diff --git a/_locales/cs/messages.json b/_locales/cs/messages.json index 8f097a1..afdf64a 100644 --- a/_locales/cs/messages.json +++ b/_locales/cs/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Sem vždy ukládat nové položky", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Oprava chyby, kdy Kee nesprávně ignoroval formuláře na některých webech (děkujeme @burtek);Po vygenerování hesla pomocí generátoru hesel se nyní vrátí zaměření (focus) do stejného pole, kde byl předtím;Ošetření některých velmi vzácně se vyskytujících případů, kdy je vyplnění formuláře od Kee smazáno webem dřív než je použito pro přihlášení", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Improved performance and stopped the browser crashing with some websites;Fields that already contain text no longer get overwritten by Kee (optional, to allow you to change back to the old behaviour if needed)", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": { diff --git a/_locales/de/messages.json b/_locales/de/messages.json index a9f9ea0..7f0dd36 100644 --- a/_locales/de/messages.json +++ b/_locales/de/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Neue Einträge immer hier speichern", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Behebung eines Fehlers, bei dem Formulare auf einigen Websites von Kee fälschlicherweise ignoriert wurden (danke @burtek). Nach dem Generieren eines Kennworts mit dem eigenständigen Kennwortgenerator kehren wir nun zum Tastaturfokus auf das Formularfeld zurück, in dem Sie zuvor den Cursor hatten;Problemumgehung für einige seltene Situationen, in denen das von Kee eingegebene Kennwort von der Website gelöscht wird, bevor es zum Abschließen des Anmeldevorgangs verwendet werden kann", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Verbesserte Leistung und ein Absturz des Browsers bei einigen Webseiten wurde behoben; Felder, die bereits Text enthalten, werden von Kee nicht mehr überschrieben (optional, damit Sie bei Bedarf zum alten Verhalten zurückkehren können). ", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": { diff --git a/_locales/es_ES/messages.json b/_locales/es_ES/messages.json index b80c62e..cc4d7d6 100644 --- a/_locales/es_ES/messages.json +++ b/_locales/es_ES/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Always save new entries here", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Fix for a bug where forms on some websites were being incorrectly ignored by Kee (thanks @burtek);After generating a password using the standalone password generator we now return keyboard focus to whichever form field you previously had your cursor in;Workaround for some rare situations where the password Kee fills in is deleted by the website before it can be used to complete the sign-in process", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Improved performance and stopped the browser crashing with some websites;Fields that already contain text no longer get overwritten by Kee (optional, to allow you to change back to the old behaviour if needed)", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": { diff --git a/_locales/fi/messages.json b/_locales/fi/messages.json index d10a03f..eded973 100644 --- a/_locales/fi/messages.json +++ b/_locales/fi/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Tallenna uudet kohteen automaattisesti tänne", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Fix for a bug where forms on some websites were being incorrectly ignored by Kee (thanks @burtek);After generating a password using the standalone password generator we now return keyboard focus to whichever form field you previously had your cursor in;Workaround for some rare situations where the password Kee fills in is deleted by the website before it can be used to complete the sign-in process", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Improved performance and stopped the browser crashing with some websites;Fields that already contain text no longer get overwritten by Kee (optional, to allow you to change back to the old behaviour if needed)", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": { diff --git a/_locales/fr/messages.json b/_locales/fr/messages.json index 86ae424..5ad287c 100644 --- a/_locales/fr/messages.json +++ b/_locales/fr/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Enregistrer toujours ici les nouvelles entrées", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Fix for a bug where forms on some websites were being incorrectly ignored by Kee (thanks @burtek);After generating a password using the standalone password generator we now return keyboard focus to whichever form field you previously had your cursor in;Workaround for some rare situations where the password Kee fills in is deleted by the website before it can be used to complete the sign-in process", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Improved performance and stopped the browser crashing with some websites;Fields that already contain text no longer get overwritten by Kee (optional, to allow you to change back to the old behaviour if needed)", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": { diff --git a/_locales/it/messages.json b/_locales/it/messages.json index ff1bb34..d797c75 100644 --- a/_locales/it/messages.json +++ b/_locales/it/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Salva qui le nuove voci", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Fix for a bug where forms on some websites were being incorrectly ignored by Kee (thanks @burtek);After generating a password using the standalone password generator we now return keyboard focus to whichever form field you previously had your cursor in;Workaround for some rare situations where the password Kee fills in is deleted by the website before it can be used to complete the sign-in process", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Improved performance and stopped the browser crashing with some websites;Fields that already contain text no longer get overwritten by Kee (optional, to allow you to change back to the old behaviour if needed)", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": { diff --git a/_locales/pl/messages.json b/_locales/pl/messages.json index 3b9c9b7..9d85df5 100644 --- a/_locales/pl/messages.json +++ b/_locales/pl/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Always save new entries here", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Fix for a bug where forms on some websites were being incorrectly ignored by Kee (thanks @burtek);After generating a password using the standalone password generator we now return keyboard focus to whichever form field you previously had your cursor in;Workaround for some rare situations where the password Kee fills in is deleted by the website before it can be used to complete the sign-in process", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Improved performance and stopped the browser crashing with some websites;Fields that already contain text no longer get overwritten by Kee (optional, to allow you to change back to the old behaviour if needed)", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": { diff --git a/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json b/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json index bbb5a40..e07bf27 100644 --- a/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json +++ b/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Sempre salve novas entradas aqui", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Correção para um erro onde formulários para alguns websites estava sendo erroneamente ignorados pelo Kee (obrigado @burtek); Após gerar uma senha usando o gerador de senha autônomo, agora retornamos o foco do teclado para qualquer campo do formulário no qual você colocou o cursor anteriormente; Solução alternativa para algumas situações raras em que a senha que o Kee preenche é excluída pelo site antes que possa ser usada para completar o processo de entrada", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Desempenho aprimorado e parado o travamento do navegador com alguns sites; os campos que já contêm texto não são mais substituídos pelo Kee (opcional, para permitir que você volte ao comportamento anterior, se necessário)", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": { diff --git a/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json b/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json index f287367..aa1d9ff 100644 --- a/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json +++ b/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Always save new entries here", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Fix for a bug where forms on some websites were being incorrectly ignored by Kee (thanks @burtek);After generating a password using the standalone password generator we now return keyboard focus to whichever form field you previously had your cursor in;Workaround for some rare situations where the password Kee fills in is deleted by the website before it can be used to complete the sign-in process", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Improved performance and stopped the browser crashing with some websites;Fields that already contain text no longer get overwritten by Kee (optional, to allow you to change back to the old behaviour if needed)", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": { diff --git a/_locales/ru/messages.json b/_locales/ru/messages.json index d0fd8c4..243b00b 100644 --- a/_locales/ru/messages.json +++ b/_locales/ru/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Always save new entries here", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Fix for a bug where forms on some websites were being incorrectly ignored by Kee (thanks @burtek);After generating a password using the standalone password generator we now return keyboard focus to whichever form field you previously had your cursor in;Workaround for some rare situations where the password Kee fills in is deleted by the website before it can be used to complete the sign-in process", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Improved performance and stopped the browser crashing with some websites;Fields that already contain text no longer get overwritten by Kee (optional, to allow you to change back to the old behaviour if needed)", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": { diff --git a/_locales/sk/messages.json b/_locales/sk/messages.json index 4c8633b..8244dda 100644 --- a/_locales/sk/messages.json +++ b/_locales/sk/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Vždy ukladať nové záznamy sem", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Oprava chyby, pri ktorej Kee nesprávne ignoroval formuláre na niektorých webových stránkach (ďakujeme @burtek);Po vygenerovaní hesla pomocou samostatného generátora hesiel teraz vrátime fokus klávesnice na ktorékoľvek pole formulára, v ktorom ste predtým mali kurzor;Riešenie pre niektoré zriedkavé situácie, keď heslo, ktoré Kee vyplní, webová stránka vymaže skôr, ako sa použije na dokončenie procesu prihlásenia", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Vylepšený výkon a zastavenie zlyhania prehliadača pri niektorých webových stránkach;Polia, ktoré už obsahujú text, vám už Kee neprepíše (voliteľné, aby vám to v prípade potreby umožnilo zmeniť späť na staré správanie) ", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": { diff --git a/_locales/uk/messages.json b/_locales/uk/messages.json index d99f8b4..5bb010d 100644 --- a/_locales/uk/messages.json +++ b/_locales/uk/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Завжди зберігати нові записи тут", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Fix for a bug where forms on some websites were being incorrectly ignored by Kee (thanks @burtek);After generating a password using the standalone password generator we now return keyboard focus to whichever form field you previously had your cursor in;Workaround for some rare situations where the password Kee fills in is deleted by the website before it can be used to complete the sign-in process", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Improved performance and stopped the browser crashing with some websites;Fields that already contain text no longer get overwritten by Kee (optional, to allow you to change back to the old behaviour if needed)", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": { diff --git a/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json b/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json index 95f8c14..695fae2 100644 --- a/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json +++ b/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json @@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ "message": "Always save new entries here", "description": "Description of checkbox that when enabled will change a setting such that the user is not prompted where to save future entries they create." }, - "list_version_upgrade_3_7": { - "message": "Fix for a bug where forms on some websites were being incorrectly ignored by Kee (thanks @burtek);After generating a password using the standalone password generator we now return keyboard focus to whichever form field you previously had your cursor in;Workaround for some rare situations where the password Kee fills in is deleted by the website before it can be used to complete the sign-in process", + "list_version_upgrade_3_8": { + "message": "Improved performance and stopped the browser crashing with some websites;Fields that already contain text no longer get overwritten by Kee (optional, to allow you to change back to the old behaviour if needed)", "description": "Changes for the version number in the string key name. Multiple items MUST be separated by a semicolon (;). Do not use a semi-colon except as a list-item (new line) separator." }, "release_details_for_keepass_available_on_forum": {