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92 lines (50 loc) · 2.41 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (50 loc) · 2.41 KB


Open a file with an installed app on macOS

Requires macOS 10.12 or later. macOS 10.13 or earlier needs to download the Swift runtime support libraries.


$ npm install mac-open-with


const openWith = require('mac-open-with');

const apps = openWith.getAppsThatOpenFile.sync('/some/');

// or

const apps = openWith.getAppsThatOpenType.sync('');

// or

const apps = openWith.getAppsThatOpenExtension.sync('mov');

// [
//     { url: 'file:///Applications/', isDefault: true, icon: '...' },
//     { url: 'file:///Applications/', isDefault: false, icon: '...' },
//     { url: 'file:///Applications/', isDefault: false, icon: '...' },
//     { url: 'file:///Applications/', isDefault: false, icon: '...' }
// ]'/some/', apps[0]);

// true



.getAppsThatOpenFile(filePath: string): Promise<App[]>

Get a list of app URLs that can open the file type of the given file.

.getAppsThatOpenFile.sync(filePath: string): App[]

Synchronous version of the method above.

.getAppsThatOpenType(fileType: string): Promise<App[]>

Get a list of app URLs that can open the given file type.

fileType has to be a Uniform Type Identifier

.getAppsThatOpenType.sync(fileType: string): App[]

Synchronous version of the method above.

.getAppsThatOpenExtension(extension: string): Promise<App[]>

Get a list of app URLs that can open the given file extension.

.getAppsThatOpenExtension.sync(extension: string): App[]

Synchronous version of the method above.

.open(filePath: string, appUrl: string): boolean

Open the given file with the given app URL. appUrl needs to be one of the URLs returned from getAppsThatOpenFile or getAppsThatOpenType.

Returns true if the file was successfully opened, false otherwise.


Object type returned by the following three methods.

app.url: string

The URL of the app.

app.isDefault: boolean

Whether this app is the default app for that file/content type/extension.

app.icon: string

The icon of the app in a base64 encoded Data URL.