Wave Digital Filter library 🦀 xXx_WrITteN_iN_rUsT_xXx 🦀
I did my final year electronic engineering project on an digital guitar amplifier using wave digital filters.
It ran on a single board computer in real-time and sounded alright (imo).
I'm rewriting the library part of it in rust, for the memes and for fun.
I'll do a few example circuits from the research papers I used [0].
Maybe I'll get the [stuff that I couldn't get right last year [3, 4].
I hope I can get it to a usable state. Maybe I'll make a mwe using nih_plug or something 🤷.
Thanks in advance (and retrospect) to Jatin Chowdhury the WDF GOAT [1, 2].
[1]: https://github.com/Chowdhury-DSP/chowdsp_wdf
[2]: https://github.com/Chowdhury-DSP/BYOD