NewsData.NET is an unofficial .NET client package for the News Data API, designed to facilitate easy access to various news-related data. This package is compatible with .NET Standard 2.1.
News Data API docs can be seen here.
dotnet add package NewsData.NET
To start using the NewsData.NET package, first initialize the NewsDataClient. This requires specifying a ClientType from the NewsData.NET.ClientType enumeration and an API key.
public enum ClientType
None = 0,
string apiKey = "your_api_key_here";
// The NewsDataClient also supports passing an HttpClient as an optional parameter
using INewsDataClient client = new NewsDataClient(ClientType.LatestNews, apiKey/*, httpClient*/);
Then we call the GetAsync method and pass an DefaultRequest(IDictionary<string, string> queryStringCollection, string pageIndex = null)
including all the query string parameters.
var queryString = new Dictionary<string, string>
// ...
{ "country", "al" },
{ "language", "sq" },
{ "timezone", "Europe/Berlin" },
{ "size", "10" }, // free tier
// ...
var result = await client.GetAsync(new DefaultRequest(queryString));
// Result will be of type NewsData.NET.ObjectModels.ResponseModels.NewsDataApiResult
For fetching a fixed amount of data across pages, use the AggregatePagedNewsAsync method.
// pass querystring as IDictionary<string, string> and articlesToBeFetched
var results = await client.AggregatePagedNewsAsync(queryString, articlesToBeFetched: 25);
// The result will be a list of NewsData.NET.ObjectModels.ResponseModels.SuccessResult
This package relies on the RestSharp library, a popular .NET library used for making HTTP requests. Ensure that you have the RestSharp package installed in your project.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Licensed under the MIT License.