VUSD is stable coin from Vesper. It provides arbitrage opportunity with other stable coins (USDC/DAI)
Contract Details
VUSD liquidity is available on Uniswap V3
VUSD Minter Contract (Convert DAI/USDC to VUSD). No fee is applicable on mint.
VUSD Redeemer contract (Convert VUSD to USDC/DAI). The 0.3% fee is applicable on redeem amount.
Uniswap V3 Router - Dex to swap tokens
VUSD - Vesper stable coin
USDC - Stable coin
DAI - Maker DAI Stable coin
Ongoing reoccurring opportunity
Option 1
- Swap ETH to USDC/DAI on Uniswap V3.
- Convert USDC/DAI to VUSD using Minter contract
- Swap VUSD to ETH on Uniswap V3.
Option 2
- Swap ETH to VUSD on Uniswap V3.
- Convert VUSD to USDC/DAI using Redeemer contract
- Swap USDC/DAI to ETH on Uniswap V3.