Table of Contents * Fairdesk Public API * General Public API Information
- REST API Standards
- Common Constants
- Public REST API List
- User REST API List
- Query Current Future Positions
- List Open Orders
- Place Order
- Cancel Single Order by Order id
- Cancel All Orders
- Query Account Basic
- Query Trading Account Balance
- Feature Account Symbol Config
- Adjust leverage
- Adjust Position Mode
- Assign Balances for Isolated Margin
- Query Trade history
- Query Transaction History
- Query Order History
- Websocket Stream API
type | description |
type | description |
MODE_UNI | ONE-side-mode |
MODE_HEDGE | HEDGE mode to support both long and short position of same currency and isolation |
MODE_EACH | used in copy trade account only |
Note: in copy trading account, we use "Each Mode", which does not auto merge positions; "copyTradeFlag" is also required in various account query & place order requests
type | description |
UNI | ONE-side-mode |
LONG | LONG position in hedge mode |
SHORT | SHORT position in hedge mode |
EACH | used in each position mode |
order type | description |
LIMIT | limit order |
MARKET | market order |
STOP_LOSS_MARKET | stop loss at market price |
STOP_LOSS_LIMIT | stop loss at limit price |
TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT | take profit at limit price |
TAKE_PROFIT_MARKET | take profit at market price |
POST_ONLY | post only |
CONDITIONAL_LIMIT | conditional limit order |
CONDITIONAL_MARKET | conditional market order |
order status | description |
NEW | order accepted |
PARTIALLY_FILLED | order partial filled |
FILLED | order fully filled |
CANCELED | order canceled |
REPLACED | order been canceled and replaced by new one |
EXPIRED | Order expired |
execution type | description |
E_NEW | order accepted |
E_CANCELED | order cancelled |
E_TRADE | order traded |
E_EXPIRED | order expired |
timeInForce | description |
GTC | good till cancel |
POST_ONLY | post only |
IOC | immediate or cancel |
FOK | fill or kill |
trigger | description |
MARK_PRICE | trigger by mark price |
LAST_PRICE | trigger by last price |
- Request:
GET /api/v1/public/products
- Example Response:
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": [
"symbolId": 1211,
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"displayName": "BTC/USDT",
"baseCurrency": "BTC",
"quoteCurrency": "USDT",
"settleCurrency": "USDT",
"productType": "Perpetual",
"tickSize": "0.500000",
"stepSize": "0.001000",
"maxPrice": "500000.000000",
"minPrice": "0.500000",
"maxOrderQty": "100.000000",
"minOrderQty": "0.000000",
"marketMaxQty": "0.000000",
"priceDecimal": 1,
"amountDecimal": 3,
"fundingInterval": "Every 8 hours",
"makerFeeRate": "0.0001",
"takerFeeRate": "0.00015",
"marketPriceDiffRate": 0.1,
"limitPriceDiffRate": 0.1,
"strategyPriceDiffRate": 0.075,
"liquidationFeeRate": 0.01
- Detail for the Response Field:
Field | Type | Description | Possible values |
symbolId | Int | internal symbol id | |
symbol | String | symbol name | |
tickSize | Decimal | minimum price incremental size | |
stepSize | Decimal | minimum quantity incremental size | |
maxPrice | Decimal | Max price | |
minPrice | Decimal | min price | |
maxOrderQty | Decimal | min price | |
minOrderQty | Decimal | min order size | |
defaultLeverage | Int | default leverage | |
makerFeeRate | Decimal | default maker fee rate | |
takerFeeRate | Decimal | default taker fee rate |
- Request:
GET /api/v1/public/md/contracts
- Example Response
"success": true,
"result": [
"product_type": "perpetual",
"contract_type": "Vanilla",
"contract_price_currency": "USDT",
"contract_price": 20699.500000,
"ticker_id": "BTC-PERPUSDT",
"base_currency": "BTC",
"target_currency": "USDT",
"quote_currency": "USDT",
"last_price": 20699.500000,
"base_volume": 35692.691000,
"target_volume": 727005598.469,
"quote_volume": 727005598.469,
"USD_volume": 727005598.469,
"open_interest": 10995.844245,
"open_interest_usd": 223968556.616,
"bid": 20699.000000,
"ask": 20700.000000,
"high": 20890.000000,
"low": 19782.000000,
"index_price": 20697.5,
"index_name": "BTC/USDT",
"index_currency": "BTC",
"start_timestamp": null,
"end_timestamp": null,
"funding_rate": 0.00010000,
"next_funding_rate": 0.000100,
"next_funding_rate_timestamp": 1656000000000,
"maker_fee": 0.00020000,
"taker_fee": 0.00040000
- Detail for the Response Field:
Field | Type | Description |
product_type | String | product type |
contract_type | String | contract type |
contract_price_currency | String | currency used for price |
contract_price / last_price | decimal | last price |
ticker_id | String | ticker name |
base_currency | String | base ccy |
quote_currency | String | quote ccy |
base_volume | decimal | last 24 trade vol in base ccy |
target_volume/ quote_volume | decimal | last 24 trade vol in base ccy |
usd volume | decimal | last 24 trade vol in USD |
open_interest | decimal | open interest in quote ccy |
open_interest_usd | decimal | open interest in USD |
bid | decimal | best bid price |
ask | decimal | best ask price |
high | decimal | 24h high |
low | decimal | 24h low |
index_price | decimal | underlying index price |
index_name | String | underlying index pair name |
index_currency | String | base ccy of the index price |
funding_rate | decimal | last funding rate |
next_funding_rate | decimal | predicated funding rate |
next_funding_rate_timestamp | long | next funding timestamp |
maker_fee | decimal | maker fee |
taker_fee | decimal | taker fee |
- Request:
GET /api/v1/public/md/contract_specs
- Example Response
"success": true,
"result": [
"ticker_id": "SOL-PERPUSDT",
"contract_type": "Vanilla",
"contract_price_currency": "USDT",
"contract_price": 36.610000
- Request:
GET /api/v1/public/md/orderbook?symbol=BTCUSDT
the param symbol are symbol names from products response
- Example Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"bids": [
"asks": [
- Example Request of a product
GET /api/v1/public/md/trade-recent?symbol=BTCUSDT
the param symbol are symbol names from products response
- Example Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"timestamp": 1651500774161,
"trades": [
"qty": 0.009000,
"price": 38821.500000,
"timestamp": 1651499396419,
"buyMaker": true
- Detail for the Response Field:
Field | Type | Description |
qty | Decimal | trade quantity |
price | Decimal | trade price |
timestamp | Long | transaction timestamp |
buyMarker | Boolean | is buyer the maker |
rate limit weight: 10
- Example Request of a product
GET /api/v1/public/md/trade-history?symbol=BTCUSDT&from=1651382628000&limit=100
- Request param
Field | Type | Description | Default values |
symbol | String | symbol name | |
from | Long | from transaction time in millis | |
limit | Int | date limit, max 1000 | 500 |
The response format is the same with trade-recent
- Detail for the Response Field:
Field | Type | Description |
qty | Decimal | trade quantity |
price | Decimal | trade price |
timestamp | Long | transaction timestamp |
buyMarker | Boolean | is buyer the maker |
- Request:
GET /api/v1/public/md/ticker24h?symbol=BTCUSDT
the param symbol are symbol names from products response
- Example Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"timestamp": 1651499766642,
"open": 37932.500000,
"high": 39118.000000,
"low": 37719.000000,
"close": 38928.000000,
"indexPrice": 38922.2,
"markPrice": 38923.2,
"openInterest": 40.734286,
"fundingRate": 0.00010000,
"predicateFundingRate": 0.000100,
"baseVolume": 144.491000,
"quoteVolume": 5566361.331
- Detail for the Response Field:
Field | Type | Description | Possible values |
symbol | String | symbol name | |
open | Decimal | open price | |
high | Decimal | high price | |
low | Decimal | low price | |
close | Decimal | close price | |
indexPrice | Decimal | index price | |
markPrice | Decimal | mark price | |
fundingRate | Decimal | last funding rate | |
predicateFundingRate | Decimal | predicate funding rate | |
baseVolume | Decimal | 24h volume for base ccy like BTC | |
quoteVolume | Decimal | 24h volume for quote ccy like USDT |
rate limit weight: 10
- Example Request:
GET /api/v1/public/md/kline?symbol=BTCUSDT&interval=5m&from=1651382628000&to=1651469028000&limit=100
- Request param
Field | Type | Description | Default values |
symbol | String | symbol name | |
interval | ENUM | interval name | 5m |
from | Long | start milliseconds | |
to | Long | end milliseconds | |
limit | Int | date limit, max 1000 | 500 |
- Example Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": [
"openTime": 1651382700000,
"intervalId": "5m",
"closeTime": 1651382999999,
"open": 38076.000000,
"close": 38095.000000,
"high": 38098.000000,
"low": 38056.500000,
"volume": 0.067000,
"quoteVolume": 2551.822500,
"closed": true,
"numTrades": 15
- Detail for the Response Field:
Field | Type | Description |
openTime | Long | interval start time in millis |
closeTime | Long | interval start time in millis |
interval | Enum | kline interval |
open | Decimal | open price |
high | Decimal | high price |
low | Decimal | low price |
close | Decimal | close price |
closed | Boolean | is the kline closed |
numTrades | Int | number of Trades |
baseVolume | Decimal | 24h volume for base ccy |
quoteVolume | Decimal | 24h volume for quote ccy |
- Request
GET /api/v1/private/account/current-positions?copyTradeFlag=true
- Example Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": [
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"isolated": true,
"avgEntryPrice": "42745.50000000",
"quantity": "0.00100000",
"isolatedMargin": "2.12231500",
"lastTxTime": 1632190125650,
"baseCurrency": "BTC",
"quoteCurrency": "USDT",
"settleCurrency": "USDT",
"positionId": 1212121
- Response Field:
Field | Type | Description | Possible values |
isolated | Boolean | true for isolated position, false for crossed position | true, false |
isolatedMargin | Decimal | margin used for isolated position | |
positionSide | String | Position Side | LONG, SHORT,EACH |
avgEntryPrice | Decimal | averaged entry price | |
quantity | Decimal | position size | |
symbol | String | Trading pair | |
lastTxTime | Long | timestamp for last transaction | |
positionId | Long | used in each mode |
- Request
GET /api/v1/private/account/closed-positions?copyTradeFlag=true
- Example Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": [
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"isolated": true,
"avgEntryPrice": "42745.50000000",
"avgExitPrice": "42745.50000000",
"leverage": "11",
"margin": "131.3",
"realizePnl": "-0.32",
"roi": "-0.021",
"totalPnl": "-0.021",
"quantity": "0.00100000",
"isolatedMargin": "2.12231500",
"lastTxTime": 1632190125650,
"baseCurrency": "BTC",
"quoteCurrency": "USDT",
"settleCurrency": "USDT",
"positionId": 1212121
- Request
GET /api/v1/private/account/open-orders?copyTradeFlag=false
- Example Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": [
"orderId": 1523707343,
"clientOrderId": "WEBjCwL6V6SBQ6e",
"symbol": "ethusdt",
"type": "LIMIT",
"origQty": "0.12",
"executedQty": "0.00",
"price": "300.00",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"isolated": true,
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"transactTime": 1632192208043,
"status": "NEW",
"closePosition": false,
"triggerPrice": "0.00",
"triggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerPrice": "0.00",
"slTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"slTriggerPrice": "0.00",
"strategyParentId": 0
- Explanation for the Fields
Field | Type | Description | Possible values |
symbol | String | Which symbol to place order | |
clientOrderId | String | client order id, max length is 40 | |
orderId | Long | unique order id | |
status | Enum | order execution status | NEW,PARTIALLY_FILLED,FILLED |
side | Enum | Order direction, Buy or Sell | BUY, SELL |
positionSide | Enum | position direction, UNI by default | LONG, SHORT, UNI |
transactTime | Long | last transaction time | |
isolated | Boolean | true for isolated position, false for cross position | true, false |
closePosition | Boolean | indicate close position order or not | true, false |
quantity | String | Order quantity | |
price | String | price, required for limit order | |
type | Enum | order type | refer to orderType |
timeInForce | Enum | Time in force. | GTC, FOK, IOC, POST_ONLY |
conditional | Boolean | indicate a conditional order | |
triggerType | Enum | condition trigger type | LAST_PRICE, Mark_PRICE |
triggerPrice | String | Trigger Price | |
tpTriggerType | String | take profit trigger type | LAST_PRICE, Mark_PRICE |
tpTriggerPrice | String | take profit trigger price | |
slTriggerType | String | stop loss trigger type | LAST_PRICE, Mark_PRICE |
slTriggerPrice | String | stop loss trigger price | |
origQty | Decimal | original order quantity | |
executedQty | Decimal | executed quantity | |
activatePrice | Decimal | activated price from the parent conditional order |
- HTTP Request:
POST /api/v1/private/trade/place-order
"quantity": "0.01",
"price": "42601.5",
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"copyTradeFlag": "false",
"isolated": true,
"type": "LIMIT",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"clientOrderId": "WEB9C6IB7h8absN",
"orderRespType": "ACK"
- Filed details
Field | Type | Required | Description | Possible values |
symbol | String | Y | symbol to place order | |
copyTradeFlag | Boolean | N | indicate it is for copy trade(each mode), default to false, | |
clientOrderId | String | N | client order id, max length is 40 | |
side | Enum | Y | Order direction, Buy or Sell | BUY, SELL |
positionSide | Enum | N | position direction, UNI by default | LONG, SHORT, UNI |
isolated | Boolean | Y | true for isolated position, false for cross position | true, false |
closePosition | Boolean | N | indicate close position order or not | true, false |
quantity | String | Y | Order quantity | |
price | String | depends | price, required for limit order | |
type | Enum | - | order type | refer to orderType |
timeInForce | Enum | - | Time in force. | GTC, FOK, IOC, POST_ONLY |
reduceOnly | Boolean | N | Useful only in one-way position mode | true, false |
conditional | Boolean | - | indicate a conditional order | |
triggerType | Enum | - | trigger type | LAST_PRICE, Mark_PRICE |
triggerPrice | String | - | Trigger Price | |
tpTriggerType | String | - | take profit trigger type | LAST_PRICE, Mark_PRICE |
tpTriggerPrice | String | - | take profit trigger price | |
slTriggerType | String | - | stop loss trigger type | LAST_PRICE, Mark_PRICE |
slTriggerPrice | String | - | stop loss trigger price | |
orderRespType | ENUM | - | ACK and Result required immediate ack | ACK,RESULT,NO_ACK |
leverage | Int | depends | required in each mode, range 1-25 | 20 |
closePositionId | Long | - | required in close order in each mode | 1029841929 |
- Example Response:
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"orderId": 1521325650,
"clientOrderId": "WEB9C6IB7h8absN",
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"isolated": true,
"cumQty": "0.000000",
"cumQuote": "0.000000",
"executedQty": "0.000000",
"avgPrice": "0.000000",
"origQty": "0.010000",
"price": "426.000000",
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"origType": "LIMIT",
"type": "LIMIT",
"activatePrice": null,
"triggerPrice": "0.000000",
"triggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerPrice": "0.000000",
"slTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"slTriggerPrice": "0.000000",
"status": "NEW"
- Request
DELETE /api/v1/private/trade/cancel-order
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"copyTradeFlag": "false",
"orderId": 1521325650
- Response (the cancelled order, for example)
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"orderId": 1521325650,
"clientOrderId": "WEB9C6IB7h8absN",
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"isolated": true,
"cumQty": "0.000000",
"cumQuote": "0.000000",
"executedQty": "0.000000",
"avgPrice": "0.000000",
"origQty": "0.010000",
"price": "426.000000",
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"origType": "LIMIT",
"type": "LIMIT",
"activatePrice": null,
"priceRate": null,
"triggerPrice": "0.000000",
"triggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerPrice": "0.000000",
"slTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"slTriggerPrice": "0.000000",
"strategyParentId": 0,
"status": "NEW"
- Request
POST /api/v1/private/trade/cancel-all-order
"symbol": null,
"settleCcy": "USDT"
"copyTradeFlag": "false"
- Request
GET /api/v1/private/account/account?currency=USDT©TradeFlag=false
- Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"makerFeeDiscountRate": 1,
"takerFeeDiscountRate": 1,
"positionMode": "MODE_UNI"
- Request
GET /api/v1/private/account/balance?copyTradeFlag=false
- Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"marginBalanceUsd": "43.79",
"marginBalanceBtc": "0.00103591",
"totalAccountBalance": "49.27",
"totalUnRealizedPnL": "-5.48",
"accounts": [
"currency": "USDT",
"accountBalance": "49.27",
"availBalance": "33.22",
"unRealizedPnL": "-5.48",
"positionMargin": "8.46",
"bonus": "50.00",
"display": "Tether"
Note unRealizedPnL
and needs to be calculated according to latest markPrice
- Request
GET /api/v1/private/account/all-symbol-account
- Example Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": [
"symbol": "adausdt",
"crossLeverage": 20,
"isolatedLeverage": 20,
"makerFeeRate": "0.00018",
"takerFeeRate": "0.00028"
- Request
PUT /api/v1/private/account/config/adjust-leverage
"symbol": "ethusdt", "isolated": true, "leverage": "10"}
Field | Type | Description | Possible Values |
symbol | string | which position needs to change | |
leverage | integer | unscaled leverage | |
isolated | boolean | isolated or crossed |
- Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"symbol": null,
"isolated": true,
"leverage": 10,
"maxNotionalValue": 0
- Request
PUT /api/v1/private/account/config/switch-position-mode
"positionMode": "MODE_HEDGE"
Field | Type | Description | Possible Values |
positionMode | Enum | position mode | MODE_HEDGE,MODE_UNI |
please note that position mode can't be updated with open position or orders
- Response
"status": 0,
"error": "OK",
"data": {
"positionMode": "MODE_HEDGE"
- Request
PUT /api/v1/private/account/config/adjust-position-margin
"symbol": "btcusdt", "positionSide": "LONG", "changeAmount": "0.1"
note: this request has no effect for copy trade account
rate limit weight: 5
- Request:
GET /api/v1/private/account/trade-histories?symbol=ETHUSDT&orderId=1212131
Filed | Type | Description |
symbol | String | Contract symbol name |
orderId | Long | order id |
startTime | Long | start time in millis |
endTime | Long | end time in millis |
pageIndex | Int | paging index |
pageSize | Int | paging size |
- Response:
"status": 0,
"error": null,
"data": {
"rows": [
"tradeId": 10485580,
"userId": 100177,
"orderId": 1522806127,
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"side": "SELL",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"fee": "-0.44894800",
"lastQty": "0.030",
"lastPrice": "42757.0",
"realizedPnl": "1127.64000000",
"isolated": false,
"liquidationType": "L_NONE",
"baseCcy": "BTC",
"settledCcy": "USDT",
"transactionTime": 1632191344624,
"maker": false
rate limit weight: 5
- Request:
GET /api/v1/private/account/order-histories?symbol=BTCUSDT
- Request fields
Field | Type | Description |
symbol | String | Contract symbol name |
side | ENUM | Order Side, BUY or SELL |
orderId | Long | unique order id |
status | ENUM | order status |
startTime | Long | start time in millis |
endTime | Long | end time in millis |
pageIndex | Int | paging index |
pageSize | Int | paging size |
- Response:
"status": 0,
"error": null,
"data": {
"rows": [
"orderId": 1522808722,
"clientOrderId": "WEBoWd7RAKV0fH0",
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"type": "LIMIT",
"origQty": "0.100",
"executedQty": "0.000",
"avlPrice": "0.0",
"price": "4211.0",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"isolated": true,
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "LONG",
"transactTime": 1632191376587,
"markPriceAtPlace": "42744.9",
"lastPriceAtPlace": "42757.0",
"status": "CANCELED",
"closePosition": false,
"triggerPrice": "0.0",
"triggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"tpTriggerPrice": "0.0",
"slTriggerType": "TRIGGER_NONE",
"slTriggerPrice": "0.0",
"strategyParentId": 0,
"liqCounterpartyType": "L_NONE",
"baseCcy": "BTC",
"settledCcy": "USDT"
some field details:
Filed | Type | Description | Extra Description |
timestamp | Integer | Timestamp in nanoseconds | |
side | String | Trade side string | BUY, SELL |
positionSide | String | Position Side | LONG, SHORT |
price | String | Scaled trade price | |
lastQty | String | trade size | |
marker | boolean | marker or taker | |
symbol | String | Contract symbol name | |
avlPrice | String | average execution price |
rate limit weight: 5
- Request:
GET /api/v1/private/account/transaction-histories?type=Transfer&symbol=BTCUSDT
- Request fields
Field | Type | Description |
symbol | String | Contract symbol name |
type | ENUM | Transaction Type: Transfer,RealizedPnl,FundingFee,Commission, InsuranceClear |
startTime | Long | start time in millis |
endTime | Long | end time in millis |
pageIndex | Int | paging index |
pageSize | Int | paging size |
- Example Response
"status": 0,
"error": null,
"data": {
"rows": [
"tranId": 1649664000017423918,
"userId": 100177,
"orderId": 0,
"symbol": "btcusdt",
"currency": "USDT",
"type": "FundingFee",
"businessType": null,
"amount": "-0.02",
"transactionTime": 1649664000018
"total": 6617
The Kline/Candlestick Stream push updates to the current klines/candlestick every second.
Kline/Candlestick chart intervals:
m -> minutes; h -> hours; d -> days; w -> weeks; M -> months
- 1m
- 3m
- 5m
- 15m
- 30m
- 1h
- 2h
- 4h
- 6h
- 8h
- 12h
- 1d
- 3d
- 1w
- 1M
Stream Name: <symbol>@kline_<interval>
"e": "kline",
// Event type
"E": 123456789,
// Event time
"s": "BTCUSDT",
// contract name
"ct": "perpertual",
// contract type
"k": {
"t": 123400000,
// Kline start time
"T": 123460000,
// Kline close time
"i": "1m",
// Interval
"f": 100,
// First trade ID
"L": 200,
// Last trade ID
"o": "0.0010",
// Open price
"c": "0.0020",
// Close price
"h": "0.0025",
// High price
"l": "0.0015",
// Low price
"v": "1000",
// Base asset volume
"n": 100,
// Number of trades
"x": false,
// Is this kline closed?
"q": "1.0000",
// Quote asset volume
"V": "500",
// Taker buy base asset volume
"Q": "0.500"
// Taker buy quote asset volume
Mark price and funding rate for a single symbol pushed every second.
Stream Name: @markPrice
"e": "kline",
// Event type
"E": 123456789,
// Event time
"s": "BTCUSDT",
// contract name
"ct": "perpertual",
// contract type
"k": {
"t": 123400000,
// Kline start time
"T": 123460000,
// Kline close time
"i": "1m",
// Interval
"f": 100,
// First trade ID
"L": 200,
// Last trade ID
"o": "0.0010",
// Open price
"c": "0.0020",
// Close price
"h": "0.0025",
// High price
"l": "0.0015",
// Low price
"v": "1000",
// Base asset volume
"n": 100,
// Number of trades
"x": false,
// Is this kline closed?
"q": "1.0000",
// Quote asset volume
"V": "500",
// Taker buy base asset volume
"Q": "0.500"
// Taker buy quote asset volume
Stream Name: @ticker
"e": "kline",
// Event type
"E": 123456789,
// Event time
"s": "BTCUSDT",
// contract name
"ct": "perpertual",
// contract type
"k": {
"t": 123400000,
// Kline start time
"T": 123460000,
// Kline close time
"i": "1m",
// Interval
"f": 100,
// First trade ID
"L": 200,
// Last trade ID
"o": "0.0010",
// Open price
"c": "0.0020",
// Close price
"h": "0.0025",
// High price
"l": "0.0015",
// Low price
"v": "1000",
// Base asset volume
"n": 100,
// Number of trades
"x": false,
// Is this kline closed?
"q": "1.0000",
// Quote asset volume
"V": "500",
// Taker buy base asset volume
"Q": "0.500"
// Taker buy quote asset volume
Stream Name: @depth
level include:
- 10
- 20
- 50
- 100
"e": "depthUpdate",
// Event type
"E": 123456789,
// Event time
"T": 123456788,
// Transaction time
"s": "BTCUSDT",
// Symbol
"U": 157,
// First update ID in event
"u": 160,
// Final update ID in event
"pu": 149,
// Final update Id in last stream(ie `u` in last stream)
"b": [
// Bids to be updated
// Price level to be updated
// Quantity
"a": [
// Asks to be updated
// Price level to be updated
// Quantity
Stream Name: @trade
"e": "trade",
// Event type
"E": 123456789,
// Event time
"T": 123456788,
// Transaction time
"s": "BTCUSDT",
// Symbol
"t": 157,
// update id
"p": "60221.0",
// price
"q": "0.01",
// quantity
"X": "Market",
//Trade type
"m": true
// is buyer maker
Stream Name: ${wsTokenFromApi}
for ws token management, please see ws token management
Order Update Payload:
"T": 1649678235588,
"E": 1649678235591,
"o": {
"ac": 1106010011, // accountId
"x": "E_NEW", // execution type
"L": "0.000000", // last Price
"l": "0.000000", // last quantity
"ap": "40996.000000", // average price
"rq": "0.000000", // remainingQty
"z": "0.017000", // cumFilledQty
"n": "0.000000", // commission
"i": 79519757563, // order Id
"c": "WEB__1WNgGe_IGbm", // client order Id
"C": 0, // cancel Id
"s": "btcusdt", // symbol
"S": "BUY", // order side
"ps": "LONG", // position side
"o": "MARKET", // order type
"is": true, // isolated
"f": "IOC", // time in force
"p": "0.000000", // order price
"q": "0.017000", // order quantity
"X": "NEW", // order status
"T": 1649678235588, // order trade time
"m": false, // is maker
"cP": false, // close position or not
"tp": "0.000000", // trigger price
"tpType": "TRIGGER_NONE", // take profit trigger type
"tpPrice": "0.000000", // take profit trigger price
"slType": "TRIGGER_NONE", // stop loss trigger type
"slPrice": "0.000000", // stop loss trigger price
"sPid": 0
Account Update Payload:
account update can have two kinds of data: balance and position
"T": 1649678235588338434,
"E": 1649678235591,
"i": "110601", // userId
"a": {
"m": "ORDER",
"B": [ // balance
"ccy": "USDT", // currency
"ab": "39.702997", // account balance
"cb": "31.095886", // cross balance
"vid": 7548 // account version Id
"P": [ // position
"a": 1106010011, // accountId
"ccy": "USDT",// currency
"s": "btcusdt",// symbol
"ps": "LONG", // position side
"is": true, // isolated or not
"pa": "0.017000", // position amount
"ep": "40996.000000", // averageEntryPrice
"cr": "4.994039", // cumRealizedPnl
"im": "8.607111", // isolated frozenMargin
"vid": 1008, // version Id
"T": 1649678235588 // trade Time