diff --git a/docs/_index.md b/docs/_index.md
index e10e72a..88c8976 100644
--- a/docs/_index.md
+++ b/docs/_index.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-title: Docs | Stash
-description: Stash Docs
+title: Docs | KubeStash
+description: KubeStash Docs
docs_{{ .version }}:
identifier: welcome
diff --git a/docs/setup/README.md b/docs/setup/README.md
index f8812cc..c3ab8dc 100644
--- a/docs/setup/README.md
+++ b/docs/setup/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-title: Setup | Stash
-description: Setup guides for Stash by AppsCode
+title: Setup | KubeStash
+description: Setup guides for KubeStash by AppsCode
docs_{{ .version }}:
identifier: setup-readme
@@ -17,20 +17,15 @@ aliases:
# Setup
+## Using Helm 3
+KubeStash can be installed via [Helm](https://helm.sh/) using the [chart]() from [AppsCode Charts Repository](https://github.com/appscode/charts). To install the chart with the release name `kubestash`:
+$ helm repo add appscode https://charts.appscode.com/stable/
+$ helm repo update
+$ helm search repo appscode/kubestash --version {{< param "info.version" >}}
+appscode/kubestash v2023.12.1 v2023.12.1 KubeStash by AppsCode - Backup your Kubernetes ...
+$ helm install kubestash appscode/kubestash \
+ --version {{< param "info.version" >}} \
+ --namespace kube-system \
+ --set-file global.license=/path/to/the/license.txt
+To see the detailed configuration options, visit [here]().
+## Using YAML
+If you prefer to not use Helm, you can generate YAMLs from KubeStash chart and deploy using `kubectl`. Here we are going to show the prodecure using Helm 3.
+$ helm repo add appscode https://charts.appscode.com/stable/
+$ helm repo update
+$ helm search repo appscode/kubestash --version {{< param "info.version" >}}
+appscode/kubestash v2023.12.1 v2023.12.1 KubeStash by AppsCode - Backup your Kubernetes ...
+$ helm template kubestash appscode/kubestash \
+ --version {{< param "info.version" >}} \
+ --namespace kube-system \
+ --set global.skipCleaner=true \
+ --set-file global.license=/path/to/the/license.txt | kubectl apply -f -
+To see the detailed configuration options, visit [here]().
+## Verify installation
+To check if KubeStash operator pods have started, run the following command:
+$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kubestash-operator --watch
+kube-system kubestash-kubestash-operator-fcd8bf7c6-psjs6 2/2 Running 0 5m49s
+Once the operator pod is running, you can cancel the above command by typing `Ctrl+C`.
+Now, to confirm CRD groups have been registered by the operator, run the following command:
+$ kubectl get crd -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kubestash
+addons.addons.kubestash.com 2023-12-07T06:27:41Z
+backupbatches.core.kubestash.com 2023-12-07T06:27:41Z
+backupblueprints.core.kubestash.com 2023-12-07T06:27:41Z
+backupconfigurations.core.kubestash.com 2023-12-07T06:40:37Z
+backupsessions.core.kubestash.com 2023-12-07T06:40:37Z
+backupstorages.storage.kubestash.com 2023-12-07T06:40:37Z
+functions.addons.kubestash.com 2023-12-07T06:27:41Z
+hooktemplates.core.kubestash.com 2023-12-07T06:27:42Z
+repositories.storage.kubestash.com 2023-12-07T06:40:37Z
+restoresessions.core.kubestash.com 2023-12-07T06:27:42Z
+retentionpolicies.storage.kubestash.com 2023-12-07T06:27:42Z
+snapshots.storage.kubestash.com 2023-12-07T06:40:37Z
+### Verify Addons
+KubeStash automatically installs the necessary Addons for workload, pvc backup & restore. Verify that the Addons have been installed using the following command.
+$ kubectl get addons.addons.kubestash.com
+kubedump-addon 7m1s
+pvc-addon 7m1s
+workload-addon 7m1
+As you can see from the above output that KubeStash has created `Addon` objects.
+### Verify Functions
+KubeStash also automatically installs the necessary functions for the corresponding installed addons. Verify that the functions have been installed using the following command.
+$ kubectl get functions.addons.kubestash.com
+kubedump-backup 7m25s
+pvc-backup 7m25s
+pvc-restore 7m25s
+volumesnapshot-backup 7m25s
+volumesnapshot-restore 7m25s
+workload-backup 7m25s
+workload-restore 7m25s
+As you can see from the above output that KubeStash has created `Functions` objects.
+Now, you are ready to [take your first backup]() using KubeStash.
diff --git a/docs/setup/install/stash/index.md b/docs/setup/install/stash/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f899f95..0000000
--- a/docs/setup/install/stash/index.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-title: Install Stash
-description: Installation guide for Stash
- docs_{{ .version }}:
- identifier: install-stash-enterprise
- name: Stash
- parent: installation-guide
- weight: 20
-product_name: kubestash
-menu_name: docs_{{ .version }}
-section_menu_id: setup
-# Install Stash
-## Get a Free License
-Download a FREE license from [AppsCode License Server](https://appscode.com/issue-license?p=stash).
-> KubeStash licensing process has been designed to work with CI/CD workflow. You can automatically obtain a license from your CI/CD pipeline by following the guide from [here](https://github.com/appscode/offline-license-server#offline-license-server).
-## Install
-Stash operator can be installed as a Helm chart or simply as Kubernetes manifests.
-## Using Helm 3
-Stash can be installed via [Helm](https://helm.sh/) using the [chart](https://github.com/kubestash/installer/tree/{{< param "info.installer" >}}/charts/stash) from [AppsCode Charts Repository](https://github.com/appscode/charts). To install the chart with the release name `stash`:
-$ helm install kubestash oci://ghcr.io/appscode-charts/kubestash \
- --version {{< param "info.version" >}} \
- --namespace kubestash --create-namespace \
- --set-file global.license=/path/to/the/license.txt \
- --wait --burst-limit=10000 --debug
-To see the detailed configuration options, visit [here](https://github.com/kubestash/installer/tree/{{< param "info.installer" >}}/charts/kubestash).
-## Using YAML
-If you prefer to not use Helm, you can generate YAMLs from Stash chart and deploy using `kubectl`. Here we are going to show the prodecure using Helm 3.
-$ helm template kubestash oci://ghcr.io/appscode-charts/kubestash \
- --version {{< param "info.version" >}} \
- --namespace kubestash --create-namespace \
- --set global.skipCleaner=true \
- --set-file global.license=/path/to/the/license.txt | kubectl apply -f -
-To see the detailed configuration options, visit [here](https://github.com/kubestash/installer/tree/{{< param "info.installer" >}}/charts/kubestash).
-## Verify installation
-To check if Stash operator pods have started, run the following command:
-❯ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -l app.kubernetes.io/name=stash-enterprise --watch
-kube-system stash-stash-enterprise-678bcb6db4-267vk 2/2 Running 0 3m
-Once the operator pod is running, you can cancel the above command by typing `Ctrl+C`.
-Now, to confirm CRD groups have been registered by the operator, run the following command:
-$ kubectl get crd -l app.kubernetes.io/name=stash
-backupbatches.stash.appscode.com 2020-08-24T08:20:54Z
-backupblueprints.stash.appscode.com 2020-08-24T08:20:55Z
-backupconfigurations.stash.appscode.com 2020-08-24T08:20:54Z
-backupsessions.stash.appscode.com 2020-08-24T08:20:55Z
-functions.stash.appscode.com 2020-08-24T08:20:55Z
-recoveries.stash.appscode.com 2020-08-24T08:20:54Z
-repositories.stash.appscode.com 2020-08-24T08:20:54Z
-restics.stash.appscode.com 2020-08-24T08:20:54Z
-restorebatches.stash.appscode.com 2020-08-24T08:20:55Z
-restoresessions.stash.appscode.com 2020-08-24T08:20:55Z
-tasks.stash.appscode.com 2020-08-24T08:20:55Z
-### Verify Catalogs
-Stash automatically installs the necessary Addon catalogs for database backup. Verify that the Addon catalogs have been installed using the following command.
-❯ kubectl get tasks.stash.appscode.com
-elasticsearch-backup-5.6.4 5m8s
-elasticsearch-backup-6.2.4 5m8s
-elasticsearch-backup-6.3.0 5m8s
-elasticsearch-backup-6.4.0 5m8s
-elasticsearch-backup-6.5.3 5m8s
-elasticsearch-backup-6.8.0 5m8s
-elasticsearch-backup-7.2.0 5m8s
-elasticsearch-backup-7.3.2 5m8s
-elasticsearch-restore-5.6.4 5m8s
-elasticsearch-restore-6.2.4 5m8s
-elasticsearch-restore-6.3.0 5m8s
-elasticsearch-restore-6.4.0 5m8s
-elasticsearch-restore-6.5.3 5m8s
-elasticsearch-restore-6.8.0 5m8s
-elasticsearch-restore-7.2.0 5m8s
-elasticsearch-restore-7.3.2 5m8s
-mariadb-backup-10.5.8 5m8s
-mariadb-restore-10.5.8 5m8s
-mongodb-backup-3.4.17 5m8s
-mongodb-backup-3.4.22 5m8s
-mongodb-backup-3.6.13 5m8s
-mongodb-backup-4.0.11 5m8s
-mongodb-backup-4.0.3 5m8s
-mongodb-backup-4.1.13 5m8s
-mongodb-backup-4.1.4 5m8s
-mongodb-backup-4.1.7 5m8s
-mongodb-backup-4.2.3 5m8s
-mongodb-restore-3.4.17 5m8s
-mongodb-restore-3.4.22 5m8s
-mongodb-restore-3.6.13 5m8s
-mongodb-restore-4.0.11 5m8s
-mongodb-restore-4.0.3 5m8s
-mongodb-restore-4.1.13 5m8s
-mongodb-restore-4.1.4 5m8s
-mongodb-restore-4.1.7 5m8s
-mongodb-restore-4.2.3 5m8s
-mysql-backup-5.7.25 5m8s
-mysql-backup-8.0.14 5m8s
-mysql-backup-8.0.21 5m8s
-mysql-backup-8.0.3 5m8s
-mysql-restore-5.7.25 5m8s
-mysql-restore-8.0.14 5m8s
-mysql-restore-8.0.21 5m8s
-mysql-restore-8.0.3 5m8s
-perconaxtradb-backup-5.7 5m8s
-perconaxtradb-restore-5.7 5m8s
-postgres-backup-10.14 5m8s
-postgres-backup-11.9 5m8s
-postgres-backup-12.4 5m8s
-postgres-backup-13.1 5m8s
-postgres-backup-9.6.19 5m8s
-postgres-restore-10.14 5m8s
-postgres-restore-11.9 5m8s
-postgres-restore-12.4 5m8s
-postgres-restore-13.1 5m8s
-postgres-restore-9.6.19 5m8s
-pvc-backup 5m2s
-pvc-restore 5m2s
-As you can see from the above output that Stash has created `Task` objects for each supported databases.
-Now, you are ready to [take your first backup](/docs/guides/README.md) using Stash.
-## Purchase Stash License
-If you are interested in purchasing Stash license, please contact us via sales@appscode.com for further discussion. You can also set up a meeting via our [calendly link](https://calendly.com/appscode/intro).
-If you are willing to purchase Stash license but need more time to test in your dev cluster, feel free to contact sales@appscode.com. We will be happy to extend your trial period.
diff --git a/docs/setup/install/troubleshooting/index.md b/docs/setup/install/troubleshooting/index.md
index de28af7..bab930d 100644
--- a/docs/setup/install/troubleshooting/index.md
+++ b/docs/setup/install/troubleshooting/index.md
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-title: Troubleshooting Stash Installation
-description: Troubleshooting guide for Stash installation
+title: Troubleshooting KubeStash Installation
+description: Troubleshooting guide for KubeStash installation
docs_{{ .version }}:
- identifier: install-stash-troubleshoot
+ identifier: install-kubestash
name: Troubleshooting
parent: installation-guide
weight: 40
@@ -12,9 +12,13 @@ menu_name: docs_{{ .version }}
section_menu_id: setup
+# Troubleshooting Kubestash
+This doc is about kubestash installation troubleshooting.
## Installing in GKE Cluster
-If you are installing Stash on a GKE cluster, you will need cluster admin permissions to install Stash operator. Run the following command to grant admin permision to the cluster.
+If you are installing KubeStash on a GKE cluster and if you need cluster admin permissions to install KubeStash operator. Run the following command to grant admin permission to the cluster.
$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding "cluster-admin-$(whoami)" \
@@ -26,7 +30,7 @@ In addition, if your GKE cluster is a [private cluster](https://cloud.google.com
## Configuring Network Volume Accessor
-For network volume such as NFS, Stash needs to deploy a helper deployment in the same namespace as the Repository that uses the NFS as backend to provide Snapshot listing facility. We call this helper deployment network volume accessor. You can configure its resources, user id, privileged permission etc. Run the following command to enable network volume accessor,
+For network volume such as NFS, KubeStash needs to deploy a helper deployment in the same namespace as the Repository that uses the NFS as backend to provide Snapshot listing facility. We call this helper deployment network volume accessor. You can configure its resources, user id, privileged permission etc. Run the following command to enable network volume accessor,