All notable changes to ds-web will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- centered daypicker on desktop view.
- small hover effect was not applied correctly.
- Categories on the front page is now fodled up on load on desktop aswell as mobile.
- Page scrolls to the top of search when we come from a selected genre.
- Small fix for fewer calls for the facets from backend.
- mobile styling fixes on resultpage.
- small transition changes on the autocomplete component.
- small bug in autocomplete fixed.
- Links to searchguide now opens in a new tab.
- Small changes to categories container behavior.
- Hover effect now added on the categories component on the frontpage.
- z-index changed to account for new position on current filters.
- Updated dependencies in the entire repo.
- Changed a reset button to a more solid functionality.
- Fixed a tiny check in breadcrumb to make a better pathing.
- Small change to icons on resultpage.
- Updated UX / styling on 0-hits page.
- Updated styling on 404 page.
- Changed some descriptions on the frontpage.
- A more solid check for nohits on /find path.
- Added tracking scripts for various UX platforms.
- Added main category translations.
- Added support for error messages throughout the platform.
- Added curated content on the frontpage
- Fixed a bug where the breadcrumb was not selecting the right path based on previous page.
- Fixed a bug where an empty /find path would result in nothing shown.
- Fixed a bug where headline selections were not updated on reload.
- Split facet-call and search-call in two - making facet-call optional based on user interaction.
- Fixed an issue with videos not changing when selecting a related record.
- Various UX fixes on frontpage.
- Various UX fixes on filters and search-page
- Added a check for the video and audio-player to rebuild with new kaltura id when selecting a related record
- Fixed a duplicate in the change log.
- better support for keeping filters when using browser forward/backward navigation.
- New "how to search"-button added below the searchbar.
- Autcomplete updated with new values from backend (for timeouts and the likes).
- Some changes to some translations.
- Timesearch component had initial values updated to reflect the real corpus.
- Timesearch links updated.
- A fair amount of small bugfixes.
- Small changes on design for some filter buttons.
- Sort bugs fixed.
- Update to "not allowed" content design.
- Fixed a bug where daypicker link was not updated on month/year selection.
- New design of zero-hits page.
- Added new content from backend in "cool stuff from this month"-section.
- Fixed a bug when removing all filters.
- Fixed sorting of main categories.
- Fixed a lot of translations.
- A fair amount of small fixes here and there.
- Added summary for categories and genres.
- Fixed backlink from fullpost no longer doing a search.
- Added hero image and archive explanation.
- Added 404 page.
- Fixed a bug where filters were not correctly removed.
- Restyled the time filters on the searchpage.
- Fixed a bunch of translations.
- Some web optimizations have been done all around the application.
- Added messages service call to bff for kaltura ids on app start.
- Fix bug where website would go into an infinite authenticate loop when authentication returned 200 but all other requests through bff subsequently returned 401
vue from 3.4.19 to 3.5.4
vue-router from 4.2.5 to 4.4.4
pinia from 2.1.7 to 2.2.2
axios from 1.6.2 to 1.7.7
Fix bug in error message when deselecting both radio and tv 'radio buttons' in search result
Remove console.log in ResultItem.vue
- Handling for authentication cookie supplied by BFF
- Handling of 401 response from BFF due to expired session cookie or rotation of secret salt
- Session cookie automatically refreshes 15 minutes before expire (cookie session time is currently set to 36 hours)
- Added data-test-id atrribute to all dynamic DOM elements for automatic test purpose
- Time search is now available from the search page as well as the landing page
- Facets moved and completely reworked
- Accessibility adjustments based on Lighthouse test
- Time search functionality expanded and reworked
- Switched to use entry_id when streaming video/audio from Kaltura
- Adjustments to mobile styling in search result
- New tv/radio toggle buttons (search filters)
- Brush-up of 0 hits page
- New time search function on front page
- New base path handling in app
- New version tag
- New partner ID
- Slightly change of partner ID config handling
- First official initial release of project