101wiki web app written using Ruby on Rails.
Before starting work with the application, you need to install such dependencies, if you are using Ubuntu:
apt-get install postfix curl git-core zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev
libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev postgresql-server-dev-all postgresql-contrib build-essential nodejs ruby2.3 ruby2.3-dev htop postgresql-9.5 postgresql-client bundler
With OSX you already have Ruby.
If you are using Ubuntu you can install ruby via rvm or rbenv.
This app was tested with ruby 2.3.0-2.4.1.
At first you need to install bundler gem.
gem install bundler
Now you need go to the project folder und install app:
bundle install
You need a postgres dump which must be acquired from the 101companies admins. If you have a dump load it like this:
cat wiki_db.gz | gunzip | psql wiki_development
After setting up the database you need to start it and then launch application with:
bin/rails s
To be signed in you need to have GitHub account with name and public email in GitHub profile.
If you have been successfully signed in, you can set another role to your user:
bundle exec rake change_role
You will be asked for your email and new role. Just type email from your GitHub account and role admin.
You need some keys of 101companies before you can start to work. You can ask @avaranovich, @rlaemmel or @tschmorleiz for this password.
For successful work with project in development mode you need to define next ENV variables in your .bashrc/.zshrc, for deployment, place them inside /etc/environment.
If you make improvements to this application, please share with others.
- Fork the project on GitHub.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Commit with Git.
- Send a pull request.
If you add functionality to this application, create an alternative implementation, or build an application that is similar, please contact me and I’ll add a note to the README so that others can find your work.