A new minor suit at the responder’s second bid or later is forcing for one round and thus is invitational at the 2-level and game forcing at the 3-level. When more than one minor is available (1♥-1♠;1NT-2m), it tends to show a stopper for NT.
Example: 1♣-1♠;1NT (or 2♣)-2♦ (forcing)
After New Minor Forcing, opener must describe his hand further.
2 of responder’s suit: 3-card support, minimum
3 of responder’s suit: 3-card support, extras (preacceptance)
2 of other major: 4 cards, minimum
3 of other major: 4 cards, extras (preacceptance)
2NT: minimum
3NT: to play (maximum)
If opener has rebid 1NT, rebids should be designed to find a suit contract.
raise new minor: extras, stopper, forcing to 3NT or higher
If opener has rebid his suit, rebids should be designed to find a 3NT contract.
raise other minor: 4-cards, extras
rebid opener’s suit: retreat (minimum, no stopper in new minor)