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Annotation Pipeline

Installation Guide (Ubuntu)

1- Install Docker (
2- Make Docker run without requiring sudo (

sudo groupadd docker # create the docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER # add your user to the docker group
#Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated
docker run hello-world #verify that you can run docker commands without sudo
#If it runs without issues, it means that it works, else please consult the link above for further steps

3- Pull the Braker3 Docker image and test if it runs

docker pull teambraker/braker3
docker run --user 1000:100 --rm -it teambraker/braker3:latest bash 
# it should work without sudo if the previous steps worked

4- Install miniconda (

mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm -rf ~/miniconda3/
# After installing, initialize your newly-installed Miniconda using the following commands for bash and zsh shells
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init zsh
#add conda-forge and bioconda channels to miniconda installation
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

5- Create conda environment called ‘annotation’ and install repeatmodeler

conda create -n annotation bioconda::repeatmodeler

6- Create conda environment called ‘busco_env’ and install Busco

conda create -n busco_env -c conda-forge -c bioconda busco=5.7.1

7- Install interproscan in the base conda environment, make sure the appropriate java and other depndencies are installed:

mkdir ~/my_interproscan
cd ~/my_interproscan
# recommended checksum to confirm the download was successful: must return *interproscan-5.69-101.0-64-bit.tar.gz: OK*
md5sum -c interproscan-5.69-101.0-64-bit.tar.gz.md5
tar -pxvzf interproscan-5.69-101.0-*-bit.tar.gz
cd ~/my_interproscan/interproscan-5.69-101.0
python3 -f # index the hmm models to prepare them into a format used by hmmscan

If you face any of the common issues resolve them as indicated in the interproscan docs. error while loading shared libraries: can be resolved using sudo apt-get install -y libgomp1

8- Install ncbi-genome-download in the base conda environment

pip install ncbi-genome-download

9- Create and environment and install the dependencies for the remove_isoforms module:

mamba create -n remove_isoforms
mamba activate remove_isoforms
pip install biopython

10- Download the appropriate reference protein file from here. Ensure that the reference is unzipped and has appropriate read permissions to be opened with docker: chmod 664 <reference_fasta> 11- Make sure you have read and write permissions to our input and output directories

Runtime Guide (Ubuntu)

# reference
bash -a <accession_number> -r <reference_fasta> -l <lineage> -o <output_directory> -t <threads>

-a   Specify the NCBI accession number for the species genome you want to annotate, must start with GCA_(GeneBank) or GCF_ (RefSeq)
-r   Specify the path of the reference fasta file (.fa, .fna, .fasta),
   usually obtained from (for our case Eukaryota.fa.gz)
-l   Specify the BUSCO lineage term to be used from this list (for our case euglenozoa)
-o   Specify the path of the output directory where the results will be saved, default is working directory
-t   Specify the number of threads to use, not recommended above 32, default is 8
-h   Display the help message

Remove Isoforms

After species annotation is done, ensure the remove_isoforms directory is present and run:

bash remove_isoforms/ <BASE_NAME>

where BASE_NAME is the name of the directory created by the annotation process.

Internal Use Only

Use this spreadsheet to track which species must be annotated and use their respective NCBI acession numbers to run the script as indicated below:

# example for Leishmania tarentolae
bash -a GCA_033953505.1 -r Eukaryota.fa -l euglenozoa -o ~/tarentolae -t 32