A 2♣ opening shows at least 22+ points balanced, 8 1/2+ tricks in a major, or 9 1/2+ tricks in a minor.
2♦: conventional, could be “waiting” with a good hand not suited to a positive response
2♥, 2♠, 3♣, 3♦: natural and game forcing with a minimum of 8 HCP and a five-card suit with two of the top three honors
2NT: 8+ HCP, balanced (systems off)
After a 2♦ response, opener rebids naturally:
2♥, 2♠, 3♣, 3♦: natural, forcing to 3 of opener’s major or 4 of opener’s minor
2NT: 22-23 points (see responses for 2NT opening above)
3NT: 24-25 points (see responses for 3NT opening above)
4NT: 28+ points
In response to a suit rebid, responder indicates strength.
2♣ — 2♦; 2♥:
2♠, 3♦: natural, game force
3♣: artificial (cheaper minor), very weak (0-4, not an ace)
3NT: 5-7 points, balanced
3♥: positive support, requests cue bid sequence
4♥: fair support, discouraging slam
2♣ — 2♦; 3♦:
3♥: "cheaper minor" (instead of 4♣)
others: same as above