The cnf-testsuite.yml is used by cnf_setup
in order to install the CNF to be tested onto an existing K8s cluster.
The information in the cnf-testsuite.yml is also used for additional configuration of some tests e.g. allowlist_helm_chart_container_names
is used for exculding containers from the privileged_containers container test.
The following is a basic working example cnf-testsuite.yml file that can be found in the cnf-testsuite respository: cnf-testsuite.example.yml
allowlist_helm_chart_container_names: [] # [LIST_OF_CONTAINERS_ALLOWED_TO_RUN_PRIVLIDGED]
helm_chart: stable/coredns # PUBLISHED_CNFS_HELM_CHART_REPO/NAME ; or
#helm_directory: coredns # PATH_TO_CNFS_HELM_CHART ; or
#manifest_directory: coredns # PATH_TO_DIRECTORY_OF_CNFS_MANIFEST_FILES ; or
release_name: coredns # DESIRED_HELM_RELEASE_NAME
helm_values: --versions 16.2.0 --set persistence.enabled=false
helm_install_namespace: cnf-coredns # Installs the CNF to it's own namespace
You can quickly generate your own cnf-testsuite.yml dynamically for a CNF by running one of the below commands. Prereqs: You must have kubernetes cluster, curl, and helm 3.1.1 or greater on your system already.
- Generate a cnf-testsuite.yml based on a helm chart:
./cnf-testsuite generate_config config-src=stable/coredns output-file=./cnf-testsuite.yml
- Generate a cnf-testsuite.yml based on a helm directory:
./cnf-testsuite generate_config config-src=<your-helm-directory> output-file=./cnf-testsuite.yml
- Generate a cnf-testsuite.yml based on a directory of manifest files:
./cnf-testsuite generate_config config-src=<your-manifest-directory> output-file=./cnf-testsuite.yml
- Inspect the cnf-testsuite.yml file for accuracy
The values of this key are the names of the 'containers' defined in the Kubernetes pod spec of pods that are allowed to be running in privileged mode. (Optional)
This value is used to allow 'particular' pods to run in privileged mode on the K8s cluster where is CNF being tested is installed.
The reason this is needed is because the Test Suite will check, 'all' pods in the cluster, to see if they're running in privileged mode.
This is done because it's a common cloud-native practice to delegate 'privileged' networking tasks to only a single app e.g Multus, NSM vs making the CNF privileged itself. As a consequence the allowlist can only be used to exempt 'privileged' infrastructure services running as pods e.g NSM, Multus and cannot be used to exempt the CNF being tested.
Example setting:
allowlist_helm_chart_container_names: [coredns]
The published helm repository & chart name. This, or helm_directory, or manifest_directory must be set, but only one (mutually exclusive). This argument is used by cnf_setup in order to install the helm chart for the CNF being tested onto an existing K8s cluster.
Exmple setting:
helm_chart: stable/coredns
An example of a publishe helm chart repo/image can be found here.
This is used for configuring the name and URL of the helm chart repository being used for installing the cnf. (Optional)
This agument is used in conjunction with the above argument, helm_chart. e.g. if helm_chart is set to stable/coredns
, the stable component refers to a local helm repository that has already been configured, you can list your local helm repositories by running helm repo list
. If you don't want to use an already configured repo, you can define it by using the helm_repository argument, and cnf_setup will configure and manage the local helm repository for you.
Example setting:
name: stable
This is the path to the helm chart directory (relative to the location of the cnf-testsuite.yml). This, or helm_chart, or manifest_directory must be set, but only one (mutually exclusive). This argument is used by cnf_setup in order to install the helm chart for the CNF being tested onto an existing K8s cluster.
An example of a helm directory can be found here.
The PATH is also relative to the location of the cnf-testsuite.yml. So if the cnf-testsuite.yml is in the directory sample-cnfs/sample_coredns/cnf-testsuite.yml
and helm_directory is set to helm_directory: chart
the test suite would expect to find the chart under sample-cnfs/sample_coredns/chart
Example Setting:
helm_directory: coredns
This configuration option specifies the namespace that Helm will use to install the CNF. Following best practices, it is recommended not to install your CNF into the default
namespace of your cluster. For more information on this best practice, see here.
This setting is OPTIONAL. If not specified, the CNF will be installed into the cnf-default
For more details about Kubernetes namespaces, visit here
Example Setting:
helm_install_namespace: your_custom_namespace
This is the path to a directory of manifest files for installing the cnf (relative to the location of the cnf-testsuite.yml). This, or helm_chart, or helm_directory must be set, but only one (mutually exclusive). This argument is used by cnf_setup in order to deploy the CNF being tested onto an existing K8s cluster.
An example of a manifest directory can be found here.
The PATH is also relative to the location of the cnf-testsuite.yml. So if the cnf-testsuite.yml is in the directory sample-cnfs/sample_nonroot/cnf-testsuite.yml
and manifest_directory is set to manifest_directory: manifests
the test suite would expect to find the manifest files under sample-cnfs/sample_nonroot/manifests
Example Setting:
helm_directory: coredns
This is the release name of the CNF. (Optional)
When cnf_setup runs this argument is used forfilesystem path version, so the testsuite is able to track what cnfs are currently installed on the cluster. It is also used for the helm release version, when either the helm_chart or helm_directory arguments are in use. Some tests also use this argument for finding and interacting with cluster reasouces for the installed CNF.
This MAY be set. If release_name is not set, a release name will be generated.
Example setting:
release_name: privileged-coredns
This is for any helm argument. (Optional)
When installing from helm, there are helm arguments (e.g. --version 1234 ) and helm values (e.g. --set myvalue=42). Both of these will be passed on to the underlying helm installation command when it is run.
Example setting:
--set myvalue=42
When using a private registry hosted on the cluster, the image references in the CNF's helm chart may refer to the registry host with the Kubernetes service name alone. The CNF Testsuite runs a docker daemon in a separate cnf-testsuite
namespace on the Kubernetes cluster. So it is required for the testsuite to be aware of the FQDN of the service, along with the port.
Use this option to configure FQDNs of image registries for the testsuite to access.
If the CNF's helm charts use the image url foobar:5000/hello:latest
, then please use the configuration in below in cnf-testsuite.yml
to provide the FQDN mapping for the image registry.
"foobar:5000": "foobar.default.svc.cluster.local:5000"
The above example assumes that the
registry service is running on thedefault
The docker client expects the image registries to be using an HTTPS API endpoint. This option is used to configure insecure registries that the docker client should be allowed to access.
Please use this option to configure Docker to use HTTP to access the registry API.
For an image registry service named foobar
, running in default
namespace, on port 5000
, the following would be the expected configuration.
docker_insecure_registries: ["foobar.default.svc.cluster.local:5000"]
The ran tests expect a ric to be configured under the ric_label. The entry must be the k8s label which is most likely a full key/value identification.
For a ric named flexrric
, under the label key
the following would be the expected configuration.
Mobile Country Code. This identifies the country of the mobile subscriber. In this case, '999' is a test code.
dmmc: '999
Mobile Network Code. This identifies the mobile network within the country specified by the MCC. '70' is a test code.
mnc: '70'
Single-NEC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity. This value indicates the type of services a Slice/Session should support.
sst: 1
Slice Differentiator. This is used to differentiate between different slices within the same SST.
sd: '0x111111'
Tracking Area Code. This is used for paging procedures and to manage mobility between eNBs in LTE.
tac: '0001'
The type of security protocol being used.
protectionScheme: 1
This is the public key used in asymmetric encryption.
publicKey: 0ac95ceeb93308df01be82ff9994d8330e38804ece1700ee4b972d8028796275
Identifier for the public key.
publicKeyId: 1:
This is used to route messages in the network.
routingIndicator: '0000'
Indicates whether the network is currently enabled or not.
enabled: true
Used in UERANSIM to specify the number of entities (like User Equipment or UEs) to be simulated.
count: 1
This MSISDN is a unique number that identifies a subscription in a GSM or a UMTS mobile network.
initialMSISDN: '0000000001'
Cryptographic key used in the network.
key: 465B5CE8B199B49FAA5F0A2EE238A6BC:
The operator variant algorithm configuration field. Used in conjunction with the key for security purposes.
op: E8ED289DEBA952E4283B54E88E6183CA
Indicates that the operator variant algorithm is in use.
opType: OPC
The type of IP addresses being used in the network.
type: 'IPv4'
Access Point Name. This is the name of a gateway between a GPRS, 3G or 4G mobile network and another computer network, frequently the public internet.
apn: 'internet'
Indicates whether this is an emergency APN.
emergency: false