If responder has bid a suit at the one level, he next determines whether he wishes to sign off in a partscore, invite game, sign off in game, or force to game and get more information about opener’s hand.
Bids available for a sign-off in partscore: Pass, 1NT, 2 of a previously bid suit.
Example: 1♦-1♠;2♣:
2♦: 2-3 hearts, likely misfit
2♠: 6+ spades
There is one exception to the rule that new suits are forcing: 1♦—1♠;1NT:
2♥: sign-off - opener must pass or correct (bust with 5-4 or better distribution)
Bids available for inviting game: 2NT, jump in a bid suit, new minor:
Example: 1♦-1♠;2♣:
2NT, 3♣, 3♦, 3♠: 11–12 points, inviting game.
Bids available for forcing to game:
Fourth suit
Jump or reverse in new suit
New Minor Forcing followed by a rebid of previously bid suit
For example, 1♣-1♠;1NT-2♦;2♥-2♠ shows a game-forcing hand and a 6-card suit
Opener can sign off in game or make a slam try. 4NT is Blackwood (see [Slam Bidding](#slam-bidding)) only if suit agreement has been established. Otherwise it is quantitative, asking responder to proceed with a maximum. Suit bids usually show controls.