- all GCP services are associated with a project
- track resource usage and quota usage
- enable billing
- manage permissions and credentials
- enables services and APIs
- projects use 3 identifying attributes:
- project name
- project number
- project ID (or application ID)
- manually created of auto-generated
- must be unique across GCP
- attribute used when working with applications and SDKs
- projects are interacted with using the developer console or Cloud Resource Manager API
# show all projects
$ gcloud projects list
Projects can have multiple users of different permissions.
Users and permissions can be managed via IAM & Admin
There are 4 roles of permission:
- owner
- invite members
- remove members
- can delete project
- includes editor rights
- editor
- deploy applications
- modify code
- configure services
- includes viewer rights
- viewer
- read-only access
- billing administrator
- manage billing
- add administrators
- remove administrators
Adding a user with owner
role will send an invitation to confirm the role. Other roles get added to the project automatically.
Add members via the Billing screen
IAM = Identity and Access Management
- IAM is used to create and manage project permissions
- supports Google Genomics and Cloud Pub/Sub
- accessible via developer console or IAM APIs
- create policies that assign users or groups to roles
- roles provide access to resources
- exposes additional flexible roles beyond owner, editor, and viewer
- e.g. Pub/Sub exposes topic publisher / subscriber roles
- Cloud IAM supports granting permissions via
- Google Groups
- Google Domains
- Google Accounts
- Service Accounts
Each resource (e.g. Compute Engine, Pub/Sub, etc.) has a policy associated with it. A policy is a group of users, and the roles they are bound to.
Policies for a project can be viewed using the get-iam-policy
$ gcloud beta projects get-iam-policy [project-id]
We can see all the commands available (also to beta) for projects using the following command:
$ gcloud beta projects -h
Usage: gcloud beta projects [optional flags] <command>
command may be add-iam-policy-binding | delete | describe |
get-iam-policy | list | move |
remove-iam-policy-binding | set-iam-policy | undelete |
- provide an identity for carrying out server-to-server interactions in a project
- e.g. Compute Engine running data, and needs to dump that data into a bucket or stream it to BigQuery. Because it's running in the background, a user can't be responsible for making the requests. Service accounts solve this by being available to authenticate requests
- Compute Engine and App Engine service accounts are created by default (visit IAM Admin
- used with Compute Engine, App Engine, and Cloud Monitoring
- used to authenticate from one service to another using view or edit permissions
- a project with 1 owner will be deleted should that owner be deleted
- add at least one additional owner to prevent this from happening
- suspend owner accounts when they are no longer required, rather than deleting them
- it's useful having multiple projects for different stages of a release pipeline
- users can be assigned to only the projects they need access to