- Filebase.com
- Gw3.io
- NFT.Storage
- 4everland.org
- Estuary.tech (No longer available)
- Web3.Storage
- Infura.io
- Pinata
- Crust.network
- Eternum.io (Un-tested - Also this service's been discontinued, you can no longer pin content)
- Blockfrost.io
- Spheron.network
- Dolpin.io
- Scaleway.com (Un-tested - I didn't want to enter my credit card info :< )
- Chainsafe.io (They have the API but it's CORS restricted)
- Lighthouse.storage - No option to pin using CID
- Photon.storage - N/A
- Nirvanalabs.io - No option to pin using CID
- Fleek.xyz
- Storj.io - Can't access their Beta program
- Fogworks.io
- Fission.codes
- Aleph.im - The website doesn't seem to work
- Kriptonio.com - No option to pin using CID
- Myraah.com - No option to pin using CID
- Multichain.storage - No option to pin using CID
- Chainstack - https://chainstack.com/ipfs-storage (Private beta)
- usecirrus.cloud - No option to pin using CID
- Quicknode IPFS - They don't have a free tier yet & i'm not willing to subscribe
- thirdweb
- delta.storage
- AIOZ network - Coming soon (https://aioz.network/w3ipfs)
- Functionland (fx.land)
- Decentapi.com (https://decentapi.com/#services)