1.0.0 - Diff
- merged awesome work from Tim
- new design
- refactored code
- deleted Ruby stuff moved into rack-overlay_me project
- kept previous version available - see bookmarkets page
0.14.1 - Diff
- move overlays pixel by pixel using keyboard arrows (+Shift = x15)
0.13.4 - Diff
- fixed wrong ChangeDir from the App (gem side)
- handle Rails assets pipeline
- add some jasmine tests
- some refactorings
- wrong gems pushed, wrong bugfixes, preferred removing those versions :|
0.13.0 - Diff
- multi/sub directories images can be added !
- updated style and collapsing events
0.12.1 - Diff
- renamed embeded jQuery to OMjQuery ($o) to remove conflicts
- removed images from the DOM if not checked (removed 'hide inactives' option)
- add the collapsing option (could be nicer)
- hide now hides everything
- a bit of styling (sizes, fixed on right, onmouseovers)
- few refactors
0.12.0 - Diff
- changed the file structure, gem now includes only the minified javascript
- minifying process became a bit cleaner
- add RakeTask :watch to compile on the flow
0.11.1 - Diff
- fix dynamic images duplication bug
- fix hidden menu and content on top retention bug
- update header of minified file to include sub-projects
0.11.0 - Diff
- moving the original page content in a controlled sub div
0.10.1 - Diff
- improved usability: image cells clickable, display mouseovers
- some design
0.10.0 - Diff
- js + css all in one UNIQUE minified overlay_me.min.js file
- a bit of styling
- fix style and events for Firefox
- load an image by default at first use
0.9.2 - Diff
- bookmarklet access
- load only once
- minified assets available
0.9.1 - Diff
- added the global image dynamic add/remove/storing
- rename the project to overlay_me
- first commited/shared/published version, prior to that, the script was local to some projects