loaded (instead of whichever version the user running the script happens to\n have installed). This is achieved by using the command\n groundhog.library() instead of the base command library(), and including a\n date in the call. The date is used to call on the same version of the\n package every time (the most recent version available at that date).\n Load packages from CRAN, GitHub, or Gitlab.",
URL = "https://groundhogr.com/,\nhttps://github.com/CredibilityLab/groundhog", BugReports = "https://github.com/CredibilityLab/groundhog/issues", Depends = "utils", Imports = "methods", Suggests = "git2r, remotes", License = "GPL-3", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-10-13 04:40:47 UTC; _sohn", Author = "Uri Simonsohn [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8601-7211>),\n Hugo Gruson [ctb, aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4094-1476>)", Maintainer = "Uri Simonsohn <[email protected]>",
Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-10-13 05:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.2; ; 2023-11-07 01:46:16 UTC; windows") list(Package = "depgraph", Type = "Package", Title = "Plot package dependency graph", Version = "0.1.0", `Authors@R` = "person(\"Frederik\", \"Aust\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4900-788X\"))", Description = "Provides a function to plot the complete dependency graph of an\n R package and helps to cut down on dependencies.", URL = "https://github.com/crsh/depgraph", BugReports = "https://github.com/crsh/depgraph/issues", Imports = "devtools, ggplot2, ggnetwork, grDevices, igraph, miniCRAN",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", Encoding = "UTF-8", LazyData = "true", RoxygenNote = "7.1.1", Suggests = "knitr, rmarkdown", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", RemoteType = "github", RemoteHost = "api.github.com", RemoteRepo = "depgraph", RemoteUsername = "crsh", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "1efa1c8fa86f7d90dc6d173231ddddceb79b4be8", GithubRepo = "depgraph", GithubUsername = "crsh", GithubRef = "HEAD", GithubSHA1 = "1efa1c8fa86f7d90dc6d173231ddddceb79b4be8", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-11-02 12:42:20 UTC; breuerjs",
Author = "Frederik Aust [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4900-788X>)", Maintainer = "Frederik Aust <[email protected]>", Depends = "R (>= 3.5.0)", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-11-02 12:42:21 UTC; windows") list(Package = "emo", Title = "Easily Insert 'Emoji'", Version = "", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Romain\", \"François\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\")), \n person(\"Lucy\", \"D'Agostino McGowan\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\")),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = \"cph\")\n )", Description = "Makes it easy to insert 'emoji' based on either their name\n or a descriptive keyword.",
Depends = "R (>= 2.10)", License = "GPL-3", Encoding = "UTF-8", LazyData = "true", Imports = "stringr, glue (>= 1.3.0), crayon, utils, magrittr, assertthat,\nlubridate, rlang, purrr", RoxygenNote = "", URL = "https://github.com/hadley/emo", BugReports = "https://github.com/hadley/emo/issues", Suggests = "testthat, dplyr", RemoteType = "github", RemoteHost = "api.github.com", RemoteRepo = "emo", RemoteUsername = "hadley", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "3f03b11491ce3d6fc5601e210927eff73bf8e350",
GithubRepo = "emo", GithubUsername = "hadley", GithubRef = "HEAD", GithubSHA1 = "3f03b11491ce3d6fc5601e210927eff73bf8e350", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-10-17 10:39:23 UTC; breuerjs", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre],\n Romain François [aut],\n Lucy D'Agostino McGowan [aut],\n RStudio [cph]", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-17 10:39:23 UTC; windows") list(Type = "Package", Package = "lubridate", Title = "Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier", Version = "1.9.3", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Vitalie\", \"Spinu\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Garrett\", \"Grolemund\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Davis\", \"Vaughan\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Ian\", \"Lyttle\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Imanuel\", \"Costigan\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jason\", \"Law\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Doug\", \"Mitarotonda\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Joseph\", \"Larmarange\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jonathan\", \"Boiser\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Chel Hee\", \"Lee\", role = \"ctb\")\n )",
Maintainer = "Vitalie Spinu <[email protected]>", Description = "Functions to work with date-times and time-spans: fast and\n user friendly parsing of date-time data, extraction and updating of\n components of a date-time (years, months, days, hours, minutes, and\n seconds), algebraic manipulation on date-time and time-span objects.\n The 'lubridate' package has a consistent and memorable syntax that\n makes working with dates easy and fun.", License = "GPL (>= 2)", URL = "https://lubridate.tidyverse.org,\nhttps://github.com/tidyverse/lubridate",
BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/lubridate/issues", Depends = "methods, R (>= 3.2)", Imports = "generics, timechange (>= 0.1.1)", Suggests = "covr, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 2.1.0), vctrs (>= 0.5.0)", Enhances = "chron, data.table, timeDate, tis, zoo", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", LazyData = "true", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", SystemRequirements = "C++11, A system with zoneinfo data (e.g.\n/usr/share/zoneinfo). On Windows the zoneinfo included with R\nis used.",
Collate = "'Dates.r' 'POSIXt.r' 'util.r' 'parse.r' 'timespans.r'\n'intervals.r' 'difftimes.r' 'durations.r' 'periods.r'\n'accessors-date.R' 'accessors-day.r' 'accessors-dst.r'\n'accessors-hour.r' 'accessors-minute.r' 'accessors-month.r'\n'accessors-quarter.r' 'accessors-second.r' 'accessors-tz.r'\n'accessors-week.r' 'accessors-year.r' 'am-pm.r' 'time-zones.r'\n'numeric.r' 'coercion.r' 'constants.r' 'cyclic_encoding.r'\n'data.r' 'decimal-dates.r' 'deprecated.r' 'format_ISO8601.r'\n'guess.r' 'hidden.r' 'instants.r' 'leap-years.r'\n'ops-addition.r' 'ops-compare.r' 'ops-division.r'\n'ops-integer-division.r' 'ops-m+.r' 'ops-modulo.r'\n'ops-multiplication.r' 'ops-subtraction.r' 'package.r'\n'pretty.r' 'round.r' 'stamp.r' 'tzdir.R' 'update.r' 'vctrs.R'\n'zzz.R'",
NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-09-24 18:46:12 UTC; vspinu", Author = "Vitalie Spinu [aut, cre],\n Garrett Grolemund [aut],\n Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Davis Vaughan [ctb],\n Ian Lyttle [ctb],\n Imanuel Costigan [ctb],\n Jason Law [ctb],\n Doug Mitarotonda [ctb],\n Joseph Larmarange [ctb],\n Jonathan Boiser [ctb],\n Chel Hee Lee [ctb]", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-09-27 09:20:06 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:42:58 UTC; windows",
Archs = "x64") list(Package = "forcats", Title = "Tools for Working with Categorical Variables (Factors)", Version = "1.0.0", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "Helpers for reordering factor levels (including moving\n specified levels to front, ordering by first appearance, reversing,\n and randomly shuffling), and tools for modifying factor levels\n (including collapsing rare levels into other, 'anonymising', and\n manually 'recoding').",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://forcats.tidyverse.org/,\nhttps://github.com/tidyverse/forcats", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/forcats/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.4.0), glue, lifecycle, magrittr, rlang (>= 1.0.0),\ntibble", Suggests = "covr, dplyr, ggplot2, knitr, readr, rmarkdown, testthat (>=\n3.0.0), withr", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8",
LazyData = "true", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-01-27 14:11:11 UTC; hadleywickham", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-01-29 22:20:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:20:30 UTC; windows") list(Package = "stringr", Title = "Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations", Version = "1.5.0", `Authors@R` = "\n c(person(given = \"Hadley\",\n family = \"Wickham\",\n role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\", \"cph\"),\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"RStudio\",\n role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")))", Description = "A consistent, simple and easy to use set of wrappers around\n the fantastic 'stringi' package. All function and argument names (and\n positions) are consistent, all functions deal with \"NA\"'s and zero\n length vectors in the same way, and the output from one function is\n easy to feed into the input of another.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://stringr.tidyverse.org,\nhttps://github.com/tidyverse/stringr", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/stringr/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.3)", Imports = "cli, glue (>= 1.6.1), lifecycle (>= 1.0.3), magrittr, rlang\n(>= 1.0.0), stringi (>= 1.5.3), vctrs", Suggests = "covr, htmltools, htmlwidgets, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>=\n3.0.0)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3",
Encoding = "UTF-8", LazyData = "true", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-12-01 20:53:42 UTC; hadleywickham", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre, cph],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-12-02 10:20:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:06:45 UTC; windows") list(Type = "Package", Package = "dplyr", Title = "A Grammar of Data Manipulation", Version = "1.1.3", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4757-117X\")),\n person(\"Romain\", \"François\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-2444-4226\")),\n person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Kirill\", \"Müller\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1416-3412\")),\n person(\"Davis\", \"Vaughan\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4777-038X\")),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like\n objects, both in memory and out of memory.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://dplyr.tidyverse.org, https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.5.0)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.4.0), generics, glue (>= 1.3.2), lifecycle (>=\n1.0.3), magrittr (>= 1.5), methods, pillar (>= 1.9.0), R6,\nrlang (>= 1.1.0), tibble (>= 3.2.0), tidyselect (>= 1.2.0),\nutils, vctrs (>= 0.6.0)",
Suggests = "bench, broom, callr, covr, DBI, dbplyr (>= 2.2.1), ggplot2,\nknitr, Lahman, lobstr, microbenchmark, nycflights13, purrr,\nrmarkdown, RMySQL, RPostgreSQL, RSQLite, stringi (>= 1.7.6),\ntestthat (>= 3.1.5), tidyr (>= 1.3.0), withr", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse, shiny, pkgdown, tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", LazyData = "true", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-08-25 22:28:32 UTC; hadleywickham",
Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4757-117X>),\n Romain François [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2444-4226>),\n Lionel Henry [aut],\n Kirill Müller [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1416-3412>),\n Davis Vaughan [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4777-038X>),\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-09-03 16:20:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.2; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-11-07 03:22:22 UTC; windows",
Archs = "x64") list(Package = "purrr", Title = "Functional Programming Tools", Version = "1.0.2", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4757-117X\")),\n person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "A complete and consistent functional programming toolkit for\n R.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE",
URL = "https://purrr.tidyverse.org/, https://github.com/tidyverse/purrr", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/purrr/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.5.0)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.6.1), lifecycle (>= 1.0.3), magrittr (>= 1.5.0),\nrlang (>= 1.1.1), vctrs (>= 0.6.3)", Suggests = "covr, dplyr (>= 0.7.8), httr, knitr, lubridate, rmarkdown,\ntestthat (>= 3.0.0), tibble, tidyselect", LinkingTo = "cli", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Biarch = "true", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate, tidyr",
`Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-08-08 16:13:31 UTC; hadleywickham", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4757-117X>),\n Lionel Henry [aut],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-10 08:20:07 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 02:06:58 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "readr", Title = "Read Rectangular Text Data", Version = "2.1.4", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Jim\", \"Hester\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Romain\", \"Francois\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jennifer\", \"Bryan\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-6983-2759\")),\n person(\"Shelby\", \"Bearrows\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Posit, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")),\n person(\"https://github.com/mandreyel/\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"mio library\"),\n person(\"Jukka\", \"Jylänki\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"grisu3 implementation\"),\n person(\"Mikkel\", \"Jørgensen\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"grisu3 implementation\")\n )",
Description = "The goal of 'readr' is to provide a fast and friendly way to\n read rectangular data (like 'csv', 'tsv', and 'fwf'). It is designed\n to flexibly parse many types of data found in the wild, while still\n cleanly failing when data unexpectedly changes.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://readr.tidyverse.org, https://github.com/tidyverse/readr", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/readr/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.5)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.2.0), clipr, crayon, hms (>= 0.4.1), lifecycle (>=\n0.2.0), methods, R6, rlang, tibble, utils, vroom (>= 1.6.0)",
Suggests = "covr, curl, datasets, knitr, rmarkdown, spelling, stringi,\ntestthat (>= 3.1.2), tzdb (>= 0.1.1), waldo, withr, xml2", LinkingTo = "cpp11, tzdb (>= 0.1.1)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse, tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/testthat/parallel` = "false", Encoding = "UTF-8", Language = "en-US", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-02-10 00:05:55 UTC; jenny", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Jim Hester [aut],\n Romain Francois [ctb],\n Jennifer Bryan [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6983-2759>),\n Shelby Bearrows [ctb],\n Posit, PBC [cph, fnd],\n https://github.com/mandreyel/ [cph] (mio library),\n Jukka Jylänki [ctb, cph] (grisu3 implementation),\n Mikkel Jørgensen [ctb, cph] (grisu3 implementation)",
Maintainer = "Jennifer Bryan <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-02-10 09:20:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 02:49:59 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "tidyr", Title = "Tidy Messy Data", Version = "1.3.0", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Davis\", \"Vaughan\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Maximilian\", \"Girlich\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Kevin\", \"Ushey\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Posit, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "Tools to help to create tidy data, where each column is a\n variable, each row is an observation, and each cell contains a single\n value. 'tidyr' contains tools for changing the shape (pivoting) and\n hierarchy (nesting and 'unnesting') of a dataset, turning deeply\n nested lists into rectangular data frames ('rectangling'), and\n extracting values out of string columns. It also includes tools for\n working with missing values (both implicit and explicit).",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://tidyr.tidyverse.org, https://github.com/tidyverse/tidyr", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/tidyr/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4.0)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.4.1), dplyr (>= 1.0.10), glue, lifecycle (>= 1.0.3),\nmagrittr, purrr (>= 1.0.1), rlang (>= 1.0.4), stringr (>=\n1.5.0), tibble (>= 2.1.1), tidyselect (>= 1.2.0), utils, vctrs\n(>= 0.5.2)", Suggests = "covr, data.table, knitr, readr, repurrrsive (>= 1.1.0),\nrmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)",
LinkingTo = "cpp11 (>= 0.4.0)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", LazyData = "true", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", SystemRequirements = "C++11", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-01-23 22:21:00 UTC; hadleywickham", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre],\n Davis Vaughan [aut],\n Maximilian Girlich [aut],\n Kevin Ushey [ctb],\n Posit, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>",
Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-01-24 16:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 02:49:59 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "tibble", Title = "Simple Data Frames", Version = "3.2.1", `Authors@R` = "\n c(person(given = \"Kirill\",\n family = \"M\\u00fcller\",\n role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n email = \"[email protected]\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1416-3412\")),\n person(given = \"Hadley\",\n family = \"Wickham\",\n role = \"aut\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Romain\",\n family = \"Francois\",\n role = \"ctb\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Jennifer\",\n family = \"Bryan\",\n role = \"ctb\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"RStudio\",\n role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")))",
Description = "Provides a 'tbl_df' class (the 'tibble') with stricter checking and better formatting than the traditional\n data frame.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://tibble.tidyverse.org/, https://github.com/tidyverse/tibble", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/tibble/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4.0)", Imports = "fansi (>= 0.4.0), lifecycle (>= 1.0.0), magrittr, methods,\npillar (>= 1.8.1), pkgconfig, rlang (>= 1.0.2), utils, vctrs\n(>= 0.4.2)", Suggests = "bench, bit64, blob, brio, callr, cli, covr, crayon (>=\n1.3.4), DiagrammeR, dplyr, evaluate, formattable, ggplot2,\nhere, hms, htmltools, knitr, lubridate, mockr, nycflights13,\npkgbuild, pkgload, purrr, rmarkdown, stringi, testthat (>=\n3.0.2), tidyr, withr",
VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/testthat/parallel` = "true", `Config/testthat/start-first` = "vignette-formats, as_tibble, add,\ninvariants", `Config/autostyle/scope` = "line_breaks", `Config/autostyle/strict` = "true", `Config/autostyle/rmd` = "false", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-03-19 09:23:10 UTC; kirill", Author = "Kirill Müller [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1416-3412>),\n Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Romain Francois [ctb],\n Jennifer Bryan [ctb],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]",
Maintainer = "Kirill Müller <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-03-20 06:30:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-07 02:39:32 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "ggplot2", Version = "3.4.3", Title = "Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4757-117X\")),\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1576-2126\")),\n person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Thomas Lin\", \"Pedersen\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5147-4711\")),\n person(\"Kohske\", \"Takahashi\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Claus\", \"Wilke\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-7470-9261\")),\n person(\"Kara\", \"Woo\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5125-4188\")),\n person(\"Hiroaki\", \"Yutani\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-3385-7233\")),\n person(\"Dewey\", \"Dunnington\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-9415-4582\")),\n person(\"Posit, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "A system for 'declaratively' creating graphics, based on \"The\n Grammar of Graphics\". You provide the data, tell 'ggplot2' how to map\n variables to aesthetics, what graphical primitives to use, and it\n takes care of the details.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org,\nhttps://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.3)", Imports = "cli, glue, grDevices, grid, gtable (>= 0.1.1), isoband,\nlifecycle (> 1.0.1), MASS, mgcv, rlang (>= 1.1.0), scales (>=\n1.2.0), stats, tibble, vctrs (>= 0.5.0), withr (>= 2.5.0)",
Suggests = "covr, dplyr, ggplot2movies, hexbin, Hmisc, knitr, lattice,\nmapproj, maps, maptools, multcomp, munsell, nlme, profvis,\nquantreg, ragg, RColorBrewer, rgeos, rmarkdown, rpart, sf (>=\n0.7-3), svglite (>=, testthat (>= 3.1.2), vdiffr\n(>= 1.0.0), xml2", Enhances = "sp", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "ggtext, tidyr, forcats, tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", LazyData = "true", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Collate = "'ggproto.R' 'ggplot-global.R' 'aaa-.R'\n'aes-colour-fill-alpha.R' 'aes-evaluation.R'\n'aes-group-order.R' 'aes-linetype-size-shape.R'\n'aes-position.R' 'compat-plyr.R' 'utilities.R' 'aes.R'\n'utilities-checks.R' 'legend-draw.R' 'geom-.R'\n'annotation-custom.R' 'annotation-logticks.R' 'geom-polygon.R'\n'geom-map.R' 'annotation-map.R' 'geom-raster.R'\n'annotation-raster.R' 'annotation.R' 'autolayer.R' 'autoplot.R'\n'axis-secondary.R' 'backports.R' 'bench.R' 'bin.R' 'coord-.R'\n'coord-cartesian-.R' 'coord-fixed.R' 'coord-flip.R'\n'coord-map.R' 'coord-munch.R' 'coord-polar.R'\n'coord-quickmap.R' 'coord-sf.R' 'coord-transform.R' 'data.R'\n'facet-.R' 'facet-grid-.R' 'facet-null.R' 'facet-wrap.R'\n'fortify-lm.R' 'fortify-map.R' 'fortify-multcomp.R'\n'fortify-spatial.R' 'fortify.R' 'stat-.R' 'geom-abline.R'\n'geom-rect.R' 'geom-bar.R' 'geom-bin2d.R' 'geom-blank.R'\n'geom-boxplot.R' 'geom-col.R' 'geom-path.R' 'geom-contour.R'\n'geom-count.R' 'geom-crossbar.R' 'geom-segment.R'\n'geom-curve.R' 'geom-defaults.R' 'geom-ribbon.R'\n'geom-density.R' 'geom-density2d.R' 'geom-dotplot.R'\n'geom-errorbar.R' 'geom-errorbarh.R' 'geom-freqpoly.R'\n'geom-function.R' 'geom-hex.R' 'geom-histogram.R'\n'geom-hline.R' 'geom-jitter.R' 'geom-label.R'\n'geom-linerange.R' 'geom-point.R' 'geom-pointrange.R'\n'geom-quantile.R' 'geom-rug.R' 'geom-sf.R' 'geom-smooth.R'\n'geom-spoke.R' 'geom-text.R' 'geom-tile.R' 'geom-violin.R'\n'geom-vline.R' 'ggplot2-package.R' 'grob-absolute.R'\n'grob-dotstack.R' 'grob-null.R' 'grouping.R' 'guide-bins.R'\n'guide-colorbar.R' 'guide-colorsteps.R' 'guide-legend.R'\n'guides-.R' 'guides-axis.R' 'guides-grid.R' 'guides-none.R'\n'hexbin.R' 'import-standalone-obj-type.R'\n'import-standalone-types-check.R' 'labeller.R' 'labels.R'\n'layer.R' 'layer-sf.R' 'layout.R' 'limits.R' 'margins.R'\n'performance.R' 'plot-build.R' 'plot-construction.R'\n'plot-last.R' 'plot.R' 'position-.R' 'position-collide.R'\n'position-dodge.R' 'position-dodge2.R' 'position-identity.R'\n'position-jitter.R' 'position-jitterdodge.R' 'position-nudge.R'\n'position-stack.R' 'quick-plot.R' 'reshape-add-margins.R'\n'save.R' 'scale-.R' 'scale-alpha.R' 'scale-binned.R'\n'scale-brewer.R' 'scale-colour.R' 'scale-continuous.R'\n'scale-date.R' 'scale-discrete-.R' 'scale-expansion.R'\n'scale-gradient.R' 'scale-grey.R' 'scale-hue.R'\n'scale-identity.R' 'scale-linetype.R' 'scale-linewidth.R'\n'scale-manual.R' 'scale-shape.R' 'scale-size.R' 'scale-steps.R'\n'scale-type.R' 'scale-view.R' 'scale-viridis.R' 'scales-.R'\n'stat-align.R' 'stat-bin.R' 'stat-bin2d.R' 'stat-bindot.R'\n'stat-binhex.R' 'stat-boxplot.R' 'stat-contour.R'\n'stat-count.R' 'stat-density-2d.R' 'stat-density.R'\n'stat-ecdf.R' 'stat-ellipse.R' 'stat-function.R'\n'stat-identity.R' 'stat-qq-line.R' 'stat-qq.R'\n'stat-quantilemethods.R' 'stat-sf-coordinates.R' 'stat-sf.R'\n'stat-smooth-methods.R' 'stat-smooth.R' 'stat-sum.R'\n'stat-summary-2d.R' 'stat-summary-bin.R' 'stat-summary-hex.R'\n'stat-summary.R' 'stat-unique.R' 'stat-ydensity.R'\n'summarise-plot.R' 'summary.R' 'theme-elements.R' 'theme.R'\n'theme-defaults.R' 'theme-current.R' 'utilities-break.R'\n'utilities-grid.R' 'utilities-help.R' 'utilities-matrix.R'\n'utilities-resolution.R' 'utilities-table.R'\n'utilities-tidy-eval.R' 'zxx.R' 'zzz.R'",
NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-08-07 18:07:11 UTC; teunv", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4757-117X>),\n Winston Chang [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1576-2126>),\n Lionel Henry [aut],\n Thomas Lin Pedersen [aut, cre]\n (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5147-4711>),\n Kohske Takahashi [aut],\n Claus Wilke [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7470-9261>),\n Kara Woo [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5125-4188>),\n Hiroaki Yutani [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3385-7233>),\n Dewey Dunnington [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9415-4582>),\n Posit, PBC [cph, fnd]",
Maintainer = "Thomas Lin Pedersen <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-14 11:20:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:28:16 UTC; windows") list(Package = "tidyverse", Title = "Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'", Version = "2.0.0", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "The 'tidyverse' is a set of packages that work in harmony\n because they share common data representations and 'API' design. This\n package is designed to make it easy to install and load multiple\n 'tidyverse' packages in a single step. Learn more about the\n 'tidyverse' at <https://www.tidyverse.org>.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://tidyverse.tidyverse.org,\nhttps://github.com/tidyverse/tidyverse", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/tidyverse/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.3)", Imports = "broom (>= 1.0.3), conflicted (>= 1.2.0), cli (>= 3.6.0),\ndbplyr (>= 2.3.0), dplyr (>= 1.1.0), dtplyr (>= 1.2.2), forcats\n(>= 1.0.0), ggplot2 (>= 3.4.1), googledrive (>= 2.0.0),\ngooglesheets4 (>= 1.0.1), haven (>= 2.5.1), hms (>= 1.1.2),\nhttr (>= 1.4.4), jsonlite (>= 1.8.4), lubridate (>= 1.9.2),\nmagrittr (>= 2.0.3), modelr (>= 0.1.10), pillar (>= 1.8.1),\npurrr (>= 1.0.1), ragg (>= 1.2.5), readr (>= 2.1.4), readxl (>=\n1.4.2), reprex (>= 2.0.2), rlang (>= 1.0.6), rstudioapi (>=\n0.14), rvest (>= 1.0.3), stringr (>= 1.5.0), tibble (>= 3.1.8),\ntidyr (>= 1.3.0), xml2 (>= 1.3.3)",
Suggests = "covr (>= 3.6.1), feather (>= 0.3.5), glue (>= 1.6.2), mockr\n(>= 0.2.0), knitr (>= 1.41), rmarkdown (>= 2.20), testthat (>=\n3.1.6)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-02-21 13:20:46 UTC; hadleywickham", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN",
`Date/Publication` = "2023-02-22 09:20:06 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 03:39:54 UTC; windows") list(Package = "knitr", Type = "Package", Title = "A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R", Version = "1.44", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0645-5666\")),\n person(\"Abhraneel\", \"Sarma\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Adam\", \"Vogt\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Alastair\", \"Andrew\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Alex\", \"Zvoleff\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Amar\", \"Al-Zubaidi\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Andre\", \"Simon\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"the CSS files under inst/themes/ were derived from the Highlight package http://www.andre-simon.de\"),\n person(\"Aron\", \"Atkins\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Aaron\", \"Wolen\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Ashley\", \"Manton\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Atsushi\", \"Yasumoto\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-8335-495X\")),\n person(\"Ben\", \"Baumer\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Brian\", \"Diggs\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Brian\", \"Zhang\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Bulat\", \"Yapparov\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Cassio\", \"Pereira\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Christophe\", \"Dervieux\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"David\", \"Hall\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"David\", \"Hugh-Jones\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"David\", \"Robinson\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Doug\", \"Hemken\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Duncan\", \"Murdoch\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Elio\", \"Campitelli\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Ellis\", \"Hughes\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Emily\", \"Riederer\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Fabian\", \"Hirschmann\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Fitch\", \"Simeon\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Forest\", \"Fang\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(c(\"Frank\", \"E\", \"Harrell\", \"Jr\"), role = \"ctb\", comment = \"the Sweavel package at inst/misc/Sweavel.sty\"),\n person(\"Garrick\", \"Aden-Buie\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Gregoire\", \"Detrez\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Hao\", \"Zhu\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Heewon\", \"Jeon\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Henrik\", \"Bengtsson\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Hiroaki\", \"Yutani\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Ian\", \"Lyttle\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Hodges\", \"Daniel\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jacob\", \"Bien\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jake\", \"Burkhead\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"James\", \"Manton\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jared\", \"Lander\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jason\", \"Punyon\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Javier\", \"Luraschi\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jeff\", \"Arnold\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jenny\", \"Bryan\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jeremy\", \"Ashkenas\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"the CSS file at inst/misc/docco-classic.css\"),\n person(\"Jeremy\", \"Stephens\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jim\", \"Hester\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Johannes\", \"Ranke\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"John\", \"Honaker\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"John\", \"Muschelli\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jonathan\", \"Keane\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"JJ\", \"Allaire\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Johan\", \"Toloe\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jonathan\", \"Sidi\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Joseph\", \"Larmarange\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Julien\", \"Barnier\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Kaiyin\", \"Zhong\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Kamil\", \"Slowikowski\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Karl\", \"Forner\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(c(\"Kevin\", \"K.\"), \"Smith\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Kirill\", \"Mueller\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Kohske\", \"Takahashi\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Lorenz\", \"Walthert\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Lucas\", \"Gallindo\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Marius\", \"Hofert\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Martin\", \"Modrák\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Michael\", \"Chirico\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Michael\", \"Friendly\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Michal\", \"Bojanowski\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Michel\", \"Kuhlmann\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Miller\", \"Patrick\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Nacho\", \"Caballero\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Nick\", \"Salkowski\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Niels Richard\", \"Hansen\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Noam\", \"Ross\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Obada\", \"Mahdi\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Pavel N.\", \"Krivitsky\", role = \"ctb\", comment=c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-9101-3362\")),\n person(\"Pedro\", \"Faria\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Qiang\", \"Li\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Ramnath\", \"Vaidyanathan\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Richard\", \"Cotton\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Robert\", \"Krzyzanowski\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Rodrigo\", \"Copetti\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Romain\", \"Francois\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Ruaridh\", \"Williamson\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Sagiru\", \"Mati\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-1413-3974\")),\n person(\"Scott\", \"Kostyshak\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Sebastian\", \"Meyer\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Sietse\", \"Brouwer\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(c(\"Simon\", \"de\"), \"Bernard\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Sylvain\", \"Rousseau\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Taiyun\", \"Wei\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Thibaut\", \"Assus\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Thibaut\", \"Lamadon\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Thomas\", \"Leeper\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Tim\", \"Mastny\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Tom\", \"Torsney-Weir\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Trevor\", \"Davis\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Viktoras\", \"Veitas\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Weicheng\", \"Zhu\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Wush\", \"Wu\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Zachary\", \"Foster\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Zhian N.\", \"Kamvar\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-1458-7108\")),\n person(given = \"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "Provides a general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R\n using Literate Programming techniques.", Depends = "R (>= 3.3.0)", Imports = "evaluate (>= 0.15), highr, methods, tools, xfun (>= 0.39),\nyaml (>= 2.1.19)", Suggests = "bslib, codetools, DBI (>= 0.4-1), digest, formatR, gifski,\ngridSVG, htmlwidgets (>= 0.7), curl, jpeg, JuliaCall (>=\n0.11.1), magick, markdown (>= 1.3), png, ragg, reticulate (>=\n1.4), rgl (>= 0.95.1201), rlang, rmarkdown, sass, showtext,\nstyler (>= 1.2.0), targets (>= 0.6.0), testit, tibble,\ntikzDevice (>= 0.10), tinytex (>= 0.46), webshot, rstudioapi,\nsvglite, xml2 (>= 1.2.0)",
License = "GPL", URL = "https://yihui.org/knitr/", BugReports = "https://github.com/yihui/knitr/issues", Encoding = "UTF-8", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", SystemRequirements = "Package vignettes based on R Markdown v2 or\nreStructuredText require Pandoc (http://pandoc.org). The\nfunction rst2pdf() requires rst2pdf\n(https://github.com/rst2pdf/rst2pdf).", Collate = "'block.R' 'cache.R' 'utils.R' 'citation.R' 'hooks-html.R'\n'plot.R' 'defaults.R' 'concordance.R' 'engine.R' 'highlight.R'\n'themes.R' 'header.R' 'hooks-asciidoc.R' 'hooks-chunk.R'\n'hooks-extra.R' 'hooks-latex.R' 'hooks-md.R' 'hooks-rst.R'\n'hooks-textile.R' 'hooks.R' 'output.R' 'package.R' 'pandoc.R'\n'params.R' 'parser.R' 'pattern.R' 'rocco.R' 'spin.R' 'table.R'\n'template.R' 'utils-conversion.R' 'utils-rd2html.R'\n'utils-string.R' 'utils-sweave.R' 'utils-upload.R'\n'utils-vignettes.R' 'zzz.R'",
RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-09-08 19:55:48 UTC; yihui", Author = "Yihui Xie [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0645-5666>),\n Abhraneel Sarma [ctb],\n Adam Vogt [ctb],\n Alastair Andrew [ctb],\n Alex Zvoleff [ctb],\n Amar Al-Zubaidi [ctb],\n Andre Simon [ctb] (the CSS files under inst/themes/ were derived from\n the Highlight package http://www.andre-simon.de),\n Aron Atkins [ctb],\n Aaron Wolen [ctb],\n Ashley Manton [ctb],\n Atsushi Yasumoto [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8335-495X>),\n Ben Baumer [ctb],\n Brian Diggs [ctb],\n Brian Zhang [ctb],\n Bulat Yapparov [ctb],\n Cassio Pereira [ctb],\n Christophe Dervieux [ctb],\n David Hall [ctb],\n David Hugh-Jones [ctb],\n David Robinson [ctb],\n Doug Hemken [ctb],\n Duncan Murdoch [ctb],\n Elio Campitelli [ctb],\n Ellis Hughes [ctb],\n Emily Riederer [ctb],\n Fabian Hirschmann [ctb],\n Fitch Simeon [ctb],\n Forest Fang [ctb],\n Frank E Harrell Jr [ctb] (the Sweavel package at inst/misc/Sweavel.sty),\n Garrick Aden-Buie [ctb],\n Gregoire Detrez [ctb],\n Hadley Wickham [ctb],\n Hao Zhu [ctb],\n Heewon Jeon [ctb],\n Henrik Bengtsson [ctb],\n Hiroaki Yutani [ctb],\n Ian Lyttle [ctb],\n Hodges Daniel [ctb],\n Jacob Bien [ctb],\n Jake Burkhead [ctb],\n James Manton [ctb],\n Jared Lander [ctb],\n Jason Punyon [ctb],\n Javier Luraschi [ctb],\n Jeff Arnold [ctb],\n Jenny Bryan [ctb],\n Jeremy Ashkenas [ctb, cph] (the CSS file at\n inst/misc/docco-classic.css),\n Jeremy Stephens [ctb],\n Jim Hester [ctb],\n Joe Cheng [ctb],\n Johannes Ranke [ctb],\n John Honaker [ctb],\n John Muschelli [ctb],\n Jonathan Keane [ctb],\n JJ Allaire [ctb],\n Johan Toloe [ctb],\n Jonathan Sidi [ctb],\n Joseph Larmarange [ctb],\n Julien Barnier [ctb],\n Kaiyin Zhong [ctb],\n Kamil Slowikowski [ctb],\n Karl Forner [ctb],\n Kevin K. Smith [ctb],\n Kirill Mueller [ctb],\n Kohske Takahashi [ctb],\n Lorenz Walthert [ctb],\n Lucas Gallindo [ctb],\n Marius Hofert [ctb],\n Martin Modrák [ctb],\n Michael Chirico [ctb],\n Michael Friendly [ctb],\n Michal Bojanowski [ctb],\n Michel Kuhlmann [ctb],\n Miller Patrick [ctb],\n Nacho Caballero [ctb],\n Nick Salkowski [ctb],\n Niels Richard Hansen [ctb],\n Noam Ross [ctb],\n Obada Mahdi [ctb],\n Pavel N. Krivitsky [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9101-3362>),\n Pedro Faria [ctb],\n Qiang Li [ctb],\n Ramnath Vaidyanathan [ctb],\n Richard Cotton [ctb],\n Robert Krzyzanowski [ctb],\n Rodrigo Copetti [ctb],\n Romain Francois [ctb],\n Ruaridh Williamson [ctb],\n Sagiru Mati [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1413-3974>),\n Scott Kostyshak [ctb],\n Sebastian Meyer [ctb],\n Sietse Brouwer [ctb],\n Simon de Bernard [ctb],\n Sylvain Rousseau [ctb],\n Taiyun Wei [ctb],\n Thibaut Assus [ctb],\n Thibaut Lamadon [ctb],\n Thomas Leeper [ctb],\n Tim Mastny [ctb],\n Tom Torsney-Weir [ctb],\n Trevor Davis [ctb],\n Viktoras Veitas [ctb],\n Weicheng Zhu [ctb],\n Wush Wu [ctb],\n Zachary Foster [ctb],\n Zhian N. Kamvar [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1458-7108>),\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
Maintainer = "Yihui Xie <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-09-11 17:20:19 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 01:43:12 UTC; windows")
loadedOnly :
list(Package = "remotes", Title = "R Package Installation from Remote Repositories, Including\n'GitHub'", Version = "", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Jim\", \"Hester\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = c(\"aut\")),\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = \"cph\"),\n person(\"Martin\", \"Morgan\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Dan\", \"Tenenbaum\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Mango Solutions\", role = \"cph\")\n )",
Description = "Download and install R packages stored in 'GitHub', 'GitLab', \n 'Bitbucket', 'Bioconductor', or plain 'subversion' or 'git' repositories. \n This package provides the 'install_*' functions in 'devtools'. Indeed most \n of the code was copied over from 'devtools'.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://remotes.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/remotes#readme", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/remotes/issues", Imports = "methods, stats, tools, utils",
Suggests = "brew, callr, codetools, curl, covr, git2r (>= 0.23.0), knitr,\nmockery, pkgbuild (>= 1.0.1), pingr, rmarkdown, rprojroot,\ntestthat, webfakes, withr", Depends = "R (>= 3.0.0)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", RoxygenNote = "7.1.2", SystemRequirements = "Subversion for install_svn, git for install_git", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-07-18 12:27:30 UTC; hornik", Author = "Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre],\n Jim Hester [aut],\n Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Winston Chang [aut],\n RStudio [cph],\n Martin Morgan [aut],\n Dan Tenenbaum [aut],\n Mango Solutions [cph]",
Maintainer = "Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-07-18 13:49:25 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 00:49:25 UTC; windows") list(Package = "rlang", Version = "1.1.1", Title = "Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features", Description = "A toolbox for working with base types, core R features\n like the condition system, and core 'Tidyverse' features like tidy\n evaluation.", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", ,\"[email protected]\", c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", ,\"[email protected]\", \"aut\"),\n person(given = \"mikefc\",\n email = \"[email protected]\", \n role = \"cph\", \n comment = \"Hash implementation based on Mike's xxhashlite\"),\n person(given = \"Yann\",\n family = \"Collet\",\n role = \"cph\", \n comment = \"Author of the embedded xxHash library\"),\n person(given = \"Posit, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", ByteCompile = "true", Biarch = "true", Depends = "R (>= 3.5.0)", Imports = "utils", Suggests = "cli (>= 3.1.0), covr, crayon, fs, glue, knitr, magrittr,\nmethods, pillar, rmarkdown, stats, testthat (>= 3.0.0), tibble,\nusethis, vctrs (>= 0.2.3), withr", Enhances = "winch", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", URL = "https://rlang.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/rlang", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/rlang/issues", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3",
`Config/Needs/website` = "dplyr, tidyverse/tidytemplate", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-04-28 10:48:43 UTC; lionel", Author = "Lionel Henry [aut, cre],\n Hadley Wickham [aut],\n mikefc [cph] (Hash implementation based on Mike's xxhashlite),\n Yann Collet [cph] (Author of the embedded xxHash library),\n Posit, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Lionel Henry <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-04-28 22:30:03 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:47:56 UTC; windows",
Archs = "x64") list(Type = "Package", Package = "magrittr", Title = "A Forward-Pipe Operator for R", Version = "2.0.3", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Stefan Milton\", \"Bache\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"Original author and creator of magrittr\"),\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"cre\"),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "Provides a mechanism for chaining commands with a new\n forward-pipe operator, %>%. This operator will forward a value, or the\n result of an expression, into the next function call/expression.\n There is flexible support for the type of right-hand side expressions.\n For more information, see package vignette. To quote Rene Magritte,\n \"Ceci n'est pas un pipe.\"", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://magrittr.tidyverse.org,\nhttps://github.com/tidyverse/magrittr",
BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/magrittr/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4.0)", Suggests = "covr, knitr, rlang, rmarkdown, testthat", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", ByteCompile = "Yes", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.1.2", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2022-03-29 09:34:37 UTC; lionel", Author = "Stefan Milton Bache [aut, cph] (Original author and creator of\n magrittr),\n Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Lionel Henry [cre],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]",
Maintainer = "Lionel Henry <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-03-30 07:30:09 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:47:59 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "compiler", Version = "4.3.2", Priority = "base", Title = "The R Compiler Package", Author = "Luke Tierney <[email protected]>", Maintainer = "R Core Team <[email protected]>", Contact = "R-help mailing list <[email protected]>", Description = "Byte code compiler for R.", License = "Part of R 4.3.2", Built = "R 4.3.2; ; 2023-10-31 13:56:29 UTC; windows") list(Type = "Package", Package = "systemfonts", Title = "System Native Font Finding", Version = "1.0.5", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Thomas Lin\", \"Pedersen\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5147-4711\")),\n person(\"Jeroen\", \"Ooms\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4035-0289\")),\n person(\"Devon\", \"Govett\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = \"Author of font-manager\"),\n person(\"Posit, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "Provides system native access to the font catalogue. As font\n handling varies between systems it is difficult to correctly locate\n installed fonts across different operating systems. The 'systemfonts'\n package provides bindings to the native libraries on Windows, macOS\n and Linux for finding font files that can then be used further by e.g.\n graphic devices. The main use is intended to be from compiled code but\n 'systemfonts' also provides access from R.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://github.com/r-lib/systemfonts,\nhttps://systemfonts.r-lib.org", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/systemfonts/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.2.0)", Suggests = "covr, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 2.1.0), tools", LinkingTo = "cpp11 (>= 0.2.1)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.1.2", SystemRequirements = "fontconfig, freetype2", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-10-09 08:28:00 UTC; thomas",
Author = "Thomas Lin Pedersen [aut, cre]\n (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5147-4711>),\n Jeroen Ooms [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4035-0289>),\n Devon Govett [aut] (Author of font-manager),\n Posit, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Thomas Lin Pedersen <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-10-09 14:00:09 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-09 23:51:01 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "callr", Title = "Call R from R", Version = "3.7.3", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\", \"cph\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-7098-9676\")),\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")),\n person(\"Mango Solutions\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "It is sometimes useful to perform a computation in a separate\n R process, without affecting the current R process at all. This\n packages does exactly that.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://callr.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/callr#readme", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/callr/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4)", Imports = "processx (>= 3.6.1), R6, utils", Suggests = "asciicast, cli (>= 1.1.0), covr, mockery, ps, rprojroot,\nspelling, testthat (>= 3.0.0), withr (>= 2.3.0)", Encoding = "UTF-8", Language = "en-US", RoxygenNote = "", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/website` = "r-lib/asciicast, glue, htmlwidgets, igraph,\ntibble, tidyverse/tidytemplate",
NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-11-02 15:17:20 UTC; gaborcsardi", Author = "Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre, cph] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7098-9676>),\n Winston Chang [aut],\n RStudio [cph, fnd],\n Mango Solutions [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-11-02 16:40:11 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 01:42:56 UTC; windows") list(Package = "vctrs", Title = "Vector Helpers", Version = "0.6.3", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Davis\", \"Vaughan\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"data.table team\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"Radix sort based on data.table's forder() and their contribution to R's order()\"),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "Defines new notions of prototype and size that are used to\n provide tools for consistent and well-founded type-coercion and\n size-recycling, and are in turn connected to ideas of type- and\n size-stability useful for analysing function interfaces.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://vctrs.r-lib.org/, https://github.com/r-lib/vctrs", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/vctrs/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.5.0)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.4.0), glue, lifecycle (>= 1.0.3), rlang (>= 1.1.0)",
Suggests = "bit64, covr, crayon, dplyr (>= 0.8.5), generics, knitr,\npillar (>= 1.4.4), pkgdown (>= 2.0.1), rmarkdown, testthat (>=\n3.0.0), tibble (>= 3.1.3), waldo (>= 0.2.0), withr, xml2,\nzeallot", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", Language = "en-GB", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-06-14 21:04:57 UTC; davis", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Lionel Henry [aut],\n Davis Vaughan [aut, cre],\n data.table team [cph] (Radix sort based on data.table's forder() and\n their contribution to R's order()),\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
Maintainer = "Davis Vaughan <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-06-14 23:40:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:42:56 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "rvest", Title = "Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages", Version = "1.0.3", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "Wrappers around the 'xml2' and 'httr' packages to make it\n easy to download, then manipulate, HTML and XML.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://rvest.tidyverse.org/, https://github.com/tidyverse/rvest", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/rvest/issues",
Depends = "R (>= 3.2)", Imports = "glue, cli, httr (>= 0.5), lifecycle (>= 1.0.0), magrittr,\nrlang (>= 1.0.0), selectr, tibble, xml2 (>= 1.3), withr", Suggests = "covr, knitr, readr, repurrrsive, rmarkdown, spelling, stringi\n(>= 0.3.1), testthat (>= 3.0.2), webfakes", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", Encoding = "UTF-8", Language = "en-US", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-08-19 15:20:38 UTC; hadleywickham",
Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-08-19 22:30:08 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-10 02:24:02 UTC; windows") list(Package = "profvis", Title = "Interactive Visualizations for Profiling R Code", Version = "0.3.8", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Javier\", \"Luraschi\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Timothy\", \"Mastny\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(family = \"RStudio\", role = \"cph\"),\n person(family = \"jQuery Foundation\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"jQuery library\"),\n person(family = \"jQuery contributors\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"jQuery library; authors listed in inst/www/shared/jquery-AUTHORS.txt\"),\n person(\"Mike\", \"Bostock\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"D3 library\"),\n person(family = \"D3 contributors\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"D3 library\"),\n person(\"Ivan\", \"Sagalaev\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"highlight.js library\")\n )",
Description = "Interactive visualizations for profiling R code.", Depends = "R (>= 3.0)", Imports = "htmlwidgets (>= 0.3.2), purrr, rlang (>= 0.4.9), stringr,\nvctrs", License = "GPL-3 | file LICENSE", Suggests = "knitr, ggplot2, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0), devtools,\nshiny, htmltools", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", URL = "https://rstudio.github.io/profvis/", Encoding = "UTF-8", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-05-01 20:58:47 UTC; winston", Author = "Winston Chang [aut, cre],\n Javier Luraschi [aut],\n Timothy Mastny [aut],\n RStudio [cph],\n jQuery Foundation [cph] (jQuery library),\n jQuery contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery library; authors listed in\n inst/www/shared/jquery-AUTHORS.txt),\n Mike Bostock [ctb, cph] (D3 library),\n D3 contributors [ctb] (D3 library),\n Ivan Sagalaev [ctb, cph] (highlight.js library)",
Maintainer = "Winston Chang <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-05-02 18:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 02:50:43 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "pkgconfig", Title = "Private Configuration for 'R' Packages", Version = "2.0.3", Author = "Gábor Csárdi", Maintainer = "Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>", Description = "Set configuration options on a per-package basis.\n Options set by a given package only apply to that package,\n other packages are unaffected.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", LazyData = "true", Imports = "utils", Suggests = "covr, testthat, disposables (>= 1.0.3)", URL = "https://github.com/r-lib/pkgconfig#readme",
BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/pkgconfig/issues", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2019-09-22 08:42:40 UTC; gaborcsardi", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2019-09-22 09:20:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 00:47:59 UTC; windows") list(Package = "crayon", Title = "Colored Terminal Output", Version = "1.5.2", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \"[email protected]\",\n role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\n \"Brodie\", \"Gaslam\", email=\"[email protected]\",\n role=c(\"ctb\"))\n )", Description = "The crayon package is now superseded. Please use the 'cli' package\n for new projects.\n Colored terminal output on terminals that support 'ANSI'\n color and highlight codes. It also works in 'Emacs' 'ESS'. 'ANSI'\n color support is automatically detected. Colors and highlighting can\n be combined and nested. New styles can also be created easily.\n This package was inspired by the 'chalk' 'JavaScript' project.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://github.com/r-lib/crayon#readme", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/crayon/issues", Collate = "'aaa-rstudio-detect.R' 'aaaa-rematch2.R'\n'aab-num-ansi-colors.R' 'aac-num-ansi-colors.R' 'ansi-256.r'\n'ansi-palette.R' 'combine.r' 'string.r' 'utils.r'\n'crayon-package.r' 'disposable.r' 'enc-utils.R' 'has_ansi.r'\n'has_color.r' 'link.R' 'styles.r' 'machinery.r' 'parts.r'\n'print.r' 'style-var.r' 'show.r' 'string_operations.r'", Imports = "grDevices, methods, utils",
Suggests = "mockery, rstudioapi, testthat, withr", RoxygenNote = "7.1.2", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-09-29 06:24:10 UTC; gaborcsardi", Author = "Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre],\n Brodie Gaslam [ctb]", Maintainer = "Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-09-29 16:20:24 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 00:47:57 UTC; windows") list(Package = "fastmap", Title = "Fast Data Structures", Version = "1.1.1", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(given = \"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")),\n person(given = \"Tessil\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"hopscotch_map library\")\n )", Description = "Fast implementation of data structures, including a key-value\n store, stack, and queue. Environments are commonly used as key-value stores\n in R, but every time a new key is used, it is added to R's global symbol\n table, causing a small amount of memory leakage. This can be problematic in\n cases where many different keys are used. Fastmap avoids this memory leak\n issue by implementing the map using data structures in C++.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Suggests = "testthat (>= 2.1.1)", URL = "https://r-lib.github.io/fastmap/, https://github.com/r-lib/fastmap", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/fastmap/issues", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-02-24 16:01:27 UTC; winston", Author = "Winston Chang [aut, cre],\n RStudio [cph, fnd],\n Tessil [cph] (hopscotch_map library)", Maintainer = "Winston Chang <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-02-24 16:30:02 UTC",
Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:48:04 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "ellipsis", Version = "0.3.2", Title = "Tools for Working with ...", Description = "The ellipsis is a powerful tool for extending functions. Unfortunately \n this power comes at a cost: misspelled arguments will be silently ignored. \n The ellipsis package provides a collection of functions to catch problems\n and alert the user.", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = \"cph\")\n )",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.1.1", URL = "https://ellipsis.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/ellipsis", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/ellipsis/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.2)", Imports = "rlang (>= 0.3.0)", Suggests = "covr, testthat", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2021-04-29 12:06:44 UTC; lionel", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre],\n RStudio [cph]", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2021-04-29 12:40:02 UTC",
Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:25:46 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Type = "Package", Package = "fontawesome", Version = "0.5.2", Title = "Easily Work with 'Font Awesome' Icons", Description = "Easily and flexibly insert 'Font Awesome' icons into 'R Markdown'\n documents and 'Shiny' apps. These icons can be inserted into HTML content\n through inline 'SVG' tags or 'i' tags. There is also a utility function for\n exporting 'Font Awesome' icons as 'PNG' images for those situations where\n raster graphics are needed.", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Richard\", \"Iannone\", , \"[email protected]\", c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-3925-190X\")),\n person(\"Christophe\", \"Dervieux\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4474-2498\")),\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Dave\", \"Gandy\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"Font-Awesome font\"),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://github.com/rstudio/fontawesome,\nhttps://rstudio.github.io/fontawesome/", BugReports = "https://github.com/rstudio/fontawesome/issues", Encoding = "UTF-8", ByteCompile = "true", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Depends = "R (>= 3.3.0)", Imports = "rlang (>= 1.0.6), htmltools (>=", Suggests = "covr, dplyr (>= 1.0.8), knitr (>= 1.31), testthat (>= 3.0.0),\nrsvg", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-08-19 02:32:12 UTC; rich",
Author = "Richard Iannone [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3925-190X>),\n Christophe Dervieux [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4474-2498>),\n Winston Chang [ctb],\n Dave Gandy [ctb, cph] (Font-Awesome font),\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Richard Iannone <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-19 04:52:40 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:06:51 UTC; windows") list(Package = "labeling", Type = "Package", Title = "Axis Labeling", Version = "0.4.3", Date = "2023-08-29", Author = "Justin Talbot,", Maintainer = "Nuno Sempere <[email protected]>", Description = "Functions which provide a range of axis labeling algorithms. ", License = "MIT + file LICENSE | Unlimited", Collate = "'labeling.R'", NeedsCompilation = "no", Imports = "stats, graphics", Packaged = "2023-08-29 21:01:57 UTC; loki", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-29 22:20:02 UTC",
Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-08-30 23:51:20 UTC; windows") list(Package = "utf8", Title = "Unicode Text Processing", Version = "1.2.3", `Authors@R` = "\n c(person(given = c(\"Patrick\", \"O.\"),\n family = \"Perry\",\n role = c(\"aut\", \"cph\")),\n person(given = \"Kirill\",\n family = \"M\\u00fcller\",\n role = \"cre\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Unicode, Inc.\",\n role = c(\"cph\", \"dtc\"),\n comment = \"Unicode Character Database\"))",
Description = "Process and print 'UTF-8' encoded international\n text (Unicode). Input, validate, normalize, encode, format, and\n display.", License = "Apache License (== 2.0) | file LICENSE", URL = "https://ptrckprry.com/r-utf8/, https://github.com/patperry/r-utf8", BugReports = "https://github.com/patperry/r-utf8/issues", Depends = "R (>= 2.10)", Suggests = "cli, covr, knitr, rlang, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0),\nwithr", VignetteBuilder = "knitr, rmarkdown", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3",
Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-01-31 05:28:43 UTC; kirill", Author = "Patrick O. Perry [aut, cph],\n Kirill Müller [cre],\n Unicode, Inc. [cph, dtc] (Unicode Character Database)", Maintainer = "Kirill Müller <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-01-31 18:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:47:59 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Type = "Package", Package = "promises", Title = "Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming", Version = "1.2.1", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "Provides fundamental abstractions for doing asynchronous\n programming in R using promises. Asynchronous programming is useful\n for allowing a single R process to orchestrate multiple tasks in the\n background while also attending to something else. Semantics are\n similar to 'JavaScript' promises, but with a syntax that is idiomatic\n R.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://rstudio.github.io/promises/,\nhttps://github.com/rstudio/promises", BugReports = "https://github.com/rstudio/promises/issues", Imports = "fastmap (>= 1.1.0), later, magrittr (>= 1.5), R6, Rcpp, rlang,\nstats", Suggests = "future (>= 1.21.0), knitr, purrr, rmarkdown, spelling,\ntestthat, vembedr", LinkingTo = "later, Rcpp", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "rsconnect", Encoding = "UTF-8", Language = "en-US", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3",
NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-08-09 20:29:25 UTC; garrick", Author = "Joe Cheng [aut, cre],\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Joe Cheng <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-10 16:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:43:13 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Type = "Package", Package = "rmarkdown", Title = "Dynamic Documents for R", Version = "2.25", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"JJ\", \"Allaire\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0645-5666\")),\n person(\"Christophe\", \"Dervieux\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4474-2498\")),\n person(\"Jonathan\", \"McPherson\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Javier\", \"Luraschi\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Kevin\", \"Ushey\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Aron\", \"Atkins\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Richard\", \"Iannone\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-3925-190X\")),\n person(\"Andrew\", \"Dunning\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0464-5036\")),\n person(\"Atsushi\", \"Yasumoto\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-8335-495X\", cph = \"Number sections Lua filter\")),\n person(\"Barret\", \"Schloerke\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Carson\", \"Sievert\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4958-2844\")), \n person(\"Devon\", \"Ryan\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-8549-0971\")),\n person(\"Frederik\", \"Aust\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4900-788X\")),\n person(\"Jeff\", \"Allen\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"ctb\"), \n person(\"JooYoung\", \"Seo\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4064-6012\")),\n person(\"Malcolm\", \"Barrett\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Rob\", \"Hyndman\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Romain\", \"Lesur\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Roy\", \"Storey\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Ruben\", \"Arslan\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Sergio\", \"Oller\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(given = \"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")),\n person(, \"jQuery UI contributors\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"jQuery UI library; authors listed in inst/rmd/h/jqueryui/AUTHORS.txt\"),\n person(\"Mark\", \"Otto\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"Bootstrap library\"),\n person(\"Jacob\", \"Thornton\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"Bootstrap library\"),\n person(, \"Bootstrap contributors\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"Bootstrap library\"),\n person(, \"Twitter, Inc\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"Bootstrap library\"),\n person(\"Alexander\", \"Farkas\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"html5shiv library\"),\n person(\"Scott\", \"Jehl\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"Respond.js library\"),\n person(\"Ivan\", \"Sagalaev\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"highlight.js library\"),\n person(\"Greg\", \"Franko\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"tocify library\"),\n person(\"John\", \"MacFarlane\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"Pandoc templates\"),\n person(, \"Google, Inc.\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"ioslides library\"),\n person(\"Dave\", \"Raggett\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"slidy library\"),\n person(, \"W3C\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"slidy library\"),\n person(\"Dave\", \"Gandy\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"Font-Awesome\"),\n person(\"Ben\", \"Sperry\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"Ionicons\"),\n person(, \"Drifty\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"Ionicons\"),\n person(\"Aidan\", \"Lister\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"jQuery StickyTabs\"),\n person(\"Benct Philip\", \"Jonsson\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"pagebreak Lua filter\"),\n person(\"Albert\", \"Krewinkel\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"pagebreak Lua filter\")\n )",
Maintainer = "Yihui Xie <[email protected]>", Description = "Convert R Markdown documents into a variety of formats.", License = "GPL-3", URL = "https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown,\nhttps://pkgs.rstudio.com/rmarkdown/", BugReports = "https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.0)", Imports = "bslib (>=, evaluate (>= 0.13), fontawesome (>=\n0.5.0), htmltools (>= 0.5.1), jquerylib, jsonlite, knitr (>=\n1.22), methods, stringr (>= 1.2.0), tinytex (>= 0.31), tools,\nutils, xfun (>= 0.36), yaml (>= 2.1.19)",
Suggests = "digest, dygraphs, fs, rsconnect, downlit (>= 0.4.0), katex\n(>= 1.4.0), sass (>= 0.4.0), shiny (>= 1.6.0), testthat (>=\n3.0.3), tibble, vctrs, cleanrmd, withr (>= 2.4.2)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "rstudio/quillt, pkgdown", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", SystemRequirements = "pandoc (>= 1.14) - http://pandoc.org", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-09-15 16:52:22 UTC; yihui", Author = "JJ Allaire [aut],\n Yihui Xie [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0645-5666>),\n Christophe Dervieux [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4474-2498>),\n Jonathan McPherson [aut],\n Javier Luraschi [aut],\n Kevin Ushey [aut],\n Aron Atkins [aut],\n Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Joe Cheng [aut],\n Winston Chang [aut],\n Richard Iannone [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3925-190X>),\n Andrew Dunning [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0464-5036>),\n Atsushi Yasumoto [ctb, cph] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8335-495X>,\n Number sections Lua filter),\n Barret Schloerke [ctb],\n Carson Sievert [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4958-2844>),\n Devon Ryan [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8549-0971>),\n Frederik Aust [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4900-788X>),\n Jeff Allen [ctb],\n JooYoung Seo [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4064-6012>),\n Malcolm Barrett [ctb],\n Rob Hyndman [ctb],\n Romain Lesur [ctb],\n Roy Storey [ctb],\n Ruben Arslan [ctb],\n Sergio Oller [ctb],\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd],\n jQuery UI contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery UI library; authors listed in\n inst/rmd/h/jqueryui/AUTHORS.txt),\n Mark Otto [ctb] (Bootstrap library),\n Jacob Thornton [ctb] (Bootstrap library),\n Bootstrap contributors [ctb] (Bootstrap library),\n Twitter, Inc [cph] (Bootstrap library),\n Alexander Farkas [ctb, cph] (html5shiv library),\n Scott Jehl [ctb, cph] (Respond.js library),\n Ivan Sagalaev [ctb, cph] (highlight.js library),\n Greg Franko [ctb, cph] (tocify library),\n John MacFarlane [ctb, cph] (Pandoc templates),\n Google, Inc. [ctb, cph] (ioslides library),\n Dave Raggett [ctb] (slidy library),\n W3C [cph] (slidy library),\n Dave Gandy [ctb, cph] (Font-Awesome),\n Ben Sperry [ctb] (Ionicons),\n Drifty [cph] (Ionicons),\n Aidan Lister [ctb, cph] (jQuery StickyTabs),\n Benct Philip Jonsson [ctb, cph] (pagebreak Lua filter),\n Albert Krewinkel [ctb, cph] (pagebreak Lua filter)",
Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-09-18 09:30:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:28:17 UTC; windows") list(Package = "sessioninfo", Title = "R Session Information", Version = "1.2.2", `Authors@R` = "\n c(person(given = \"Gábor\",\n family = \"Csárdi\",\n role = \"cre\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Hadley\",\n family = \"Wickham\",\n role = \"aut\"),\n person(given = \"Winston\",\n family = \"Chang\",\n role = \"aut\"),\n person(given = \"Robert\",\n family = \"Flight\",\n role = \"aut\"),\n person(given = \"Kirill\",\n family = \"Müller\",\n role = \"aut\"),\n person(given = \"Jim\",\n family = \"Hester\",\n role = \"aut\"),\n person(given = \"R Core team\",\n role = \"ctb\"))",
Maintainer = "Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>", Description = "Query and print information about the current R\n session. It is similar to 'utils::sessionInfo()', but includes more\n information about packages, and where they were installed from.", License = "GPL-2", URL = "https://github.com/r-lib/sessioninfo#readme,\nhttps://r-lib.github.io/sessioninfo/", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/sessioninfo/issues", Depends = "R (>= 2.10)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.1.0), tools, utils",
Suggests = "callr, covr, mockery, reticulate, rmarkdown, testthat, withr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/website` = "pkgdown", `Config/testthat/parallel` = "true", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2021-12-06 11:31:46 UTC; gaborcsardi", Author = "Gábor Csárdi [cre],\n Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Winston Chang [aut],\n Robert Flight [aut],\n Kirill Müller [aut],\n Jim Hester [aut],\n R Core team [ctb]", Repository = "CRAN",
`Date/Publication` = "2021-12-06 11:50:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 00:50:02 UTC; windows") list(Package = "tzdb", Title = "Time Zone Database Information", Version = "0.4.0", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Davis\", \"Vaughan\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Howard\", \"Hinnant\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"Author of the included date library\"),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "Provides an up-to-date copy of the Internet Assigned Numbers\n Authority (IANA) Time Zone Database. It is updated periodically to\n reflect changes made by political bodies to time zone boundaries, UTC\n offsets, and daylight saving time rules. Additionally, this package\n provides a C++ interface for working with the 'date' library. 'date'\n provides comprehensive support for working with dates and date-times,\n which this package exposes to make it easier for other R packages to\n utilize. Headers are provided for calendar specific calculations,\n along with a limited interface for time zone manipulations.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://tzdb.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/tzdb", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/tzdb/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.5.0)", Suggests = "covr, testthat (>= 3.0.0)", LinkingTo = "cpp11 (>= 0.4.2)", Biarch = "yes", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-05-12 12:40:06 UTC; davis", Author = "Davis Vaughan [aut, cre],\n Howard Hinnant [cph] (Author of the included date library),\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
Maintainer = "Davis Vaughan <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-05-12 23:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:25:47 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "ps", Title = "List, Query, Manipulate System Processes", Version = "1.7.5", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Jay\", \"Loden\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Dave\", \"Daeschler\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Giampaolo\", \"Rodola'\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "List, query and manipulate all system processes, on\n 'Windows', 'Linux' and 'macOS'.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://github.com/r-lib/ps#readme, https://ps.r-lib.org/", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/ps/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4)", Imports = "utils", Suggests = "callr, covr, curl, pillar, pingr, processx (>= 3.1.0), R6,\nrlang, testthat (>= 3.0.0), webfakes", Biarch = "true", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-04-18 14:27:32 UTC; gaborcsardi",
Author = "Jay Loden [aut],\n Dave Daeschler [aut],\n Giampaolo Rodola' [aut],\n Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-04-18 19:30:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:48:09 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "bit", Type = "Package", Title = "Classes and Methods for Fast Memory-Efficient Boolean Selections", Version = "4.0.5", Date = "2022-11-13", Author = "Jens Oehlschlägel [aut, cre], Brian Ripley [ctb]", Maintainer = "Jens Oehlschlägel <[email protected]>", Depends = "R (>= 2.9.2)", Suggests = "testthat (>= 0.11.0), roxygen2, knitr, rmarkdown,\nmicrobenchmark, bit64 (>= 4.0.0), ff (>= 4.0.0)", Description = "Provided are classes for boolean and skewed boolean vectors,\n fast boolean methods, fast unique and non-unique integer sorting,\n fast set operations on sorted and unsorted sets of integers, and\n foundations for ff (range index, compression, chunked processing).",
License = "GPL-2 | GPL-3", LazyLoad = "yes", ByteCompile = "yes", Encoding = "UTF-8", URL = "https://github.com/truecluster/bit", VignetteBuilder = "knitr, rmarkdown", RoxygenNote = "7.2.0", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2022-11-13 21:22:09 UTC; jo", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-11-15 21:20:16 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:47:59 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "xfun", Type = "Package", Title = "Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie'", Version = "0.40", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\", \"cph\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0645-5666\")),\n person(\"Wush\", \"Wu\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Daijiang\", \"Li\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Xianying\", \"Tan\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Salim\", \"Brüggemann\", role = \"ctb\", email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5329-5987\")),\n person(\"Christophe\", \"Dervieux\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(given = \"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")),\n person()\n )",
Description = "Miscellaneous functions commonly used in other packages maintained by 'Yihui Xie'.", Imports = "stats, tools", Suggests = "testit, parallel, codetools, rstudioapi, tinytex (>= 0.30),\nmime, markdown (>= 1.5), knitr (>= 1.42), htmltools, remotes,\npak, rhub, renv, curl, jsonlite, magick, yaml, rmarkdown", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://github.com/yihui/xfun", BugReports = "https://github.com/yihui/xfun/issues", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", VignetteBuilder = "knitr",
NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-08-08 09:34:13 UTC; yihui", Author = "Yihui Xie [aut, cre, cph] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0645-5666>),\n Wush Wu [ctb],\n Daijiang Li [ctb],\n Xianying Tan [ctb],\n Salim Brüggemann [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5329-5987>),\n Christophe Dervieux [ctb],\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Yihui Xie <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-09 20:40:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:48:06 UTC; windows",
Archs = "x64") list(Package = "cachem", Version = "1.0.8", Title = "Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning", Description = "Key-value stores with automatic pruning. Caches can limit\n either their total size or the age of the oldest object (or both),\n automatically pruning objects to maintain the constraints.", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", , \"[email protected]\", c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(family = \"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")))", License = "MIT + file LICENSE",
Encoding = "UTF-8", ByteCompile = "true", URL = "https://cachem.r-lib.org/, https://github.com/r-lib/cachem", Imports = "rlang, fastmap (>= 1.1.1)", Suggests = "testthat", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", `Config/Needs/routine` = "lobstr", `Config/Needs/website` = "pkgdown", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-05-01 15:38:38 UTC; winston", Author = "Winston Chang [aut, cre],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Winston Chang <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-05-01 16:40:02 UTC",
Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:25:47 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "jsonlite", Version = "1.8.7", Title = "A Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", Depends = "methods", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Jeroen\", \"Ooms\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4035-0289\")),\n person(\"Duncan\", \"Temple Lang\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Lloyd\", \"Hilaiel\", role = \"cph\", comment=\"author of bundled libyajl\"))", URL = "https://jeroen.r-universe.dev/jsonlite\nhttps://arxiv.org/abs/1403.2805",
BugReports = "https://github.com/jeroen/jsonlite/issues", Maintainer = "Jeroen Ooms <[email protected]>", VignetteBuilder = "knitr, R.rsp", Description = "A reasonably fast JSON parser and generator, optimized for statistical \n data and the web. Offers simple, flexible tools for working with JSON in R, and\n is particularly powerful for building pipelines and interacting with a web API. \n The implementation is based on the mapping described in the vignette (Ooms, 2014).\n In addition to converting JSON data from/to R objects, 'jsonlite' contains \n functions to stream, validate, and prettify JSON data. The unit tests included \n with the package verify that all edge cases are encoded and decoded consistently \n for use with dynamic data in systems and applications.",
Suggests = "httr, vctrs, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, R.rsp, sf", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-06-29 08:00:03 UTC; jeroen", Author = "Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4035-0289>),\n Duncan Temple Lang [ctb],\n Lloyd Hilaiel [cph] (author of bundled libyajl)", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-06-29 22:10:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-07 01:02:21 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "progress", Title = "Terminal Progress Bars", Version = "1.2.2", Author = "Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre], Rich FitzJohn [aut]", Maintainer = "Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>", Description = "Configurable Progress bars, they may include percentage,\n elapsed time, and/or the estimated completion time. They work in\n terminals, in 'Emacs' 'ESS', 'RStudio', 'Windows' 'Rgui' and the\n 'macOS' 'R.app'. The package also provides a 'C++' 'API', that works\n with or without 'Rcpp'.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", LazyData = "true", URL = "https://github.com/r-lib/progress#readme", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/progress/issues", Imports = "hms, prettyunits, R6, crayon", Suggests = "Rcpp, testthat, withr", RoxygenNote = "6.1.0", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2019-05-15 20:28:47 UTC; gaborcsardi", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2019-05-16 21:30:03 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:20:31 UTC; windows") list(Package = "highr", Type = "Package", Title = "Syntax Highlighting for R Source Code", Version = "0.10", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0645-5666\")),\n person(\"Yixuan\", \"Qiu\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Christopher\", \"Gandrud\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Qiang\", \"Li\", role = \"ctb\")\n )", Description = "Provides syntax highlighting for R source code. Currently it\n supports LaTeX and HTML output. Source code of other languages is supported\n via Andre Simon's highlight package (<http://www.andre-simon.de>).",
Depends = "R (>= 3.3.0)", Imports = "xfun (>= 0.18)", Suggests = "knitr, markdown, testit", License = "GPL", URL = "https://github.com/yihui/highr", BugReports = "https://github.com/yihui/highr/issues", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-12-22 06:43:07 UTC; yihui", Author = "Yihui Xie [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0645-5666>),\n Yixuan Qiu [aut],\n Christopher Gandrud [ctb],\n Qiang Li [ctb]", Maintainer = "Yihui Xie <[email protected]>",
Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-12-22 07:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 01:25:47 UTC; windows") list(Package = "later", Type = "Package", Title = "Utilities for Scheduling Functions to Execute Later with Event\nLoops", Version = "1.3.1", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", role = c(\"aut\"), email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(family = \"RStudio\", role = \"cph\"),\n person(\"Marcus\", \"Geelnard\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"TinyCThread library, https://tinycthread.github.io/\"),\n person(\"Evan\", \"Nemerson\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"TinyCThread library, https://tinycthread.github.io/\")\n )",
Description = "Executes arbitrary R or C functions some time after the current\n time, after the R execution stack has emptied. The functions are scheduled\n in an event loop.", URL = "https://r-lib.github.io/later/, https://github.com/r-lib/later", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/later/issues", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", Imports = "Rcpp (>= 0.12.9), rlang", LinkingTo = "Rcpp", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Suggests = "knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 2.1.0)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr",
Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-05-01 21:09:55 UTC; winston", Author = "Winston Chang [aut, cre],\n Joe Cheng [aut],\n RStudio [cph],\n Marcus Geelnard [ctb, cph] (TinyCThread library,\n https://tinycthread.github.io/),\n Evan Nemerson [ctb, cph] (TinyCThread library,\n https://tinycthread.github.io/)", Maintainer = "Winston Chang <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-05-02 18:10:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:25:46 UTC; windows",
Archs = "x64") list(Package = "uuid", Version = "1.1-1", Title = "Tools for Generating and Handling of UUIDs", Author = "Simon Urbanek <[email protected]> (R package), Theodore Ts'o <[email protected]> (libuuid)", Maintainer = "Simon Urbanek <[email protected]>", Depends = "R (>= 2.9.0)", Description = "Tools for generating and handling of UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers).", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://www.rforge.net/uuid", BugReports = "https://github.com/s-u/uuid", NeedsCompilation = "yes",
Packaged = "2023-08-17 03:33:22 UTC; rforge", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-17 06:11:37 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-08-18 23:51:08 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "parallel", Version = "4.3.2", Priority = "base", Title = "Support for Parallel Computation in R", Author = "R Core Team", Maintainer = "R Core Team <[email protected]>", Contact = "R-help mailing list <[email protected]>", Description = "Support for parallel computation, including by forking\n (taken from package multicore), by sockets (taken from package snow)\n and random-number generation.", License = "Part of R 4.3.2", Imports = "tools, compiler", Suggests = "methods",
Enhances = "snow, Rmpi", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Built = "R 4.3.2; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-31 14:03:05 UTC; windows") list(Package = "prettyunits", Title = "Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities", Version = "1.2.0", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Gabor\", \"Csardi\", email=\"[email protected]\", role=c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Bill\", \"Denney\", email=\"[email protected]\", role=c(\"ctb\"), comment=c(ORCID=\"0000-0002-5759-428X\")),\n person(\"Christophe\", \"Regouby\", email=\"[email protected]\", role=c(\"ctb\"))\n )", Description = "Pretty, human readable formatting of quantities.\n Time intervals: '1337000' -> '15d 11h 23m 20s'.\n Vague time intervals: '2674000' -> 'about a month ago'.\n Bytes: '1337' -> '1.34 kB'.\n Rounding: '99' with 3 significant digits -> '99.0'\n p-values: '0.00001' -> '<0.0001'.\n Colors: '#FF0000' -> 'red'.\n Quantities: '1239437' -> '1.24 M'.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://github.com/r-lib/prettyunits", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/prettyunits/issues", Depends = "R(>= 2.10)", Suggests = "codetools, covr, testthat", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-09-24 10:53:19 UTC; gaborcsardi", Author = "Gabor Csardi [aut, cre],\n Bill Denney [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5759-428X>),\n Christophe Regouby [ctb]", Maintainer = "Gabor Csardi <[email protected]>",
Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-09-24 21:10:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 00:47:57 UTC; windows") list(Package = "R6", Title = "Encapsulated Classes with Reference Semantics", Version = "2.5.1", `Authors@R` = "person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\")", Description = "Creates classes with reference semantics, similar to R's built-in\n reference classes. Compared to reference classes, R6 classes are simpler\n and lighter-weight, and they are not built on S4 classes so they do not\n require the methods package. These classes allow public and private\n members, and they support inheritance, even when the classes are defined in\n different packages.",
Depends = "R (>= 3.0)", Suggests = "testthat, pryr", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://r6.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/R6/", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/R6/issues", RoxygenNote = "7.1.1", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2021-08-06 20:18:46 UTC; winston", Author = "Winston Chang [aut, cre]", Maintainer = "Winston Chang <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2021-08-19 14:00:05 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 00:47:56 UTC; windows") list(Package = "bslib", Title = "Custom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown'", Version = "0.5.1", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Carson\", \"Sievert\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4958-2844\")),\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Garrick\", \"Aden-Buie\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-7111-0077\")),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")),\n person(family = \"Bootstrap contributors\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Bootstrap library\"),\n person(family = \"Twitter, Inc\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"Bootstrap library\"),\n person(\"Javi\", \"Aguilar\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"Bootstrap colorpicker library\"),\n person(\"Thomas\", \"Park\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"Bootswatch library\"),\n person(family = \"PayPal\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"Bootstrap accessibility plugin\")\n )",
Description = "Simplifies custom 'CSS' styling of both 'shiny' and\n 'rmarkdown' via 'Bootstrap' 'Sass'. Supports 'Bootstrap' 3, 4 and 5 as\n well as their various 'Bootswatch' themes. An interactive widget is\n also provided for previewing themes in real time.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://rstudio.github.io/bslib/, https://github.com/rstudio/bslib", BugReports = "https://github.com/rstudio/bslib/issues", Depends = "R (>= 2.10)", Imports = "base64enc, cachem, grDevices, htmltools (>= 0.5.4), jquerylib\n(>= 0.1.3), jsonlite, memoise (>= 2.0.1), mime, rlang, sass (>=\n0.4.0)",
Suggests = "bsicons, curl, fontawesome, ggplot2, knitr, magrittr,\nrappdirs, rmarkdown (>= 2.7), shiny (>= 1.6.0), testthat,\nthematic, withr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Collate = "'accordion.R' 'breakpoints.R' 'bs-current-theme.R'\n'bs-dependencies.R' 'bs-global.R' 'bs-remove.R'\n'bs-theme-layers.R' 'bs-theme-preset-bootswatch.R'\n'bs-theme-preset-builtin.R' 'bs-theme-preset.R' 'utils.R'\n'bs-theme-preview.R' 'bs-theme-update.R' 'bs-theme.R'\n'bslib-package.R' 'card.R' 'deprecated.R' 'files.R' 'fill.R'\n'imports.R' 'input-switch.R' 'layout.R' 'nav-items.R'\n'nav-update.R' 'navs-legacy.R' 'navs.R' 'onLoad.R' 'page.R'\n'popover.R' 'precompiled.R' 'print.R' 'shiny-devmode.R'\n'sidebar.R' 'staticimports.R' 'tooltip.R' 'utils-deps.R'\n'utils-shiny.R' 'utils-tags.R' 'value-box.R'\n'version-default.R' 'versions.R'",
`Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/routine` = "chromote, desc, renv", `Config/Needs/website` = "brio, crosstalk, dplyr, DT, ggplot2, glue,\nhtmlwidgets, leaflet, lorem, palmerpenguins, plotly, purrr,\nrprojroot, rstudio/htmltools, scales, stringr, tidyr, webshot2", `Config/Needs/deploy` = "BH, cpp11, dplyr, DT, ggplot2, ggridges, gt,\nhexbin, histoslider, lattice, leaflet, lubridate, modelr,\nnycflights13, plotly, reactable, reshape2, rprojroot,\nrsconnect, scales", NeedsCompilation = "no",
Packaged = "2023-08-11 15:31:21 UTC; cpsievert", Author = "Carson Sievert [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4958-2844>),\n Joe Cheng [aut],\n Garrick Aden-Buie [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7111-0077>),\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd],\n Bootstrap contributors [ctb] (Bootstrap library),\n Twitter, Inc [cph] (Bootstrap library),\n Javi Aguilar [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap colorpicker library),\n Thomas Park [ctb, cph] (Bootswatch library),\n PayPal [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin)",
Maintainer = "Carson Sievert <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-11 16:53:52 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:20:32 UTC; windows") list(Package = "stringi", Version = "1.7.12", Date = "2023-01-09", Title = "Fast and Portable Character String Processing Facilities", Description = "A collection of character string/text/natural language\n processing tools for pattern searching (e.g., with 'Java'-like regular\n expressions or the 'Unicode' collation algorithm), random string generation,\n case mapping, string transliteration, concatenation, sorting, padding,\n wrapping, Unicode normalisation, date-time formatting and parsing,\n and many more. They are fast, consistent, convenient, and -\n thanks to 'ICU' (International Components for Unicode) -\n portable across all locales and platforms. Documentation about 'stringi' is\n provided via its website at <https://stringi.gagolewski.com/> and\n the paper by Gagolewski (2022, <doi:10.18637/jss.v103.i02>).",
URL = "https://stringi.gagolewski.com/,\nhttps://github.com/gagolews/stringi, https://icu.unicode.org/", BugReports = "https://github.com/gagolews/stringi/issues", SystemRequirements = "C++11, ICU4C (>= 55, optional)", Type = "Package", Depends = "R (>= 3.1)", Imports = "tools, utils, stats", Biarch = "TRUE", License = "file LICENSE", Author = "Marek Gagolewski [aut, cre, cph] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0637-6028>),\n Bartek Tartanus [ctb], and others (stringi source code);\n Unicode, Inc. and others (ICU4C source code, Unicode Character Database)",
Maintainer = "Marek Gagolewski <[email protected]>", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-01-09 07:28:38 UTC; gagolews", License_is_FOSS = "yes", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-01-11 10:10:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.0; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-04-15 00:42:13 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "pkgload", Title = "Simulate Package Installation and Attach", Version = "1.3.3", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Jim\", \"Hester\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")),\n person(\"R Core team\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Some namespace and vignette code extracted from base R\")\n )",
Description = "Simulates the process of installing a package and then\n attaching it. This is a key part of the 'devtools' package as it\n allows you to rapidly iterate while developing a package.", License = "GPL-3", URL = "https://github.com/r-lib/pkgload, https://pkgload.r-lib.org", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/pkgload/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4.0)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.3.0), crayon, desc, fs, glue, methods, pkgbuild,\nrlang (>= 1.1.1), rprojroot, utils, withr (>= 2.4.3)",
Suggests = "bitops, covr, mathjaxr, mockr, pak, Rcpp, remotes,\nrstudioapi, testthat (>= 3.1.0)", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate, ggplot2", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-09-22 06:20:58 UTC; lionel", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Winston Chang [aut],\n Jim Hester [aut],\n Lionel Henry [aut, cre],\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd],\n R Core team [ctb] (Some namespace and vignette code extracted from base\n R)",
Maintainer = "Lionel Henry <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-09-22 07:50:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:20:28 UTC; windows") list(Package = "jquerylib", Title = "Obtain 'jQuery' as an HTML Dependency Object", Version = "0.1.4", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Carson\", \"Sievert\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4958-2844\")),\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(family = \"RStudio\", role = \"cph\"),\n person(family = \"jQuery Foundation\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"jQuery library and jQuery UI library\"),\n person(family = \"jQuery contributors\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"jQuery library; authors listed in inst/lib/jquery-AUTHORS.txt\")\n )",
Description = "Obtain any major version of 'jQuery' (<https://code.jquery.com/>) and use it in any webpage generated by 'htmltools' (e.g. 'shiny', 'htmlwidgets', and 'rmarkdown').\n Most R users don't need to use this package directly, but other R packages (e.g. 'shiny', 'rmarkdown', etc.) depend on this package to avoid bundling redundant copies of 'jQuery'.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", Encoding = "UTF-8", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", RoxygenNote = "7.0.2", Imports = "htmltools",
Suggests = "testthat", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2021-04-26 16:40:21 UTC; cpsievert", Author = "Carson Sievert [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4958-2844>),\n Joe Cheng [aut],\n RStudio [cph],\n jQuery Foundation [cph] (jQuery library and jQuery UI library),\n jQuery contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery library; authors listed in\n inst/lib/jquery-AUTHORS.txt)", Maintainer = "Carson Sievert <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2021-04-26 17:10:02 UTC",
Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:06:50 UTC; windows") list(Package = "Rcpp", Title = "Seamless R and C++ Integration", Version = "1.0.11", Date = "2023-07-03", Author = "Dirk Eddelbuettel, Romain Francois, JJ Allaire, Kevin Ushey, Qiang Kou,\n Nathan Russell, Inaki Ucar, Douglas Bates and John Chambers", Maintainer = "Dirk Eddelbuettel <[email protected]>", Description = "The 'Rcpp' package provides R functions as well as C++ classes which\n offer a seamless integration of R and C++. Many R data types and objects can be\n mapped back and forth to C++ equivalents which facilitates both writing of new\n code as well as easier integration of third-party libraries. Documentation\n about 'Rcpp' is provided by several vignettes included in this package, via the\n 'Rcpp Gallery' site at <https://gallery.rcpp.org>, the paper by Eddelbuettel and\n Francois (2011, <doi:10.18637/jss.v040.i08>), the book by Eddelbuettel (2013,\n <doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6868-4>) and the paper by Eddelbuettel and Balamuta (2018,\n <doi:10.1080/00031305.2017.1375990>); see 'citation(\"Rcpp\")' for details.",
Imports = "methods, utils", Suggests = "tinytest, inline, rbenchmark, pkgKitten (>= 0.1.2)", URL = "https://www.rcpp.org,\nhttps://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/code/rcpp.html,\nhttps://github.com/RcppCore/Rcpp", License = "GPL (>= 2)", BugReports = "https://github.com/RcppCore/Rcpp/issues", MailingList = "[email protected]", RoxygenNote = "6.1.1", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-07-03 15:56:55 UTC; edd", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-07-06 07:33:14 UTC",
Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-07 01:02:23 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "assertthat", Title = "Easy Pre and Post Assertions", Version = "0.2.1", `Authors@R` = "\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", c(\"aut\", \"cre\"))", Description = "An extension to stopifnot() that makes it easy to declare \n the pre and post conditions that you code should satisfy, while also \n producing friendly error messages so that your users know what's gone\n wrong.", License = "GPL-3", Imports = "tools", Suggests = "testthat, covr", RoxygenNote = "6.0.1",
Collate = "'assert-that.r' 'on-failure.r' 'assertions-file.r'\n'assertions-scalar.R' 'assertions.r' 'base.r'\n'base-comparison.r' 'base-is.r' 'base-logical.r' 'base-misc.r'\n'utils.r' 'validate-that.R'", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2019-03-21 13:11:01 UTC; hadley", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre]", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2019-03-21 14:53:46 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-10 00:41:45 UTC; windows") list(Package = "usethis", Title = "Automate Package and Project Setup", Version = "2.2.2", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4757-117X\")),\n person(\"Jennifer\", \"Bryan\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-6983-2759\")),\n person(\"Malcolm\", \"Barrett\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0299-5825\")),\n person(\"Andy\", \"Teucher\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-7840-692X\")),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "Automate package and project setup tasks that are otherwise\n performed manually. This includes setting up unit testing, test\n coverage, continuous integration, Git, 'GitHub', licenses, 'Rcpp',\n 'RStudio' projects, and more.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://usethis.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/usethis", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/usethis/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.6)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.0.1), clipr (>= 0.3.0), crayon, curl (>= 2.7), desc\n(>= 1.4.2), fs (>= 1.3.0), gert (>= 1.4.1), gh (>= 1.2.1), glue\n(>= 1.3.0), jsonlite, lifecycle (>= 1.0.0), purrr, rappdirs,\nrlang (>= 1.1.0), rprojroot (>= 1.2), rstudioapi, stats, utils,\nwhisker, withr (>= 2.3.0), yaml",
Suggests = "covr, knitr, magick, pkgload, rmarkdown, roxygen2 (>= 7.1.2),\nspelling (>= 1.2), styler (>= 1.2.0), testthat (>= 3.1.8)", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate, xml2", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", Language = "en-US", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-07-05 16:52:17 UTC; jenny", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4757-117X>),\n Jennifer Bryan [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6983-2759>),\n Malcolm Barrett [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0299-5825>),\n Andy Teucher [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7840-692X>),\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
Maintainer = "Jennifer Bryan <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-07-06 00:20:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:28:25 UTC; windows") list(Package = "klippy", Title = "Copy to Clipboard Buttons for R Markdown HTML Documents", Version = "", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Romain\", \"Lesur\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-0721-5595\")),\n person(\"Zeno\", \"Rocha\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"cph\"),\n comment = \"clipboard.js library\"),\n person(family = \"GitHub, Inc.\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"Primer Tooltips library & Octicons library\")\n )",
Maintainer = "Romain Lesur <[email protected]>", Description = "Insert copy to clipboard buttons in HTML documents generated\n with 'rmarkdown'. This package is suited for a call in a 'knitr' chunk. \n Buttons events are rendered using 'clipboard.js' library and 'Bootstrap.js' \n Tooltip plugin. ", Depends = "R (>= 2.14.1)", Imports = "assertthat (>= 0.2.0), grDevices, htmltools (>= 0.3.5),\nstringi(>= 0.5-2)", Suggests = "knitr (>= 1.16), prettydoc (>= 0.2.0), rmarkdown (>= 0.9.6)",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://rlesur.github.io/klippy, https://github.com/RLesur/klippy", BugReports = "https://github.com/RLesur/klippy/issues", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.0.2", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Collate = "'html_dependencies.R' 'klippy.R'", Roxygen = "list(markdown = TRUE)", RemoteType = "github", RemoteHost = "api.github.com", RemoteRepo = "klippy", RemoteUsername = "rlesur", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "378c247fbbc76ec662f6c1ed1103121b87091be4", GithubRepo = "klippy",
GithubUsername = "rlesur", GithubRef = "HEAD", GithubSHA1 = "378c247fbbc76ec662f6c1ed1103121b87091be4", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-10-17 10:39:29 UTC; breuerjs", Author = "Romain Lesur [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0721-5595>),\n Zeno Rocha [cph] (clipboard.js library),\n GitHub, Inc. [cph] (Primer Tooltips library & Octicons library)", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-17 10:39:29 UTC; windows") list(Package = "httpuv", Type = "Package", Encoding = "UTF-8", Title = "HTTP and WebSocket Server Library", Version = "1.6.11", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", role = c(\"aut\"), email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Posit, PBC\", role = \"cph\", \"fnd\"),\n person(\"Hector\", \"Corrada Bravo\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jeroen\", \"Ooms\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Andrzej\", \"Krzemienski\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"optional.hpp\"),\n person(\"libuv project contributors\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"libuv library, see src/libuv/AUTHORS file\"),\n person(\"Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"libuv library, see src/libuv/AUTHORS file; and http-parser library, see src/http-parser/AUTHORS file\"),\n person(\"Niels\", \"Provos\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"libuv subcomponent: tree.h\"),\n person(\"Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"libuv subcomponent: inet_pton and inet_ntop, contained in src/libuv/src/inet.c\"),\n person(\"Alexander\", \"Chemeris\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"libuv subcomponent: stdint-msvc2008.h (from msinttypes)\"),\n person(\"Google, Inc.\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"libuv subcomponent: pthread-fixes.c\"),\n person(\"Sony Mobile Communcations AB\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"libuv subcomponent: pthread-fixes.c\"),\n person(\"Berkeley Software Design Inc.\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"libuv subcomponent: android-ifaddrs.h, android-ifaddrs.c\"),\n person(\"Kenneth\", \"MacKay\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"libuv subcomponent: android-ifaddrs.h, android-ifaddrs.c\"),\n person(\"Emergya (Cloud4all, FP7/2007-2013, grant agreement no 289016)\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"libuv subcomponent: android-ifaddrs.h, android-ifaddrs.c\"),\n person(\"Steve\", \"Reid\", role = \"aut\", comment = \"SHA-1 implementation\"),\n person(\"James\", \"Brown\", role = \"aut\", comment = \"SHA-1 implementation\"),\n person(\"Bob\", \"Trower\", role = \"aut\", comment = \"base64 implementation\"),\n person(\"Alexander\", \"Peslyak\", role = \"aut\", comment = \"MD5 implementation\"),\n person(\"Trantor Standard Systems\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"base64 implementation\"),\n person(\"Igor\", \"Sysoev\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"http-parser\")\n )",
Description = "Provides low-level socket and protocol support for handling\n HTTP and WebSocket requests directly from within R. It is primarily\n intended as a building block for other packages, rather than making it\n particularly easy to create complete web applications using httpuv alone.\n httpuv is built on top of the libuv and http-parser C libraries, both of\n which were developed by Joyent, Inc. (See LICENSE file for libuv and\n http-parser license information.)", License = "GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE",
Depends = "R (>= 2.15.1)", Imports = "Rcpp (>= 1.0.7), utils, R6, promises, later (>= 0.8.0)", LinkingTo = "Rcpp, later", URL = "https://github.com/rstudio/httpuv", SystemRequirements = "GNU make, zlib", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Suggests = "testthat, callr, curl, websocket", Collate = "'RcppExports.R' 'httpuv.R' 'random_port.R' 'server.R'\n'static_paths.R' 'utils.R'", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-05-11 01:48:49 UTC; jcheng", Author = "Joe Cheng [aut],\n Winston Chang [aut, cre],\n Posit, PBC fnd [cph],\n Hector Corrada Bravo [ctb],\n Jeroen Ooms [ctb],\n Andrzej Krzemienski [cph] (optional.hpp),\n libuv project contributors [cph] (libuv library, see src/libuv/AUTHORS\n file),\n Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors [cph] (libuv library, see\n src/libuv/AUTHORS file; and http-parser library, see\n src/http-parser/AUTHORS file),\n Niels Provos [cph] (libuv subcomponent: tree.h),\n Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. [cph] (libuv subcomponent: inet_pton\n and inet_ntop, contained in src/libuv/src/inet.c),\n Alexander Chemeris [cph] (libuv subcomponent: stdint-msvc2008.h (from\n msinttypes)),\n Google, Inc. [cph] (libuv subcomponent: pthread-fixes.c),\n Sony Mobile Communcations AB [cph] (libuv subcomponent:\n pthread-fixes.c),\n Berkeley Software Design Inc. [cph] (libuv subcomponent:\n android-ifaddrs.h, android-ifaddrs.c),\n Kenneth MacKay [cph] (libuv subcomponent: android-ifaddrs.h,\n android-ifaddrs.c),\n Emergya (Cloud4all, FP7/2007-2013, grant agreement no 289016) [cph]\n (libuv subcomponent: android-ifaddrs.h, android-ifaddrs.c),\n Steve Reid [aut] (SHA-1 implementation),\n James Brown [aut] (SHA-1 implementation),\n Bob Trower [aut] (base64 implementation),\n Alexander Peslyak [aut] (MD5 implementation),\n Trantor Standard Systems [cph] (base64 implementation),\n Igor Sysoev [cph] (http-parser)",
Maintainer = "Winston Chang <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-05-11 08:00:05 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 02:06:52 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "igraph", Version = "1.5.1", Title = "Network Analysis and Visualization", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-7098-9676\")),\n person(\"Tamás\", \"Nepusz\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1451-338X\")),\n person(\"Vincent\", \"Traag\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-3170-3879\")),\n person(\"Szabolcs\", \"Horvát\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-3100-523X\")),\n person(\"Fabio\", \"Zanini\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-7097-8539\")),\n person(\"Daniel\", \"Noom\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Kirill\", \"Müller\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1416-3412\")),\n person(\"Maëlle\", \"Salmon\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Chan Zuckerberg Initiative\", role = \"fnd\")\n )",
Description = "Routines for simple graphs and network analysis. It can\n handle large graphs very well and provides functions for generating\n random and regular graphs, graph visualization, centrality methods and\n much more.", License = "GPL (>= 2)", URL = "https://r.igraph.org/, https://igraph.org/,\nhttps://igraph.discourse.group/", BugReports = "https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/issues", Depends = "methods, R (>= 3.5.0)", Imports = "cli, graphics, grDevices, lifecycle, magrittr, Matrix,\npkgconfig (>= 2.0.0), rlang, stats, utils",
Suggests = "ape (>= 5.7-0.1), callr, decor, digest, graph, igraphdata,\nknitr, rgl, rmarkdown, scales, stats4, tcltk, testthat, vdiffr,\nwithr", LinkingTo = "cpp11 (>= 0.2.0)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/build` = "roxygen2, devtools, irlba, pkgconfig", `Config/Needs/coverage` = "covr", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/testthat/parallel` = "true", `Config/testthat/start-first` = "vs-es, scan, vs-operators, weakref,\nwatts.strogatz.game", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3",
SystemRequirements = "gmp (optional), libxml2 (optional), glpk (>= 4.57,\noptional)", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-08-09 04:30:08 UTC; kirill", Author = "Gábor Csárdi [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7098-9676>),\n Tamás Nepusz [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1451-338X>),\n Vincent Traag [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3170-3879>),\n Szabolcs Horvát [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3100-523X>),\n Fabio Zanini [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7097-8539>),\n Daniel Noom [aut],\n Kirill Müller [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1416-3412>),\n Maëlle Salmon [ctb],\n Chan Zuckerberg Initiative [fnd]",
Maintainer = "Kirill Müller <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-10 09:00:05 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:43:29 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "timechange", Title = "Efficient Manipulation of Date-Times", Version = "0.2.0", `Authors@R` = "c(person(\"Vitalie\", \"Spinu\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Google Inc.\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\")))", Description = "Efficient routines for manipulation of date-time objects while\n accounting for time-zones and daylight saving times. The package includes\n utilities for updating of date-time components (year, month, day etc.),\n modification of time-zones, rounding of date-times, period addition and\n subtraction etc. Parts of the 'CCTZ' source code, released under the Apache\n 2.0 License, are included in this package. See\n <https://github.com/google/cctz> for more details.",
Depends = "R (>= 3.3)", License = "GPL-3", Encoding = "UTF-8", LinkingTo = "cpp11 (>= 0.2.7)", Suggests = "testthat (>=, knitr", SystemRequirements = "A system with zoneinfo data (e.g.\n/usr/share/zoneinfo) as well as a recent-enough C++11 compiler\n(such as g++-4.8 or later). On Windows the zoneinfo included\nwith R is used.", BugReports = "https://github.com/vspinu/timechange/issues", URL = "https://github.com/vspinu/timechange/", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-01-11 17:55:58 UTC; vspinu",
Author = "Vitalie Spinu [aut, cre],\n Google Inc. [ctb, cph]", Maintainer = "Vitalie Spinu <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-01-11 18:20:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:25:46 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "tidyselect", Title = "Select from a Set of Strings", Version = "1.2.0", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "A backend for the selecting functions of the 'tidyverse'. It\n makes it easy to implement select-like functions in your own packages\n in a way that is consistent with other 'tidyverse' interfaces for\n selection.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://tidyselect.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/tidyselect", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/tidyselect/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.3.0), glue (>= 1.3.0), lifecycle (>= 1.0.3), rlang\n(>= 1.0.4), vctrs (>= 0.4.1), withr", Suggests = "covr, crayon, dplyr, knitr, magrittr, rmarkdown, stringr,\ntestthat (>= 3.1.1), tibble (>= 2.1.3)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", ByteCompile = "true", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate",
Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-10-10 14:09:03 UTC; hadleywickham", Author = "Lionel Henry [aut, cre],\n Hadley Wickham [aut],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Lionel Henry <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-10-10 19:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:06:47 UTC; windows") list(Package = "rstudioapi", Title = "Safely Access the RStudio API", Description = "Access the RStudio API (if available) and provide informative error\n messages when it's not.", Version = "0.15.0", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Kevin\", \"Ushey\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"JJ\", \"Allaire\", role = c(\"aut\"), email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = c(\"aut\"), email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Gary\", \"Ritchie\", role = c(\"aut\"), email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(family = \"RStudio\", role = \"cph\")\n )",
Maintainer = "Kevin Ushey <[email protected]>", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://rstudio.github.io/rstudioapi/,\nhttps://github.com/rstudio/rstudioapi", BugReports = "https://github.com/rstudio/rstudioapi/issues", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Suggests = "testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, clipr, covr", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-07-07 17:59:12 UTC; jacquelinegutman", Author = "Kevin Ushey [aut, cre],\n JJ Allaire [aut],\n Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Gary Ritchie [aut],\n RStudio [cph]",
Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-07-07 19:10:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 00:48:14 UTC; windows") list(Package = "yaml", Type = "Package", Title = "Methods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back", Date = "2023-01-18", Version = "2.3.7", Suggests = "RUnit", Author = "Shawn P Garbett [aut], Jeremy Stephens [aut, cre], Kirill Simonov [aut], Yihui Xie [ctb],\n Zhuoer Dong [ctb], Hadley Wickham [ctb], Jeffrey Horner [ctb], reikoch [ctb],\n Will Beasley [ctb], Brendan O'Connor [ctb], Gregory R. Warnes [ctb],\n Michael Quinn [ctb], Zhian N. Kamvar [ctb]", Maintainer = "Shawn Garbett <[email protected]>",
License = "BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE", Description = "Implements the 'libyaml' 'YAML' 1.1 parser and emitter\n (<https://pyyaml.org/wiki/LibYAML>) for R.", URL = "https://github.com/vubiostat/r-yaml/", BugReports = "https://github.com/vubiostat/r-yaml/issues", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-01-18 17:20:16 UTC; garbetsp", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-01-23 18:40:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.0; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-04-15 00:42:13 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "websocket", Version = "1.4.1", Title = "'WebSocket' Client Library", Description = "Provides a 'WebSocket' client interface for R.\n 'WebSocket' is a protocol for low-overhead real-time communication:\n <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebSocket>.", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Alan\", \"Dipert\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Barbara\", \"Borges\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(family = \"RStudio\", role = \"cph\"),\n person(\"Peter\", \"Thorson\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"WebSocket++ library\"),\n person(\"René\", \"Nyffenegger\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"Base 64 library\"),\n person(\"Micael\", \"Hildenborg\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"SHA1 library\"),\n person(family = \"Aladdin Enterprises\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"MD5 library\"),\n person(\"Bjoern\", \"Hoehrmann\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"), comment = \"UTF8 Validation library\"))",
License = "GPL-2", Encoding = "UTF-8", ByteCompile = "true", Imports = "R6, later (>= 1.2.0)", LinkingTo = "cpp11, AsioHeaders, later", BugReports = "https://github.com/rstudio/websocket/issues", SystemRequirements = "C++11, GNU make, OpenSSL >= 1.0.2", RoxygenNote = "7.1.1", Suggests = "httpuv, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2021-08-18 19:46:25 UTC; barret", Author = "Winston Chang [aut, cre],\n Joe Cheng [aut],\n Alan Dipert [aut],\n Barbara Borges [aut],\n RStudio [cph],\n Peter Thorson [ctb, cph] (WebSocket++ library),\n René Nyffenegger [ctb, cph] (Base 64 library),\n Micael Hildenborg [ctb, cph] (SHA1 library),\n Aladdin Enterprises [cph] (MD5 library),\n Bjoern Hoehrmann [ctb, cph] (UTF8 Validation library)",
Maintainer = "Winston Chang <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2021-08-18 20:30:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.2; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-11-14 02:50:28 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "miniUI", Type = "Package", Title = "Shiny UI Widgets for Small Screens", Version = "", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", role = c(\"cre\", \"aut\"), email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(family = \"RStudio\", role = \"cph\")\n )", Description = "Provides UI widget and layout functions for writing Shiny apps\n that work well on small screens.", License = "GPL-3", LazyData = "TRUE", Imports = "shiny (>= 0.13), htmltools (>= 0.3), utils", RoxygenNote = "5.0.1",
NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2018-05-18 17:00:34 UTC; jcheng", Author = "Joe Cheng [cre, aut],\n RStudio [cph]", Maintainer = "Joe Cheng <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2018-05-18 18:37:18 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:50:01 UTC; windows") list(Package = "processx", Title = "Execute and Control System Processes", Version = "3.8.2", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\", \"cph\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-7098-9676\")),\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")),\n person(\"Mango Solutions\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "Tools to run system processes in the background. It can\n check if a background process is running; wait on a background process\n to finish; get the exit status of finished processes; kill background\n processes. It can read the standard output and error of the processes,\n using non-blocking connections. 'processx' can poll a process for\n standard output or error, with a timeout. It can also poll several\n processes at once.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://processx.r-lib.org,\nhttps://github.com/r-lib/processx#readme", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/processx/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4.0)", Imports = "ps (>= 1.2.0), R6, utils", Suggests = "callr (>= 3.7.3), cli (>= 3.3.0), codetools, covr, curl,\ndebugme, parallel, rlang (>= 1.0.2), testthat (>= 3.0.0),\nwebfakes, withr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.0", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate",
NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-06-30 10:01:10 UTC; gaborcsardi", Author = "Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre, cph] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7098-9676>),\n Winston Chang [aut],\n RStudio [cph, fnd],\n Mango Solutions [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-06-30 20:40:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:25:47 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "qpdf", Type = "Package", Title = "Split, Combine and Compress PDF Files", Version = "1.3.2", `Authors@R` = "c(person(\"Jeroen\", \"Ooms\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), \n email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4035-0289\")),\n person(\"Ben\", \"Raymond\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jay Berkenbilt\", role = \"cph\", comment = \"Author of libqpdf\"))", Description = "Content-preserving transformations transformations of PDF files such \n as split, combine, and compress. This package interfaces directly to the 'qpdf' \n C++ API and does not require any command line utilities. Note that 'qpdf' does\n not read actual content from PDF files: to extract text and data you need the\n 'pdftools' package.",
License = "Apache License 2.0", URL = "https://docs.ropensci.org/qpdf/\nhttps://ropensci.r-universe.dev/qpdf\nhttps://qpdf.sourceforge.io/", BugReports = "https://github.com/ropensci/qpdf/issues", Encoding = "UTF-8", Imports = "Rcpp, askpass, curl", LinkingTo = "Rcpp", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1", Suggests = "testthat", SystemRequirements = "libjpeg", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-03-17 13:55:24 UTC; jeroen", Author = "Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4035-0289>),\n Ben Raymond [ctb],\n Jay Berkenbilt [cph] (Author of libqpdf)",
Maintainer = "Jeroen Ooms <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-03-17 15:40:05 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.2; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-11-14 02:27:15 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "pkgbuild", Title = "Find Tools Needed to Build R Packages", Version = "1.4.2", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Jim\", \"Hester\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "Provides functions used to build R packages. Locates\n compilers needed to build R packages on various platforms and ensures\n the PATH is configured appropriately so R can use them.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://github.com/r-lib/pkgbuild, https://pkgbuild.r-lib.org", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/pkgbuild/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4)", Imports = "callr (>= 3.2.0), cli (>= 3.4.0), crayon, desc, prettyunits,\nprocessx, R6, rprojroot", Suggests = "covr, cpp11, knitr, mockery, Rcpp, rmarkdown, testthat (>=\n3.0.0), withr (>= 2.3.0)", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3",
NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-06-26 11:12:19 UTC; gaborcsardi", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Jim Hester [aut],\n Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre],\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-06-26 11:50:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:06:43 UTC; windows") list(Package = "shiny", Type = "Package", Title = "Web Application Framework for R", Version = "1.7.5", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1576-2126\")),\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"JJ\", \"Allaire\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Carson\", \"Sievert\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4958-2844\")),\n person(\"Barret\", \"Schloerke\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-9986-114X\")),\n person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Jeff\", \"Allen\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Jonathan\", \"McPherson\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Alan\", \"Dipert\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Barbara\", \"Borges\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")),\n person(family = \"jQuery Foundation\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"jQuery library and jQuery UI library\"),\n person(family = \"jQuery contributors\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"jQuery library; authors listed in inst/www/shared/jquery-AUTHORS.txt\"),\n person(family = \"jQuery UI contributors\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"jQuery UI library; authors listed in inst/www/shared/jqueryui/AUTHORS.txt\"),\n person(\"Mark\", \"Otto\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Bootstrap library\"),\n person(\"Jacob\", \"Thornton\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Bootstrap library\"),\n person(family = \"Bootstrap contributors\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Bootstrap library\"),\n person(family = \"Twitter, Inc\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"Bootstrap library\"),\n person(\"Prem Nawaz\", \"Khan\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Bootstrap accessibility plugin\"),\n person(\"Victor\", \"Tsaran\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Bootstrap accessibility plugin\"),\n person(\"Dennis\", \"Lembree\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Bootstrap accessibility plugin\"),\n person(\"Srinivasu\", \"Chakravarthula\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Bootstrap accessibility plugin\"),\n person(\"Cathy\", \"O'Connor\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Bootstrap accessibility plugin\"),\n person(family = \"PayPal, Inc\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"Bootstrap accessibility plugin\"),\n person(\"Stefan\", \"Petre\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"Bootstrap-datepicker library\"),\n person(\"Andrew\", \"Rowls\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"Bootstrap-datepicker library\"),\n person(\"Brian\", \"Reavis\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"selectize.js library\"),\n person(\"Salmen\", \"Bejaoui\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"selectize-plugin-a11y library\"),\n person(\"Denis\", \"Ineshin\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"ion.rangeSlider library\"),\n person(\"Sami\", \"Samhuri\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"Javascript strftime library\"),\n person(family = \"SpryMedia Limited\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"DataTables library\"),\n person(\"John\", \"Fraser\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"showdown.js library\"),\n person(\"John\", \"Gruber\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"showdown.js library\"),\n person(\"Ivan\", \"Sagalaev\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"highlight.js library\"),\n person(family = \"R Core Team\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"tar implementation from R\")\n )",
Description = "Makes it incredibly easy to build interactive web\n applications with R. Automatic \"reactive\" binding between inputs and\n outputs and extensive prebuilt widgets make it possible to build\n beautiful, responsive, and powerful applications with minimal effort.", License = "GPL-3 | file LICENSE", Depends = "R (>= 3.0.2), methods", Imports = "utils, grDevices, httpuv (>= 1.5.2), mime (>= 0.3), jsonlite\n(>= 0.9.16), xtable, fontawesome (>= 0.4.0), htmltools (>=\n0.5.4), R6 (>= 2.0), sourcetools, later (>= 1.0.0), promises\n(>= 1.1.0), tools, crayon, rlang (>= 0.4.10), fastmap (>=\n1.1.1), withr, commonmark (>= 1.7), glue (>= 1.3.2), bslib (>=\n0.3.0), cachem, ellipsis, lifecycle (>= 0.2.0)",
Suggests = "datasets, Cairo (>= 1.5-5), testthat (>= 3.0.0), knitr (>=\n1.6), markdown, rmarkdown, ggplot2, reactlog (>= 1.0.0),\nmagrittr, yaml, future, dygraphs, ragg, showtext, sass", URL = "https://shiny.posit.co/, https://github.com/rstudio/shiny", BugReports = "https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues", Collate = "'globals.R' 'app-state.R' 'app_template.R' 'bind-cache.R'\n'bind-event.R' 'bookmark-state-local.R' 'bookmark-state.R'\n'bootstrap-deprecated.R' 'bootstrap-layout.R' 'conditions.R'\n'map.R' 'utils.R' 'bootstrap.R' 'cache-utils.R' 'deprecated.R'\n'devmode.R' 'diagnose.R' 'fileupload.R' 'graph.R' 'reactives.R'\n'reactive-domains.R' 'history.R' 'hooks.R' 'html-deps.R'\n'image-interact-opts.R' 'image-interact.R' 'imageutils.R'\n'input-action.R' 'input-checkbox.R' 'input-checkboxgroup.R'\n'input-date.R' 'input-daterange.R' 'input-file.R'\n'input-numeric.R' 'input-password.R' 'input-radiobuttons.R'\n'input-select.R' 'input-slider.R' 'input-submit.R'\n'input-text.R' 'input-textarea.R' 'input-utils.R'\n'insert-tab.R' 'insert-ui.R' 'jqueryui.R' 'knitr.R'\n'middleware-shiny.R' 'middleware.R' 'timer.R' 'shiny.R'\n'mock-session.R' 'modal.R' 'modules.R' 'notifications.R'\n'priorityqueue.R' 'progress.R' 'react.R' 'reexports.R'\n'render-cached-plot.R' 'render-plot.R' 'render-table.R'\n'run-url.R' 'runapp.R' 'serializers.R'\n'server-input-handlers.R' 'server-resource-paths.R' 'server.R'\n'shiny-options.R' 'shiny-package.R' 'shinyapp.R' 'shinyui.R'\n'shinywrappers.R' 'showcase.R' 'snapshot.R' 'staticimports.R'\n'tar.R' 'test-export.R' 'test-server.R' 'test.R'\n'update-input.R' 'utils-lang.R' 'version_bs_date_picker.R'\n'version_ion_range_slider.R' 'version_jquery.R'\n'version_jqueryui.R' 'version_selectize.R' 'version_strftime.R'\n'viewer.R'",
RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Encoding = "UTF-8", RdMacros = "lifecycle", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/check` = "shinytest2", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-08-11 15:54:00 UTC; cpsievert", Author = "Winston Chang [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1576-2126>),\n Joe Cheng [aut],\n JJ Allaire [aut],\n Carson Sievert [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4958-2844>),\n Barret Schloerke [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9986-114X>),\n Yihui Xie [aut],\n Jeff Allen [aut],\n Jonathan McPherson [aut],\n Alan Dipert [aut],\n Barbara Borges [aut],\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd],\n jQuery Foundation [cph] (jQuery library and jQuery UI library),\n jQuery contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery library; authors listed in\n inst/www/shared/jquery-AUTHORS.txt),\n jQuery UI contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery UI library; authors listed in\n inst/www/shared/jqueryui/AUTHORS.txt),\n Mark Otto [ctb] (Bootstrap library),\n Jacob Thornton [ctb] (Bootstrap library),\n Bootstrap contributors [ctb] (Bootstrap library),\n Twitter, Inc [cph] (Bootstrap library),\n Prem Nawaz Khan [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin),\n Victor Tsaran [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin),\n Dennis Lembree [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin),\n Srinivasu Chakravarthula [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin),\n Cathy O'Connor [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin),\n PayPal, Inc [cph] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin),\n Stefan Petre [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap-datepicker library),\n Andrew Rowls [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap-datepicker library),\n Brian Reavis [ctb, cph] (selectize.js library),\n Salmen Bejaoui [ctb, cph] (selectize-plugin-a11y library),\n Denis Ineshin [ctb, cph] (ion.rangeSlider library),\n Sami Samhuri [ctb, cph] (Javascript strftime library),\n SpryMedia Limited [ctb, cph] (DataTables library),\n John Fraser [ctb, cph] (showdown.js library),\n John Gruber [ctb, cph] (showdown.js library),\n Ivan Sagalaev [ctb, cph] (highlight.js library),\n R Core Team [ctb, cph] (tar implementation from R)",
Maintainer = "Winston Chang <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-12 17:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:28:17 UTC; windows") list(Package = "withr", Title = "Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State", Version = "2.5.1", `Authors@R` = "\n c(person(given = \"Jim\",\n family = \"Hester\",\n role = \"aut\"),\n person(given = \"Lionel\",\n family = \"Henry\",\n role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Kirill\",\n family = \"Müller\",\n role = \"aut\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Kevin\",\n family = \"Ushey\",\n role = \"aut\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Hadley\",\n family = \"Wickham\",\n role = \"aut\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Winston\",\n family = \"Chang\",\n role = \"aut\"),\n person(given = \"Jennifer\",\n family = \"Bryan\",\n role = \"ctb\"),\n person(given = \"Richard\",\n family = \"Cotton\",\n role = \"ctb\"),\n person(given = \"Posit Software, PBC\",\n role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")))",
Description = "A set of functions to run code 'with' safely and\n temporarily modified global state. Many of these functions were\n originally a part of the 'devtools' package, this provides a simple\n package with limited dependencies to provide access to these\n functions.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://withr.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/withr#readme", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/withr/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.2.0)", Imports = "graphics, grDevices, stats",
Suggests = "callr, covr, DBI, knitr, lattice, methods, rlang, rmarkdown\n(>= 2.12), RSQLite, testthat (>= 3.0.0)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.1.2", Collate = "'aaa.R' 'collate.R' 'compat-defer.R' 'connection.R' 'db.R'\n'defer.R' 'wrap.R' 'local_.R' 'with_.R' 'devices.R' 'dir.R'\n'env.R' 'file.R' 'language.R' 'libpaths.R' 'locale.R'\n'makevars.R' 'namespace.R' 'options.R' 'par.R' 'path.R' 'rng.R'\n'seed.R' 'sink.R' 'tempfile.R' 'timezone.R' 'torture.R'\n'utils.R' 'with.R'",
`Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-09-26 08:28:27 UTC; lionel", Author = "Jim Hester [aut],\n Lionel Henry [aut, cre],\n Kirill Müller [aut],\n Kevin Ushey [aut],\n Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Winston Chang [aut],\n Jennifer Bryan [ctb],\n Richard Cotton [ctb],\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Lionel Henry <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-09-26 12:20:02 UTC",
Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-05 00:56:29 UTC; windows") list(Package = "askpass", Type = "Package", Title = "Password Entry Utilities for R, Git, and SSH", Version = "1.2.0", `Authors@R` = "person(\"Jeroen\", \"Ooms\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), \n email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4035-0289\"))", Description = "Cross-platform utilities for prompting the user for credentials or a \n passphrase, for example to authenticate with a server or read a protected key.\n Includes native programs for MacOS and Windows, hence no 'tcltk' is required. \n Password entry can be invoked in two different ways: directly from R via the \n askpass() function, or indirectly as password-entry back-end for 'ssh-agent' \n or 'git-credential' via the SSH_ASKPASS and GIT_ASKPASS environment variables.\n Thereby the user can be prompted for credentials or a passphrase if needed \n when R calls out to git or ssh.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://github.com/r-lib/askpass", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/askpass/issues", Encoding = "UTF-8", Imports = "sys (>= 2.1)", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Suggests = "testthat", Language = "en-US", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-09-03 19:16:12 UTC; jeroen", Author = "Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4035-0289>)", Maintainer = "Jeroen Ooms <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-09-03 20:00:02 UTC",
Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:25:47 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "evaluate", Type = "Package", Title = "Parsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the\nDefault", Version = "0.22", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0645-5666\")),\n person(\"Michael\", \"Lawrence\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Thomas\", \"Kluyver\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jeroen\", \"Ooms\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Barret\", \"Schloerke\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Adam\", \"Ryczkowski\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Hiroaki\", \"Yutani\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Michel\", \"Lang\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Karolis\", \"Koncevičius\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(given = \"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "Parsing and evaluation tools that make it easy to recreate the\n command line behaviour of R.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://github.com/r-lib/evaluate", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/evaluate/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.0.2)", Imports = "methods", Suggests = "covr, ggplot2, lattice, rlang, testthat (>= 3.0.0), withr", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Encoding = "UTF-8", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-09-29 02:32:03 UTC; yihui",
Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Yihui Xie [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0645-5666>),\n Michael Lawrence [ctb],\n Thomas Kluyver [ctb],\n Jeroen Ooms [ctb],\n Barret Schloerke [ctb],\n Adam Ryczkowski [ctb],\n Hiroaki Yutani [ctb],\n Michel Lang [ctb],\n Karolis Koncevičius [ctb],\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Yihui Xie <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-09-29 04:30:05 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 00:47:59 UTC; windows") list(Package = "xaringan", Type = "Package", Title = "Presentation Ninja", Version = "0.28", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0645-5666\")),\n # contributors ordered alphabetically below\n person(\"Alessandro\", \"Gasparini\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-8319-7624\")),\n person(\"Benjie\", \"Gillam\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Claus Thorn\", \"Ekstrøm\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Daniel\", \"Anderson\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Dawei\", \"Lang\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Deo\", \"Salil\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Emi\", \"Tanaka\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Garrick\", \"Aden-Buie\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-7111-0077\")),\n person(\"Iñaki\", \"Ucar\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-6403-5550\")),\n person(\"John\", \"Little\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Joselyn\", \"Chávez\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4974-4591\")),\n person(\"Joseph\", \"Casillas\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"JooYoung\", \"Seo\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4064-6012\")),\n person(\"Lucy\", \"D'Agostino McGowan\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-7297-9359\")),\n person(\"Malcolm\", \"Barrett\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0299-5825\")),\n person(c(\"Matthew\", \"Mark\"), \"Strasiotto\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(github = \"mstr3336\")),\n person(\"Michael Wayne\", \"Kearney\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Nan-Hung\", \"Hsieh\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Ole Petter\", \"Bang\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"CSS in rmarkdown/templates/xaringan/resources/default.css\"),\n person(\"Orlando\", \"Olaya Bucaro\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Patrick\", \"Schratz\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Paul\", \"Klemm\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5985-1737\")),\n person(\"Paul\", \"Lemmens\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Robert\", \"Fromont\", role = \"ctb\", email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-5271-5487\")),\n person(\"Sean\", \"Lopp\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Silvia\", \"Canelon\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-1709-1394\")),\n person(\"Susan\", \"VanderPlas\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-3803-0972\")),\n person(\"Tuo\", \"Wang\", role = \"ctb\"), \n person(\"Waldir\", \"Leoncio\", role = \"ctb\", email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Yongfu\", \"Liao\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Yue\", \"Jiang\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-9798-5517\")),\n person(c(\"Zhian\", \"N.\"), \"Kamvar\", role = c(\"ctb\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-1458-7108\")),\n person()\n )",
Description = "Create HTML5 slides with R Markdown and the JavaScript library\n 'remark.js' (<https://remarkjs.com>).", Depends = "R (>= 3.5.0)", Imports = "htmltools, knitr (>= 1.30), servr (>= 0.13), xfun (>= 0.18),\nrmarkdown (>= 2.8)", Suggests = "rstudioapi, testit", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://github.com/yihui/xaringan", BugReports = "https://github.com/yihui/xaringan/issues", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.2", NeedsCompilation = "no",
Packaged = "2022-12-13 05:19:38 UTC; yihui", Author = "Yihui Xie [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0645-5666>),\n Alessandro Gasparini [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8319-7624>),\n Benjie Gillam [ctb],\n Claus Thorn Ekstrøm [ctb],\n Daniel Anderson [ctb],\n Dawei Lang [ctb],\n Deo Salil [ctb],\n Emi Tanaka [ctb],\n Garrick Aden-Buie [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7111-0077>),\n Iñaki Ucar [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6403-5550>),\n John Little [ctb],\n Joselyn Chávez [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4974-4591>),\n Joseph Casillas [ctb],\n JooYoung Seo [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4064-6012>),\n Lucy D'Agostino McGowan [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7297-9359>),\n Malcolm Barrett [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0299-5825>),\n Matthew Mark Strasiotto [ctb] (mstr3336),\n Michael Wayne Kearney [ctb],\n Nan-Hung Hsieh [ctb],\n Ole Petter Bang [ctb] (CSS in\n rmarkdown/templates/xaringan/resources/default.css),\n Orlando Olaya Bucaro [ctb],\n Patrick Schratz [ctb],\n Paul Klemm [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5985-1737>),\n Paul Lemmens [ctb],\n Robert Fromont [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5271-5487>),\n Sean Lopp [ctb],\n Silvia Canelon [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1709-1394>),\n Susan VanderPlas [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3803-0972>),\n Tuo Wang [ctb],\n Waldir Leoncio [ctb],\n Yongfu Liao [ctb],\n Yue Jiang [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9798-5517>),\n Zhian N. Kamvar [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1458-7108>)",
Maintainer = "Yihui Xie <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-12-13 05:40:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-10 02:33:45 UTC; windows") list(Package = "urlchecker", Title = "Run CRAN URL Checks from Older R Versions", Version = "1.0.1", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"R Core team\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = \"The code in urltools.R adapted from the tools package\"),\n person(\"Jim\", \"Hester\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-2739-7082\")),\n person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "Provide the URL checking tools available in R 4.1+ as a\n package for earlier versions of R. Also uses concurrent requests so\n can be much faster than the serial versions.", License = "GPL-3", URL = "https://github.com/r-lib/urlchecker", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/urlchecker/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.3)", Imports = "cli, curl, tools, xml2", Suggests = "covr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.1.2", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2021-11-30 00:26:56 UTC; jhester",
Author = "R Core team [aut] (The code in urltools.R adapted from the tools\n package),\n Jim Hester [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2739-7082>),\n Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2021-11-30 13:40:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 00:50:04 UTC; windows") list(Package = "xml2", Title = "Parse XML", Version = "1.3.5", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Jim\", \"Hester\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Jeroen\", \"Ooms\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")),\n person(\"R Foundation\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Copy of R-project homepage cached as example\")\n )", Description = "Work with XML files using a simple, consistent interface.\n Built on top of the 'libxml2' C library.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://xml2.r-lib.org/, https://github.com/r-lib/xml2", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/xml2/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.1.0)", Imports = "methods", Suggests = "covr, curl, httr, knitr, magrittr, mockery, rmarkdown,\ntestthat (>= 2.1.0)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", SystemRequirements = "libxml2: libxml2-dev (deb), libxml2-devel (rpm)", Collate = "'S4.R' 'as_list.R' 'xml_parse.R' 'as_xml_document.R'\n'classes.R' 'init.R' 'paths.R' 'utils.R' 'xml_attr.R'\n'xml_children.R' 'xml_find.R' 'xml_modify.R' 'xml_name.R'\n'xml_namespaces.R' 'xml_path.R' 'xml_schema.R'\n'xml_serialize.R' 'xml_structure.R' 'xml_text.R' 'xml_type.R'\n'xml_url.R' 'xml_write.R' 'zzz.R'",
NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-06-29 13:52:10 UTC; hadleywickham", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre],\n Jim Hester [aut],\n Jeroen Ooms [aut],\n RStudio [cph, fnd],\n R Foundation [ctb] (Copy of R-project homepage cached as example)", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-07-06 08:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:48:08 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "pillar", Title = "Coloured Formatting for Columns", Version = "1.9.0", `Authors@R` = "\n c(person(given = \"Kirill\",\n family = \"M\\u00fcller\",\n role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n email = \"[email protected]\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1416-3412\")),\n person(given = \"Hadley\",\n family = \"Wickham\",\n role = \"aut\"),\n person(given = \"RStudio\",\n role = \"cph\"))", Description = "Provides 'pillar' and 'colonnade' generics designed\n for formatting columns of data using the full range of colours\n provided by modern terminals.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://pillar.r-lib.org/, https://github.com/r-lib/pillar", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/pillar/issues", Imports = "cli (>= 2.3.0), fansi, glue, lifecycle, rlang (>= 1.0.2), utf8\n(>= 1.1.0), utils, vctrs (>= 0.5.0)", Suggests = "bit64, DBI, debugme, DiagrammeR, dplyr, formattable, ggplot2,\nknitr, lubridate, nanotime, nycflights13, palmerpenguins,\nrmarkdown, scales, stringi, survival, testthat (>= 3.1.1),\ntibble, units (>= 0.7.2), vdiffr, withr",
VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/testthat/parallel` = "true", `Config/testthat/start-first` = "format_multi_fuzz, format_multi_fuzz_2,\nformat_multi, ctl_colonnade, ctl_colonnade_1, ctl_colonnade_2", `Config/autostyle/scope` = "line_breaks", `Config/autostyle/strict` = "true", `Config/gha/extra-packages` = "DiagrammeR=?ignore-before-r=3.5.0", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", NeedsCompilation = "no",
Packaged = "2023-03-21 08:42:46 UTC; kirill", Author = "Kirill Müller [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1416-3412>),\n Hadley Wickham [aut],\n RStudio [cph]", Maintainer = "Kirill Müller <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-03-22 08:10:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:06:44 UTC; windows") list(Package = "generics", Title = "Common S3 Generics not Provided by Base R Methods Related to\nModel Fitting", Version = "0.1.3", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Max\", \"Kuhn\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Davis\", \"Vaughan\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = \"cph\")\n )", Description = "In order to reduce potential package dependencies and\n conflicts, generics provides a number of commonly used S3 generics.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://generics.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/generics", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/generics/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.2)", Imports = "methods", Suggests = "covr, pkgload, testthat (>= 3.0.0), tibble, withr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.0", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-07-05 14:52:13 UTC; davis", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre],\n Max Kuhn [aut],\n Davis Vaughan [aut],\n RStudio [cph]",
Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-07-05 19:40:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 00:47:59 UTC; windows") list(Package = "vroom", Title = "Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly", Version = "1.6.4", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Jim\", \"Hester\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-2739-7082\")),\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4757-117X\")),\n person(\"Jennifer\", \"Bryan\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-6983-2759\")),\n person(\"Shelby\", \"Bearrows\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"https://github.com/mandreyel/\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"mio library\"),\n person(\"Jukka\", \"Jylänki\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"grisu3 implementation\"),\n person(\"Mikkel\", \"Jørgensen\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"grisu3 implementation\"),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "The goal of 'vroom' is to read and write data (like 'csv',\n 'tsv' and 'fwf') quickly. When reading it uses a quick initial\n indexing step, then reads the values lazily , so only the data you\n actually use needs to be read. The writer formats the data in\n parallel and writes to disk asynchronously from formatting.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://vroom.r-lib.org, https://github.com/tidyverse/vroom", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/vroom/issues",
Depends = "R (>= 3.6)", Imports = "bit64, cli (>= 3.2.0), crayon, glue, hms, lifecycle (>=\n1.0.3), methods, rlang (>= 0.4.2), stats, tibble (>= 2.0.0),\ntidyselect, tzdb (>= 0.1.1), vctrs (>= 0.2.0), withr", Suggests = "archive, bench (>= 1.1.0), covr, curl, dplyr, forcats, fs,\nggplot2, knitr, patchwork, prettyunits, purrr, rmarkdown,\nrstudioapi, scales, spelling, testthat (>= 2.1.0), tidyr,\nutils, waldo, xml2", LinkingTo = "cpp11 (>= 0.2.0), progress (>= 1.2.1), tzdb (>= 0.1.1)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr",
`Config/Needs/website` = "nycflights13, tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/testthat/parallel` = "false", Copyright = "file COPYRIGHTS", Encoding = "UTF-8", Language = "en-US", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-10-02 04:48:51 UTC; jenny", Author = "Jim Hester [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2739-7082>),\n Hadley Wickham [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4757-117X>),\n Jennifer Bryan [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6983-2759>),\n Shelby Bearrows [ctb],\n https://github.com/mandreyel/ [cph] (mio library),\n Jukka Jylänki [cph] (grisu3 implementation),\n Mikkel Jørgensen [cph] (grisu3 implementation),\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
Maintainer = "Jennifer Bryan <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-10-02 14:30:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 02:28:13 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "chromote", Title = "Headless Chrome Web Browser Interface", Version = "0.1.2", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Barret\", \"Schloerke\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-9986-114X\")),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "An implementation of the 'Chrome DevTools Protocol', for\n controlling a headless Chrome web browser.",
License = "GPL-2", URL = "https://rstudio.github.io/chromote/,\nhttps://github.com/rstudio/chromote", BugReports = "https://github.com/rstudio/chromote/issues", Imports = "curl, fastmap, jsonlite, later (>= 1.1.0), magrittr, processx,\npromises (>= 1.1.1), R6, rlang, websocket (>= 1.2.0)", Suggests = "showimage, testthat (>= 3.0.0)", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", Language = "en-US", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", SystemRequirements = "Google Chrome or other Chromium-based browser.\nchromium: chromium (rpm) or chromium-browser (deb)",
NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-08-11 20:25:41 UTC; garrick", Author = "Winston Chang [aut, cre],\n Barret Schloerke [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9986-114X>),\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Winston Chang <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-11 21:43:51 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.2; ; 2023-11-14 03:12:39 UTC; windows") list(Package = "hms", Title = "Pretty Time of Day", Date = "2023-03-21", Version = "1.1.3", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Kirill\", \"Müller\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1416-3412\")),\n person(\"R Consortium\", role = \"fnd\"),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = \"fnd\")\n )", Description = "Implements an S3 class for storing and formatting time-of-day\n values, based on the 'difftime' class.", Imports = "lifecycle, methods, pkgconfig, rlang (>= 1.0.2), vctrs (>=\n0.3.8)",
Suggests = "crayon, lubridate, pillar (>= 1.1.0), testthat (>= 3.0.0)", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", Encoding = "UTF-8", URL = "https://hms.tidyverse.org/, https://github.com/tidyverse/hms", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/hms/issues", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/autostyle/scope` = "line_breaks", `Config/autostyle/strict` = "false", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-03-21 16:52:11 UTC; kirill",
Author = "Kirill Müller [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1416-3412>),\n R Consortium [fnd],\n RStudio [fnd]", Maintainer = "Kirill Müller <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-03-21 18:10:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:06:46 UTC; windows") list(Package = "munsell", Type = "Package", Title = "Utilities for Using Munsell Colours", Version = "0.5.0", Author = "Charlotte Wickham <[email protected]>", Maintainer = "Charlotte Wickham <[email protected]>", Description = "Provides easy access to, and manipulation of, the Munsell \n colours. Provides a mapping between Munsell's \n original notation (e.g. \"5R 5/10\") and hexadecimal strings suitable \n for use directly in R graphics. Also provides utilities \n to explore slices through the Munsell colour tree, to transform \n Munsell colours and display colour palettes.",
Suggests = "ggplot2, testthat", Imports = "colorspace, methods", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://cran.r-project.org/package=munsell,\nhttps://github.com/cwickham/munsell/", RoxygenNote = "6.0.1", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2018-06-11 23:15:15 UTC; wickhamc", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2018-06-12 04:29:06 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 01:25:46 UTC; windows") list(Package = "scales", Title = "Scale Functions for Visualization", Version = "1.2.1", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Dana\", \"Seidel\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "Graphical scales map data to aesthetics, and provide methods\n for automatically determining breaks and labels for axes and legends.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://scales.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/scales",
BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/scales/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.2)", Imports = "farver (>= 2.0.3), labeling, lifecycle, munsell (>= 0.5), R6,\nRColorBrewer, rlang (>= 1.0.0), viridisLite", Suggests = "bit64, covr, dichromat, ggplot2, hms (>= 0.5.0), stringi,\ntestthat (>= 3.0.0), waldo (>= 0.4.0)", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", Encoding = "UTF-8", LazyLoad = "yes", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-08-19 15:35:49 UTC; hadleywickham",
Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre],\n Dana Seidel [aut],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-08-20 00:10:11 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 01:42:55 UTC; windows") list(Package = "ggnetwork", Type = "Package", Title = "Geometries to Plot Networks with 'ggplot2'", Description = "Geometries to plot network objects with 'ggplot2'.", Version = "0.5.12", Date = "2023-03-06", Maintainer = "François Briatte <[email protected]>", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"François\", \"Briatte\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-6494-9774\")),\n person(\"Michał\", \"Bojanowski\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-7503-852X\")),\n person(\"Mickaël\", \"Canouil\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-3396-4549\")),\n person(\"Zachary\", \"Charlop-Powers\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-8816-4680\")),\n person(\"Jacob C.\", \"Fisher\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0299-0346\")),\n person(\"Kipp\", \"Johnson\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5102-741X\")),\n person(\"Tyler\", \"Rinker\", role = \"ctb\")\n )",
License = "GPL-3", URL = "https://github.com/briatte/ggnetwork", BugReports = "https://github.com/briatte/ggnetwork/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.5), ggplot2 (>= 2.0.0)", Imports = "ggrepel (>= 0.5), network, igraph, sna, utils", Suggests = "knitr, rmarkdown, testthat", Collate = "'utilities.R' 'fortify-igraph.R' 'fortify-network.R'\n'geom-nodes.R' 'geom-edges.R' 'ggnetwork.R'", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-03-06 19:13:27 UTC; fr",
Author = "François Briatte [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6494-9774>),\n Michał Bojanowski [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7503-852X>),\n Mickaël Canouil [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3396-4549>),\n Zachary Charlop-Powers [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8816-4680>),\n Jacob C. Fisher [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0299-0346>),\n Kipp Johnson [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5102-741X>),\n Tyler Rinker [ctb]", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-03-06 20:00:02 UTC",
Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-31 04:12:53 UTC; windows") list(Package = "xtable", Version = "1.8-4", Date = "2019-04-08", Title = "Export Tables to LaTeX or HTML", `Authors@R` = "c(person(\"David B.\", \"Dahl\", role=\"aut\"),\n person(\"David\", \"Scott\", role=c(\"aut\",\"cre\"),\n email=\"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Charles\", \"Roosen\", role=\"aut\"),\n person(\"Arni\", \"Magnusson\", role=\"aut\"),\n person(\"Jonathan\", \"Swinton\", role=\"aut\"),\n person(\"Ajay\", \"Shah\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Arne\", \"Henningsen\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Benno\", \"Puetz\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Bernhard\", \"Pfaff\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Claudio\", \"Agostinelli\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Claudius\", \"Loehnert\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"David\", \"Mitchell\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"David\", \"Whiting\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Fernando da\", \"Rosa\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Guido\", \"Gay\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Guido\", \"Schulz\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Ian\", \"Fellows\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jeff\", \"Laake\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"John\", \"Walker\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jun\", \"Yan\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Liviu\", \"Andronic\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Markus\", \"Loecher\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Martin\", \"Gubri\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Matthieu\", \"Stigler\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Robert\", \"Castelo\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Seth\", \"Falcon\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Stefan\", \"Edwards\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Sven\", \"Garbade\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(\"Uwe\", \"Ligges\", role=\"ctb\"))",
Maintainer = "David Scott <[email protected]>", Imports = "stats, utils", Suggests = "knitr, plm, zoo, survival", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Description = "Coerce data to LaTeX and HTML tables.", URL = "http://xtable.r-forge.r-project.org/", Depends = "R (>= 2.10.0)", License = "GPL (>= 2)", Repository = "CRAN", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2019-04-21 10:56:51 UTC; dsco036", Author = "David B. Dahl [aut],\n David Scott [aut, cre],\n Charles Roosen [aut],\n Arni Magnusson [aut],\n Jonathan Swinton [aut],\n Ajay Shah [ctb],\n Arne Henningsen [ctb],\n Benno Puetz [ctb],\n Bernhard Pfaff [ctb],\n Claudio Agostinelli [ctb],\n Claudius Loehnert [ctb],\n David Mitchell [ctb],\n David Whiting [ctb],\n Fernando da Rosa [ctb],\n Guido Gay [ctb],\n Guido Schulz [ctb],\n Ian Fellows [ctb],\n Jeff Laake [ctb],\n John Walker [ctb],\n Jun Yan [ctb],\n Liviu Andronic [ctb],\n Markus Loecher [ctb],\n Martin Gubri [ctb],\n Matthieu Stigler [ctb],\n Robert Castelo [ctb],\n Seth Falcon [ctb],\n Stefan Edwards [ctb],\n Sven Garbade [ctb],\n Uwe Ligges [ctb]",
`Date/Publication` = "2019-04-21 12:20:03 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 00:47:59 UTC; windows") list(Package = "glue", Title = "Interpreted String Literals", Version = "1.6.2", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Jim\", \"Hester\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-2739-7082\")),\n person(\"Jennifer\", \"Bryan\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-6983-2759\")),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "An implementation of interpreted string literals, inspired by\n Python's Literal String Interpolation\n <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498/> and Docstrings\n <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/> and Julia's Triple-Quoted\n String Literals\n <https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1.3/manual/strings/#Triple-Quoted-String-Literals-1>.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://github.com/tidyverse/glue, https://glue.tidyverse.org/", BugReports = "https://github.com/tidyverse/glue/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4)", Imports = "methods", Suggests = "covr, crayon, DBI, dplyr, forcats, ggplot2, knitr, magrittr,\nmicrobenchmark, R.utils, rmarkdown, rprintf, RSQLite, stringr,\ntestthat (>= 3.0.0), vctrs (>= 0.3.0), waldo (>= 0.3.0), withr", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", ByteCompile = "true", `Config/Needs/website` = "hadley/emo, tidyverse/tidytemplate",
`Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.1.2", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2022-02-23 22:50:40 UTC; jenny", Author = "Jim Hester [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2739-7082>),\n Jennifer Bryan [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6983-2759>),\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Jennifer Bryan <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-02-24 07:50:20 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:47:55 UTC; windows",
Archs = "x64") list(Package = "tools", Version = "4.3.2", Priority = "base", Title = "Tools for Package Development", Author = "R Core Team", Maintainer = "R Core Team <[email protected]>", Contact = "R-help mailing list <[email protected]>", Description = "Tools for package development, administration and documentation.", License = "Part of R 4.3.2", Suggests = "codetools, methods, xml2, curl, commonmark, knitr, xfun,\nmathjaxr, V8", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Built = "R 4.3.2; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-31 13:56:28 UTC; windows") list(Package = "xaringanExtra", Title = "Extras and Extensions for 'xaringan' Slides", Version = "0.7.0", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Garrick\", \"Aden-Buie\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-7111-0077\")),\n person(\"Matthew T.\", \"Warkentin\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(\"Contributed scribble\", ORCID = \"0000-0001-8730-3511\")),\n person(\"Yotam\", \"Mann\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"tone.js\"),\n person(\"Daniel\", \"Eden\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"animate.css\"),\n person(, \"Tachyons authors\", role = \"cph\"),\n person(, \"Klaus Hartl, Fagner Brack, GitHub Contributors\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"js-cookie\"),\n person(, \"Chris Andrejewski\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"himalaya\"),\n person(\"Eric\", \"Londaits\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"text-poster.js\"),\n person(\"Zeno\", \"Rocha\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"clipboard.js\"),\n person(\"Nikita\", \"Karamov\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"shareon.js\"),\n person(\"Ross\", \"Zurowski\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"fitvids.js\"),\n person(, \"Michelle Bu and Eric Zhang\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"peerjs\"),\n person(\"Kiril\", \"Vatev\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"tiny.toast\"),\n person(\"André\", \"Restive\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"remark.search\"),\n person(, \"Printio (Juriy Zaytsev, Maxim Chernyak)\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"fabric.js\"),\n person(\"Christpher\", \"Antonellis\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"freezeframe.js\")\n )",
Description = "Extras and extensions for 'xaringan' slides. Navigate your\n slides with tile view. Make your slides editable, live! Announce slide\n changes with subtle tones. Animate slide transitions with\n 'animate.css'. Add tabbed panels to slides with 'panelset'. Use the\n 'Tachyons CSS' utility toolkit for rapid slide development. Scribble\n on your slides. Add a copy button to your code chunks with\n 'clipboard'. Add a logo or top or bottom banner to every slide.\n Broadcast slides to stay in sync with remote viewers. Include yourself\n in your slides with 'webcam'. Plus a whole lot more!",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://pkg.garrickadenbuie.com/xaringanExtra/,\nhttps://github.com/gadenbuie/xaringanExtra", BugReports = "https://github.com/gadenbuie/xaringanExtra/issues", Imports = "htmltools, jsonlite, knitr, utils, uuid", Suggests = "callr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 2.1.0), xaringan", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.0", Collate = "'animate.R' 'banner.R' 'broadcast.R' 'clipboard.R'\n'editable.R' 'fit-screen.R' 'freezeframe.R' 'panelset.R'\n'progress-bar.R' 'scribble.R' 'share_again.R' 'slide-tone.R'\n'styles.R' 'search.R' 'tachyons.R' 'tile-view.R' 'use_logo.R'\n'utils.R' 'webcam.R' 'xaringanExtra-package.R'",
NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-07-16 12:47:54 UTC; garrick", Author = "Garrick Aden-Buie [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7111-0077>),\n Matthew T. Warkentin [aut] (Contributed scribble,\n <https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8730-3511>),\n Yotam Mann [cph] (tone.js),\n Daniel Eden [cph] (animate.css),\n Tachyons authors [cph],\n Klaus Hartl, Fagner Brack, GitHub Contributors [cph] (js-cookie),\n Chris Andrejewski [cph] (himalaya),\n Eric Londaits [cph] (text-poster.js),\n Zeno Rocha [cph] (clipboard.js),\n Nikita Karamov [cph] (shareon.js),\n Ross Zurowski [cph] (fitvids.js),\n Michelle Bu and Eric Zhang [cph] (peerjs),\n Kiril Vatev [cph] (tiny.toast),\n André Restive [cph] (remark.search),\n Printio (Juriy Zaytsev, Maxim Chernyak) [cph] (fabric.js),\n Christpher Antonellis [cph] (freezeframe.js)",
Maintainer = "Garrick Aden-Buie <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-07-16 13:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-10 01:59:36 UTC; windows") list(Package = "miniCRAN", Version = "0.2.16", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Andrie\", \"de Vries\", role=c(\"aut\", \"cre\", \"cph\"), email=\"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Alex\", \"Chubaty\", role=\"ctb\", email=\"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Microsoft Corporation\", role=\"cph\")\n )", License = "GPL-2", Copyright = "Andrie de Vries, Microsoft Corporation", Title = "Create a Mini Version of CRAN Containing Only Selected Packages", Description = "Makes it possible to create an internally consistent\n repository consisting of selected packages from CRAN-like repositories.\n The user specifies a set of desired packages, and 'miniCRAN' recursively\n reads the dependency tree for these packages, then downloads only this\n subset. The user can then install packages from this repository directly,\n rather than from CRAN. This is useful in production settings, e.g. server\n behind a firewall, or remote locations with slow (or zero) Internet access.",
URL = "https://github.com/andrie/miniCRAN", BugReports = "https://github.com/andrie/miniCRAN/issues", Imports = "graphics, httr, methods, stats, tools, utils, igraph,\nassertthat (>= 0.2.0)", Suggests = "devtools, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 2.1.0), covr, withr,\nmockery, testthis, roxygen2, mockr, spelling", LazyData = "true", LazyLoad = "true", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", RoxygenNote = "7.1.2", Encoding = "UTF-8", Language = "en-US", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", NeedsCompilation = "no",
Packaged = "2022-02-13 21:42:00 UTC; apdev", Author = "Andrie de Vries [aut, cre, cph],\n Alex Chubaty [ctb],\n Microsoft Corporation [cph]", Maintainer = "Andrie de Vries <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-02-14 09:00:05 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-31 03:29:58 UTC; windows") list(Package = "webshot", Title = "Take Screenshots of Web Pages", Version = "0.5.5", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Francois\", \"Guillem\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Barret\", \"Schloerke\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Nicolas\", \"Perriault\", role = \"ctb\", comment = \"The CasperJS library\")\n )", Description = "Takes screenshots of web pages, including Shiny applications and R\n Markdown documents.",
Depends = "R (>= 3.0)", Imports = "magrittr, jsonlite, callr", Suggests = "httpuv, knitr, rmarkdown, shiny, testthat (>= 3.0.0)", License = "GPL-2", SystemRequirements = "PhantomJS for taking screenshots, ImageMagick or\nGraphicsMagick and OptiPNG for manipulating images.", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Encoding = "UTF-8", URL = "https://wch.github.io/webshot/, https://github.com/wch/webshot/", BugReports = "https://github.com/wch/webshot/issues", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", NeedsCompilation = "no",
Packaged = "2023-06-26 22:07:00 UTC; winston", Author = "Winston Chang [aut, cre],\n Yihui Xie [ctb],\n Francois Guillem [ctb],\n Barret Schloerke [ctb],\n Nicolas Perriault [ctb] (The CasperJS library)", Maintainer = "Winston Chang <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-06-26 23:30:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-10 01:43:23 UTC; windows") list(Package = "pdftools", Type = "Package", Title = "Text Extraction, Rendering and Converting of PDF Documents", Version = "3.4.0", `Authors@R` = "person(\"Jeroen\", \"Ooms\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4035-0289\"))", Description = "Utilities based on 'libpoppler' for extracting text, fonts, attachments and \n metadata from a PDF file. Also supports high quality rendering of PDF documents into\n PNG, JPEG, TIFF format, or into raw bitmap vectors for further processing in R.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://docs.ropensci.org/pdftools/ (website)\nhttps://github.com/ropensci/pdftools#readme (devel)\nhttps://poppler.freedesktop.org (upstream)", BugReports = "https://github.com/ropensci/pdftools/issues", SystemRequirements = "Poppler C++ API: libpoppler-cpp-dev (deb) or\npoppler-cpp-devel (rpm), and poppler-data (rpm/deb) package.", Encoding = "UTF-8", Imports = "Rcpp (>= 0.12.12), qpdf", LinkingTo = "Rcpp", Suggests = "png, webp, tesseract, testthat",
RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-09-25 17:25:18 UTC; jeroen", Author = "Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4035-0289>)", Maintainer = "Jeroen Ooms <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-09-25 20:00:09 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.2; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-11-14 02:49:28 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "fs", Title = "Cross-Platform File System Operations Based on 'libuv'", Version = "1.6.3", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Jim\", \"Hester\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"libuv project contributors\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"libuv library\"),\n person(\"Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors\", role = \"cph\",\n comment = \"libuv library\"),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "A cross-platform interface to file system operations, built\n on top of the 'libuv' C library.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://fs.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/fs", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/fs/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4)", Imports = "methods", Suggests = "covr, crayon, knitr, pillar (>= 1.0.0), rmarkdown, spelling,\ntestthat (>= 3.0.0), tibble (>= 1.1.0), vctrs (>= 0.3.0), withr", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", ByteCompile = "true", Copyright = "file COPYRIGHTS",
Encoding = "UTF-8", Language = "en-US", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", SystemRequirements = "GNU make", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-07-10 16:24:00 UTC; gaborcsardi", Author = "Jim Hester [aut],\n Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre],\n libuv project contributors [cph] (libuv library),\n Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors [cph] (libuv library),\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>",
Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-07-20 10:30:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:47:58 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "grid", Version = "4.3.2", Priority = "base", Title = "The Grid Graphics Package", Author = "Paul Murrell <[email protected]>", Maintainer = "R Core Team <[email protected]>", Contact = "R-help mailing list <[email protected]>", Description = "A rewrite of the graphics layout capabilities, plus some\n support for interaction.", Imports = "grDevices, utils", License = "Part of R 4.3.2", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Built = "R 4.3.2; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-31 14:02:18 UTC; windows") list(Package = "woRkshoptools", Type = "Package", Title = "R-Package to create, build, and maintain xaringan slides for our\nworkshops", Version = "0.1.0", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Stefan\", \"Jünger\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = \"cre\"),\n person(\"Johannes\", \"Breuer\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"))", Description = "\n woRkshoptools is an R-package aimed at making our lives a bit easier when \n preparing our GESIS workshops. It's currently under heavy development, and \n the documentation is lacking some serious content.",
License = "CC-BY and dl-de/by-2-0", Encoding = "UTF-8", Imports = "easypackages, emo, devtools, dplyr, klippy, knitr, magrittr,\nreadr, rmarkdown, unilur, xaringan, xaringanExtra", Remotes = "hadley/emo, mitchelloharawild/icons, rlesur/klippy,\nkoncina/unilur, gadenbuie/xaringanExtra", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1", RemoteType = "github", RemoteHost = "api.github.com", RemoteRepo = "woRkshoptools", RemoteUsername = "StefanJuenger", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "70c1e64ca28aa070f2ebecbc36edc5982cc4de51",
GithubRepo = "woRkshoptools", GithubUsername = "StefanJuenger", GithubRef = "HEAD", GithubSHA1 = "70c1e64ca28aa070f2ebecbc36edc5982cc4de51", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-10-17 10:39:40 UTC; breuerjs", Author = "Stefan Jünger [cre],\n Johannes Breuer [aut]", Maintainer = "Stefan Jünger <[email protected]>", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-17 10:39:40 UTC; windows") list(Package = "devtools", Title = "Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier", Version = "2.4.5", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Jim\", \"Hester\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Jennifer\", \"Bryan\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-6983-2759\")),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "Collection of package development tools.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://devtools.r-lib.org/, https://github.com/r-lib/devtools", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/devtools/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.0.2), usethis (>= 2.1.6)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.3.0), desc (>= 1.4.1), ellipsis (>= 0.3.2), fs (>=\n1.5.2), lifecycle (>= 1.0.1), memoise (>= 2.0.1), miniUI (>=\n0.1.1.1), pkgbuild (>= 1.3.1), pkgdown (>= 2.0.6), pkgload (>=\n1.3.0), profvis (>= 0.3.7), rcmdcheck (>= 1.4.0), remotes (>=\n2.4.2), rlang (>= 1.0.4), roxygen2 (>= 7.2.1), rversions (>=\n2.1.1), sessioninfo (>= 1.2.2), stats, testthat (>= 3.1.5),\ntools, urlchecker (>= 1.0.1), utils, withr (>= 2.5.0)",
Suggests = "BiocManager (>= 1.30.18), callr (>= 3.7.1), covr (>= 3.5.1),\ncurl (>= 4.3.2), digest (>= 0.6.29), DT (>= 0.23), foghorn (>=\n1.4.2), gh (>= 1.3.0), gmailr (>= 1.0.1), httr (>= 1.4.3),\nknitr (>= 1.39), lintr (>= 3.0.0), MASS, mockery (>= 0.4.3),\npingr (>= 2.0.1), rhub (>= 1.1.1), rmarkdown (>= 2.14),\nrstudioapi (>= 0.13), spelling (>= 2.2)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", Encoding = "UTF-8", Language = "en-US", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1",
`Config/testthat/edition` = "3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-10-11 16:13:16 UTC; jenny", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Jim Hester [aut],\n Winston Chang [aut],\n Jennifer Bryan [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6983-2759>),\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Jennifer Bryan <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-10-11 17:12:36 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 03:17:48 UTC; windows") list(Package = "colorspace", Version = "2.1-0", Date = "2023-01-23", Title = "A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes", `Authors@R` = "c(person(given = \"Ross\", family = \"Ihaka\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Paul\", family = \"Murrell\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-3224-8858\")),\n person(given = \"Kurt\", family = \"Hornik\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\",\n\t\t comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4198-9911\")),\n person(given = c(\"Jason\", \"C.\"), family = \"Fisher\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-9032-8912\")),\n person(given = \"Reto\", family = \"Stauffer\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-3798-5507\")),\n person(given = c(\"Claus\", \"O.\"), family = \"Wilke\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-7470-9261\")),\n person(given = c(\"Claire\", \"D.\"), family = \"McWhite\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-7346-3047\")),\n person(given = \"Achim\", family = \"Zeileis\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0918-3766\")))",
Description = "Carries out mapping between assorted color spaces including RGB, HSV, HLS,\n CIEXYZ, CIELUV, HCL (polar CIELUV), CIELAB, and polar CIELAB.\n\t Qualitative, sequential, and diverging color palettes based on HCL colors\n\t are provided along with corresponding ggplot2 color scales.\n\t Color palette choice is aided by an interactive app (with either a Tcl/Tk\n\t or a shiny graphical user interface) and shiny apps with an HCL color picker and a\n\t color vision deficiency emulator. Plotting functions for displaying\n\t and assessing palettes include color swatches, visualizations of the\n\t HCL space, and trajectories in HCL and/or RGB spectrum. Color manipulation\n\t functions include: desaturation, lightening/darkening, mixing, and\n\t simulation of color vision deficiencies (deutanomaly, protanomaly, tritanomaly).\n\t Details can be found on the project web page at <https://colorspace.R-Forge.R-project.org/>\n\t and in the accompanying scientific paper: Zeileis et al. (2020, Journal of Statistical\n\t Software, <doi:10.18637/jss.v096.i01>).",
Depends = "R (>= 3.0.0), methods", Imports = "graphics, grDevices, stats", Suggests = "datasets, utils, KernSmooth, MASS, kernlab, mvtnorm, vcd,\ntcltk, shiny, shinyjs, ggplot2, dplyr, scales, grid, png, jpeg,\nknitr, rmarkdown, RColorBrewer, rcartocolor, scico, viridis,\nwesanderson", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", License = "BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE", URL = "https://colorspace.R-Forge.R-project.org/, https://hclwizard.org/", BugReports = "https://colorspace.R-Forge.R-project.org/contact.html",
LazyData = "yes", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-01-23 08:50:11 UTC; zeileis", Author = "Ross Ihaka [aut],\n Paul Murrell [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3224-8858>),\n Kurt Hornik [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4198-9911>),\n Jason C. Fisher [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9032-8912>),\n Reto Stauffer [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3798-5507>),\n Claus O. Wilke [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7470-9261>),\n Claire D. McWhite [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7346-3047>),\n Achim Zeileis [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0918-3766>)",
Maintainer = "Achim Zeileis <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-01-23 11:40:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:47:56 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "cli", Title = "Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces", Version = "3.6.1", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Kirill\", \"Müller\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "A suite of tools to build attractive command line interfaces\n ('CLIs'), from semantic elements: headings, lists, alerts, paragraphs,\n etc. Supports custom themes via a 'CSS'-like language. It also\n contains a number of lower level 'CLI' elements: rules, boxes, trees,\n and 'Unicode' symbols with 'ASCII' alternatives. It support ANSI\n colors and text styles as well.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://cli.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/cli#readme", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/cli/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4)", Imports = "utils", Suggests = "callr, covr, crayon, digest, glue (>= 1.6.0), grDevices,\nhtmltools, htmlwidgets, knitr, methods, mockery, processx, ps\n(>=, rlang (>=, rmarkdown, rprojroot,\nrstudioapi, testthat, tibble, whoami, withr", `Config/Needs/website` = "r-lib/asciicast, bench, brio, cpp11, decor, desc,\nfansi, prettyunits, sessioninfo, tidyverse/tidytemplate,\nusethis, vctrs",
`Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-03-22 13:59:32 UTC; gaborcsardi", Author = "Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre],\n Hadley Wickham [ctb],\n Kirill Müller [ctb],\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Gábor Csárdi <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-03-23 12:52:05 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:47:56 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "kableExtra", Type = "Package", Title = "Construct Complex Table with 'kable' and Pipe Syntax", Version = "1.3.4", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person('Hao', 'Zhu', email = '[email protected]', role = c('aut', 'cre'),\n comment = c(ORCID = '0000-0002-3386-6076')),\n person('Thomas', 'Travison', role = 'ctb'),\n person('Timothy', 'Tsai', role = 'ctb'),\n person('Will', 'Beasley', email = '[email protected]', role = 'ctb'),\n person('Yihui', 'Xie', email = '[email protected]', role = 'ctb'),\n person('GuangChuang', 'Yu', email = '[email protected]', role = 'ctb'),\n person('Stéphane', 'Laurent', role = 'ctb'),\n person('Rob', 'Shepherd', role = 'ctb'),\n person('Yoni', 'Sidi', role = 'ctb'), \n person('Brian', 'Salzer', role = 'ctb'),\n person('George', 'Gui', role = 'ctb'),\n person('Yeliang', 'Fan', role = 'ctb'),\n person('Duncan', 'Murdoch', role = 'ctb'),\n person('Bill', 'Evans', role = 'ctb')\n )",
Description = "Build complex HTML or 'LaTeX' tables using 'kable()' from 'knitr' \n and the piping syntax from 'magrittr'. Function 'kable()' is a light weight \n table generator coming from 'knitr'. This package simplifies the way to \n manipulate the HTML or 'LaTeX' codes generated by 'kable()' and allows \n users to construct complex tables and customize styles using a readable \n syntax. ", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", LazyData = "TRUE", URL = "http://haozhu233.github.io/kableExtra/,\nhttps://github.com/haozhu233/kableExtra",
BugReports = "https://github.com/haozhu233/kableExtra/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.1.0)", Imports = "knitr (>= 1.16), magrittr, stringr (>= 1.0), xml2 (>= 1.1.1),\nrvest, rmarkdown (>= 1.6.0), scales, viridisLite, stats,\ngrDevices, htmltools, rstudioapi, glue, tools, webshot, digest,\ngraphics, svglite", Suggests = "testthat, magick, formattable, sparkline", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.1.1", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2021-02-19 18:56:12 UTC; haozhu",
Author = "Hao Zhu [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3386-6076>),\n Thomas Travison [ctb],\n Timothy Tsai [ctb],\n Will Beasley [ctb],\n Yihui Xie [ctb],\n GuangChuang Yu [ctb],\n Stéphane Laurent [ctb],\n Rob Shepherd [ctb],\n Yoni Sidi [ctb],\n Brian Salzer [ctb],\n George Gui [ctb],\n Yeliang Fan [ctb],\n Duncan Murdoch [ctb],\n Bill Evans [ctb]", Maintainer = "Hao Zhu <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2021-02-20 05:50:07 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-10 02:46:24 UTC; windows") list(Package = "fansi", Title = "ANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions", Description = "Counterparts to R string manipulation functions that account for\n the effects of ANSI text formatting control sequences.", Version = "1.0.5", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Brodie\", \"Gaslam\", email=\"[email protected]\",\n role=c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Elliott\", \"Sales De Andrade\", role=\"ctb\"),\n person(family=\"R Core Team\",\n email=\"[email protected]\", role=\"cph\",\n comment=\"UTF8 byte length calcs from src/util.c\"\n ))",
Depends = "R (>= 3.1.0)", License = "GPL-2 | GPL-3", URL = "https://github.com/brodieG/fansi", BugReports = "https://github.com/brodieG/fansi/issues", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Suggests = "unitizer, knitr, rmarkdown", Imports = "grDevices, utils", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Encoding = "UTF-8", Collate = "'constants.R' 'fansi-package.R' 'internal.R' 'load.R' 'misc.R'\n'nchar.R' 'strwrap.R' 'strtrim.R' 'strsplit.R' 'substr2.R'\n'trimws.R' 'tohtml.R' 'unhandled.R' 'normalize.R' 'sgr.R'", NeedsCompilation = "yes",
Packaged = "2023-10-07 16:15:12 UTC; bg", Author = "Brodie Gaslam [aut, cre],\n Elliott Sales De Andrade [ctb],\n R Core Team [cph] (UTF8 byte length calcs from src/util.c)", Maintainer = "Brodie Gaslam <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-10-08 19:30:05 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-09 23:51:00 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "viridisLite", Type = "Package", Title = "Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps (Lite Version)", Version = "0.4.2", Date = "2023-05-02", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Simon\", \"Garnier\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Noam\", \"Ross\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\")),\n person(\"Bob\", \"Rudis\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\")),\n person(\"Marco\", \"Sciaini\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\")),\n person(\"Antônio Pedro\", \"Camargo\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\")),\n person(\"Cédric\", \"Scherer\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"))\n )",
Maintainer = "Simon Garnier <[email protected]>", Description = "Color maps designed to improve graph readability for readers with \n common forms of color blindness and/or color vision deficiency. The color \n maps are also perceptually-uniform, both in regular form and also when \n converted to black-and-white for printing. This is the 'lite' version of the \n 'viridis' package that also contains 'ggplot2' bindings for discrete and \n continuous color and fill scales and can be found at \n <https://cran.r-project.org/package=viridis>.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", Encoding = "UTF-8", Depends = "R (>= 2.10)", Suggests = "hexbin (>= 1.27.0), ggplot2 (>= 1.0.1), testthat, covr", URL = "https://sjmgarnier.github.io/viridisLite/,\nhttps://github.com/sjmgarnier/viridisLite/", BugReports = "https://github.com/sjmgarnier/viridisLite/issues/", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-05-02 21:38:46 UTC; simon", Author = "Simon Garnier [aut, cre],\n Noam Ross [ctb, cph],\n Bob Rudis [ctb, cph],\n Marco Sciaini [ctb, cph],\n Antônio Pedro Camargo [ctb, cph],\n Cédric Scherer [ctb, cph]",
Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-05-02 23:50:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 00:47:56 UTC; windows") list(Package = "svglite", Title = "An 'SVG' Graphics Device", Version = "2.1.2", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Thomas Lin\", \"Pedersen\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"cre\", \"aut\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5147-4711\")),\n person(\"T Jake\", \"Luciani\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Matthieu\", \"Decorde\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Vaudor\", \"Lise\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Tony\", \"Plate\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Early line dashing code\"),\n person(\"David\", \"Gohel\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Line dashing code and early raster code\"),\n person(\"Yixuan\", \"Qiu\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Improved styles; polypath implementation\"),\n person(\"Håkon\", \"Malmedal\", role = \"ctb\",\n comment = \"Opacity code\"),\n person(\"Posit, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "A graphics device for R that produces 'Scalable Vector\n Graphics'. 'svglite' is a fork of the older 'RSvgDevice' package.", License = "GPL (>= 2)", URL = "https://svglite.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/svglite", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/svglite/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.5.0)", Imports = "systemfonts (>= 1.0.0)", Suggests = "covr, fontquiver (>= 0.2.0), htmltools, knitr, rmarkdown,\ntestthat (>= 3.0.0), xml2 (>= 1.0.0)", LinkingTo = "cpp11, systemfonts",
VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", SystemRequirements = "libpng", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-10-11 08:07:42 UTC; thomas", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Lionel Henry [aut],\n Thomas Lin Pedersen [cre, aut]\n (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5147-4711>),\n T Jake Luciani [aut],\n Matthieu Decorde [aut],\n Vaudor Lise [aut],\n Tony Plate [ctb] (Early line dashing code),\n David Gohel [ctb] (Line dashing code and early raster code),\n Yixuan Qiu [ctb] (Improved styles; polypath implementation),\n Håkon Malmedal [ctb] (Opacity code),\n Posit, PBC [cph, fnd]",
Maintainer = "Thomas Lin Pedersen <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-10-11 08:40:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-11 22:17:42 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "gtable", Title = "Arrange 'Grobs' in Tables", Version = "0.3.4", `Authors@R` = "\n c(person(given = \"Hadley\",\n family = \"Wickham\",\n role = \"aut\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Thomas Lin\",\n family = \"Pedersen\",\n role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Posit Software, PBC\",\n role = \"cph\"))", Description = "Tools to make it easier to work with \"tables\" of\n 'grobs'. The 'gtable' package defines a 'gtable' grob class that specifies a\n grid along with a list of grobs and their placement in the grid. Further the\n package makes it easy to manipulate and combine 'gtable' objects so that \n complex compositions can be built up sequentially.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", Depends = "R (>= 3.5)", Imports = "cli, glue, grid, lifecycle, rlang (>= 1.1.0)", Suggests = "covr, ggplot2, knitr, profvis, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", URL = "https://gtable.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/gtable", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/gtable/issues", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-08-21 10:36:53 UTC; thomas",
Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Thomas Lin Pedersen [aut, cre],\n Posit Software, PBC [cph]", Maintainer = "Thomas Lin Pedersen <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-21 11:20:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 01:43:06 UTC; windows") list(Type = "Package", Package = "sass", Version = "0.4.7", Title = "Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass')", Description = "An 'SCSS' compiler, powered by the 'LibSass' library. With this,\n R developers can use variables, inheritance, and functions to generate\n dynamic style sheets. The package uses the 'Sass CSS' extension language,\n which is stable, powerful, and CSS compatible.", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", , \"[email protected]\", \"aut\"),\n person(\"Timothy\", \"Mastny\", , \"[email protected]\", \"aut\"),\n person(\"Richard\", \"Iannone\", , \"[email protected]\", \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-3925-190X\")),\n person(\"Barret\", \"Schloerke\", , \"[email protected]\", \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-9986-114X\")),\n person(\"Carson\", \"Sievert\", , \"[email protected]\", c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4958-2844\")),\n person(\"Christophe\", \"Dervieux\", , \"[email protected]\", c(\"ctb\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4474-2498\")),\n person(family = \"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")),\n person(family = \"Sass Open Source Foundation\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"LibSass library\"),\n person(\"Greter\", \"Marcel\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"LibSass library\"),\n person(\"Mifsud\", \"Michael\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"LibSass library\"),\n person(\"Hampton\", \"Catlin\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"LibSass library\"),\n person(\"Natalie\", \"Weizenbaum\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"LibSass library\"),\n person(\"Chris\", \"Eppstein\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"LibSass library\"),\n person(\"Adams\", \"Joseph\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"json.cpp\"),\n person(\"Trifunovic\", \"Nemanja\", role = c(\"ctb\", \"cph\"),\n comment = \"utf8.h\")\n )",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://rstudio.github.io/sass/, https://github.com/rstudio/sass", BugReports = "https://github.com/rstudio/sass/issues", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", SystemRequirements = "GNU make", Imports = "fs (>= 1.2.4), rlang (>= 0.4.10), htmltools (>= 0.5.1), R6,\nrappdirs", Suggests = "testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, withr, shiny, curl", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-07-14 14:57:43 UTC; cpsievert",
Author = "Joe Cheng [aut],\n Timothy Mastny [aut],\n Richard Iannone [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3925-190X>),\n Barret Schloerke [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9986-114X>),\n Carson Sievert [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4958-2844>),\n Christophe Dervieux [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4474-2498>),\n RStudio [cph, fnd],\n Sass Open Source Foundation [ctb, cph] (LibSass library),\n Greter Marcel [ctb, cph] (LibSass library),\n Mifsud Michael [ctb, cph] (LibSass library),\n Hampton Catlin [ctb, cph] (LibSass library),\n Natalie Weizenbaum [ctb, cph] (LibSass library),\n Chris Eppstein [ctb, cph] (LibSass library),\n Adams Joseph [ctb, cph] (json.cpp),\n Trifunovic Nemanja [ctb, cph] (utf8.h)",
Maintainer = "Carson Sievert <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-07-15 06:20:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 02:06:51 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "digest", Author = "Dirk Eddelbuettel <[email protected]> with contributions\n by Antoine Lucas, Jarek Tuszynski, Henrik Bengtsson, Simon Urbanek,\n Mario Frasca, Bryan Lewis, Murray Stokely, Hannes Muehleisen,\n Duncan Murdoch, Jim Hester, Wush Wu, Qiang Kou, Thierry Onkelinx,\n Michel Lang, Viliam Simko, Kurt Hornik, Radford Neal, Kendon Bell,\n Matthew de Queljoe, Ion Suruceanu, Bill Denney, Dirk Schumacher,\n Winston Chang, and Dean Attali.", Version = "0.6.33", Date = "2023-06-28",
Maintainer = "Dirk Eddelbuettel <[email protected]>", Title = "Create Compact Hash Digests of R Objects", Description = "Implementation of a function 'digest()' for the creation of hash\n digests of arbitrary R objects (using the 'md5', 'sha-1', 'sha-256', 'crc32',\n 'xxhash', 'murmurhash', 'spookyhash', 'blake3' and 'crc32c' algorithms) permitting\n easy comparison of R language objects, as well as functions such as'hmac()' to\n create hash-based message authentication code. Please note that this package\n is not meant to be deployed for cryptographic purposes for which more\n comprehensive (and widely tested) libraries such as 'OpenSSL' should be\n used.",
URL = "https://github.com/eddelbuettel/digest,\nhttps://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/code/digest.html", BugReports = "https://github.com/eddelbuettel/digest/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.3.0)", Imports = "utils", License = "GPL (>= 2)", Suggests = "tinytest, simplermarkdown", VignetteBuilder = "simplermarkdown", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-06-28 02:46:18 UTC; edd", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-07-07 14:10:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:47:59 UTC; windows",
Archs = "x64") list(Package = "unilur", Type = "Package", Title = "rmarkdown template to prepare tutorials, practicals or\nexamination papers", Version = "", `Authors@R` = "c(person(\"Eric\", \"Koncina\", , \"[email protected]\", c(\"aut\", \"cre\")))", Maintainer = "Eric Koncina <[email protected]>", Description = "Rmarkdown template which creates tutorial files with the possibility to include/exclude the solutions.", Depends = "knitr (>= 1.12)", Imports = "htmltools, rmarkdown, stringr", License = "GPL-3",
Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.1.1", URL = "https://github.com/koncina/unilur", BugReports = "https://github.com/koncina/unilur/issues", Suggests = "testthat", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", RemoteType = "github", RemoteHost = "api.github.com", RemoteRepo = "unilur", RemoteUsername = "koncina", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "be7f93dd7ffddde481dead5d34e7c076600cfe0e", GithubRepo = "unilur", GithubUsername = "koncina", GithubRef = "HEAD", GithubSHA1 = "be7f93dd7ffddde481dead5d34e7c076600cfe0e",
NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-10-17 10:39:37 UTC; breuerjs", Author = "Eric Koncina [aut, cre]", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-17 10:39:37 UTC; windows") list(Package = "ggrepel", Version = "0.9.3", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Kamil\", \"Slowikowski\", email = \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-2843-6370\")),\n person(\"Alicia\", \"Schep\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-3915-0618\")),\n person(\"Sean\", \"Hughes\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-9409-9405\")),\n person(\"Trung Kien\", \"Dang\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-7562-6495\")),\n person(\"Saulius\", \"Lukauskas\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Jean-Olivier\", \"Irisson\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4920-3880\")),\n person(\"Zhian N\", \"Kamvar\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-1458-7108\")),\n person(\"Thompson\", \"Ryan\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-0450-8181\")),\n person(\"Dervieux\", \"Christophe\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4474-2498\")),\n person(\"Yutani\", \"Hiroaki\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Pierre\", \"Gramme\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Amir Masoud\", \"Abdol\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Malcolm\", \"Barrett\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0299-5825\")),\n person(\"Robrecht\", \"Cannoodt\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-3641-729X\")),\n person(\"Michał\", \"Krassowski\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-9638-7785\")),\n person(\"Michael\", \"Chirico\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0787-087X\")),\n person(\"Pedro\", \"Aphalo\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-3385-972X\"))\n )",
Title = "Automatically Position Non-Overlapping Text Labels with\n'ggplot2'", Description = "Provides text and label geoms for 'ggplot2' that help to avoid\n overlapping text labels. Labels repel away from each other and away from the\n data points.", Depends = "R (>= 3.0.0), ggplot2 (>= 2.2.0)", Imports = "grid, Rcpp, rlang (>= 0.3.0), scales (>= 0.5.0), withr (>=\n2.5.0)", Suggests = "knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, svglite, vdiffr, gridExtra,\ndevtools, prettydoc, ggbeeswarm, dplyr, magrittr, readr,\nstringr",
VignetteBuilder = "knitr", License = "GPL-3 | file LICENSE", URL = "https://github.com/slowkow/ggrepel", BugReports = "https://github.com/slowkow/ggrepel/issues", RoxygenNote = "7.1.2", LinkingTo = "Rcpp", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-02-02 22:59:58 UTC; kamil", Author = "Kamil Slowikowski [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2843-6370>),\n Alicia Schep [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3915-0618>),\n Sean Hughes [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9409-9405>),\n Trung Kien Dang [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7562-6495>),\n Saulius Lukauskas [ctb],\n Jean-Olivier Irisson [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4920-3880>),\n Zhian N Kamvar [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1458-7108>),\n Thompson Ryan [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0450-8181>),\n Dervieux Christophe [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4474-2498>),\n Yutani Hiroaki [ctb],\n Pierre Gramme [ctb],\n Amir Masoud Abdol [ctb],\n Malcolm Barrett [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0299-5825>),\n Robrecht Cannoodt [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3641-729X>),\n Michał Krassowski [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9638-7785>),\n Michael Chirico [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0787-087X>),\n Pedro Aphalo [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3385-972X>)",
Maintainer = "Kamil Slowikowski <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-02-03 09:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 02:49:59 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "htmlwidgets", Type = "Package", Title = "HTML Widgets for R", Version = "1.6.2", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Ramnath\", \"Vaidyanathan\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cph\")),\n person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = c(\"aut\")),\n person(\"JJ\", \"Allaire\", role = c(\"aut\")),\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", role = c(\"aut\"), email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Carson\", \"Sievert\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4958-2844\")),\n person(\"Kenton\", \"Russell\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cph\")),\n person(\"Ellis\", \"Hughes\", role = c(\"ctb\")),\n person(family = \"RStudio\", role = \"cph\")\n )",
Description = "A framework for creating HTML widgets that render in various\n contexts including the R console, 'R Markdown' documents, and 'Shiny'\n web applications.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Imports = "grDevices, htmltools (>= 0.5.4), jsonlite (>= 0.9.16), yaml,\nknitr (>= 1.8), rmarkdown", Suggests = "testthat", Enhances = "shiny (>= 1.1)", URL = "https://github.com/ramnathv/htmlwidgets", BugReports = "https://github.com/ramnathv/htmlwidgets/issues",
RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-03-17 15:34:40 UTC; cpsievert", Author = "Ramnath Vaidyanathan [aut, cph],\n Yihui Xie [aut],\n JJ Allaire [aut],\n Joe Cheng [aut],\n Carson Sievert [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4958-2844>),\n Kenton Russell [aut, cph],\n Ellis Hughes [ctb],\n RStudio [cph]", Maintainer = "Carson Sievert <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-03-17 16:50:06 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:50:00 UTC; windows") list(Type = "Package", Package = "farver", Title = "High Performance Colour Space Manipulation", Version = "2.1.1", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Thomas Lin\", \"Pedersen\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"cre\", \"aut\"),\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5147-4711\")),\n person(\"Berendea\", \"Nicolae\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = \"Author of the ColorSpace C++ library\"),\n person(\"Romain\", \"François\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-2444-4226\"))\n )",
Maintainer = "Thomas Lin Pedersen <[email protected]>", Description = "The encoding of colour can be handled in many different ways,\n using different colour spaces. As different colour spaces have\n different uses, efficient conversion between these representations are\n important. The 'farver' package provides a set of functions that gives\n access to very fast colour space conversion and comparisons\n implemented in C++, and offers speed improvements over the\n 'convertColor' function in the 'grDevices' package.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://farver.data-imaginist.com,\nhttps://github.com/thomasp85/farver", BugReports = "https://github.com/thomasp85/farver/issues", Suggests = "covr, testthat (>= 3.0.0)", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.0", SystemRequirements = "C++11", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2022-07-06 12:54:24 UTC; thomas", Author = "Thomas Lin Pedersen [cre, aut]\n (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5147-4711>),\n Berendea Nicolae [aut] (Author of the ColorSpace C++ library),\n Romain François [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2444-4226>)",
Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-07-06 13:50:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 00:47:55 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "memoise", Title = "'Memoisation' of Functions", Version = "2.0.1", `Authors@R` = "\n c(person(given = \"Hadley\",\n family = \"Wickham\",\n role = \"aut\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Jim\",\n family = \"Hester\",\n role = \"aut\"),\n person(given = \"Winston\",\n family = \"Chang\",\n role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"),\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Kirill\",\n family = \"Müller\",\n role = \"aut\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Daniel\",\n family = \"Cook\",\n role = \"aut\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(given = \"Mark\",\n family = \"Edmondson\",\n role = \"ctb\",\n email = \"[email protected]\"))",
Description = "Cache the results of a function so that when you\n call it again with the same arguments it returns the previously computed\n value.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://memoise.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/memoise", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/memoise/issues", Imports = "rlang (>= 0.4.10), cachem", Suggests = "digest, aws.s3, covr, googleAuthR, googleCloudStorageR, httr,\ntestthat", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.1.2", NeedsCompilation = "no",
Packaged = "2021-11-24 21:24:50 UTC; jhester", Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut],\n Jim Hester [aut],\n Winston Chang [aut, cre],\n Kirill Müller [aut],\n Daniel Cook [aut],\n Mark Edmondson [ctb]", Maintainer = "Winston Chang <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2021-11-26 16:11:10 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 01:43:13 UTC; windows") list(Package = "htmltools", Type = "Package", Title = "Tools for HTML", Version = "", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Carson\", \"Sievert\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4958-2844\")),\n person(\"Barret\", \"Schloerke\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0001-9986-114X\")),\n person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-1576-2126\")),\n person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = \"aut\", email = \"[email protected]\"),\n person(\"Jeff\", \"Allen\", role = \"aut\"),\n person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )",
Description = "Tools for HTML generation and output.", Depends = "R (>= 2.14.1)", Imports = "utils, digest, grDevices, base64enc, rlang (>= 0.4.12),\nfastmap (>= 1.1.0), ellipsis", Suggests = "markdown, testthat, withr, Cairo, ragg, shiny", Enhances = "knitr", License = "GPL (>= 2)", URL = "https://github.com/rstudio/htmltools,\nhttps://rstudio.github.io/htmltools/", BugReports = "https://github.com/rstudio/htmltools/issues", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Encoding = "UTF-8", Collate = "'colors.R' 'fill.R' 'html_dependency.R' 'html_escape.R'\n'html_print.R' 'htmltools-package.R' 'images.R' 'known_tags.R'\n'selector.R' 'staticimports.R' 'tag_query.R' 'utils.R' 'tags.R'\n'template.R'",
`Config/Needs/check` = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "rstudio/quillt, bench", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-10-06 15:29:21 UTC; cpsievert", Author = "Joe Cheng [aut],\n Carson Sievert [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4958-2844>),\n Barret Schloerke [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9986-114X>),\n Winston Chang [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1576-2126>),\n Yihui Xie [aut],\n Jeff Allen [aut],\n Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Carson Sievert <[email protected]>",
Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-10-06 20:40:06 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:43:11 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64") list(Package = "lifecycle", Title = "Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions", Version = "1.0.3", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = \"aut\",\n comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4757-117X\")),\n person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "Manage the life cycle of your exported functions with shared\n conventions, documentation badges, and user-friendly deprecation\n warnings.",
License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = "https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/, https://github.com/r-lib/lifecycle", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/lifecycle/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.4)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.4.0), glue, rlang (>= 1.0.6)", Suggests = "covr, crayon, knitr, lintr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.1),\ntibble, tidyverse, tools, vctrs, withr", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1",
NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-10-07 08:50:55 UTC; lionel", Author = "Lionel Henry [aut, cre],\n Hadley Wickham [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4757-117X>),\n RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Lionel Henry <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-10-07 09:50:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 01:25:44 UTC; windows") list(Package = "httr", Title = "Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP", Version = "1.4.7", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n person(\"Posit, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n )", Description = "Useful tools for working with HTTP organised by HTTP verbs\n (GET(), POST(), etc). Configuration functions make it easy to control\n additional request components (authenticate(), add_headers() and so\n on).", License = "MIT + file LICENSE",
URL = "https://httr.r-lib.org/, https://github.com/r-lib/httr", BugReports = "https://github.com/r-lib/httr/issues", Depends = "R (>= 3.5)", Imports = "curl (>= 5.0.2), jsonlite, mime, openssl (>= 0.8), R6", Suggests = "covr, httpuv, jpeg, knitr, png, readr, rmarkdown, testthat\n(>= 0.8.0), xml2", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-08-15 02:56:56 UTC; hadleywickham",
Author = "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre],\n Posit, PBC [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-08-15 09:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-08 02:06:51 UTC; windows") list(Package = "easypackages", Title = "Easy Loading and Installing of Packages", Version = "0.1.0", `Authors@R` = "person(\"Jake\", \"Sherman\", email = \"[email protected]\", \n role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"))", Description = "Easily load and install multiple packages from different sources, \n including CRAN and GitHub. The libraries function allows you to load or attach \n multiple packages in the same function call. The packages function will load one \n or more packages, and install any packages that are not installed on your system \n (after prompting you). Also included is a from_import function that allows you \n to import specific functions from a package into the global environment.",
Depends = "R (>= 3.0.0)", Imports = "assertthat, devtools, utils", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", LazyData = "true", RoxygenNote = "5.0.1", Suggests = "knitr, rmarkdown", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2016-12-05 14:55:59 UTC; hornik", Author = "Jake Sherman [aut, cre]", Maintainer = "Jake Sherman <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2016-12-05 18:28:47", Built = "R 4.3.1; ; 2023-10-10 03:48:53 UTC; windows") list(Package = "mime", Type = "Package", Title = "Map Filenames to MIME Types", Version = "0.12", `Authors@R` = "c(\n person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"[email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0645-5666\")),\n person(\"Jeffrey\", \"Horner\", role = \"ctb\"),\n person(\"Beilei\", \"Bian\", role = \"ctb\")\n )", Description = "Guesses the MIME type from a filename extension using the data\n derived from /etc/mime.types in UNIX-type systems.", Imports = "tools",
License = "GPL", URL = "https://github.com/yihui/mime", BugReports = "https://github.com/yihui/mime/issues", RoxygenNote = "7.1.1", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2021-09-28 02:06:04 UTC; yihui", Author = "Yihui Xie [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0645-5666>),\n Jeffrey Horner [ctb],\n Beilei Bian [ctb]", Maintainer = "Yihui Xie <[email protected]>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2021-09-28 05:00:05 UTC", Built = "R 4.3.0; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-04-15 00:42:01 UTC; windows",
Archs = "x64") list(Package = "bit64", Type = "Package", Title = "A S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers", Version = "4.0.5", Date = "2020-08-29", Author = "Jens Oehlschlägel [aut, cre], Leonardo Silvestri [ctb]", Maintainer = "Jens Oehlschlägel <[email protected]>", Depends = "R (>= 3.0.1), bit (>= 4.0.0), utils, methods, stats", Description = "\n Package 'bit64' provides serializable S3 atomic 64bit (signed) integers. \n These are useful for handling database keys and exact counting in +-2^63.\n WARNING: do not use them as replacement for 32bit integers, integer64 are not\n supported for subscripting by R-core and they have different semantics when \n combined with double, e.g. integer64 + double => integer64. \n Class integer64 can be used in vectors, matrices, arrays and data.frames. \n Methods are available for coercion from and to logicals, integers, doubles, \n characters and factors as well as many elementwise and summary functions. \n Many fast algorithmic operations such as 'match' and 'order' support inter-\n active data exploration and manipulation and optionally leverage caching.",
License = "GPL-2 | GPL-3", LazyLoad = "yes", ByteCompile = "yes", URL = "https://github.com/truecluster/bit64", Encoding = "UTF-8", Repository = "CRAN", `Repository/R-Forge/Project` = "ff", `Repository/R-Forge/Revision` = "177", `Repository/R-Forge/DateTimeStamp` = "2018-08-17 17:45:18", `Date/Publication` = "2020-08-30 07:20:02 UTC", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2020-08-29 10:56:45 UTC; jo", Built = "R 4.3.1; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2023-10-08 01:25:46 UTC; windows", Archs = "x64")
matprod :