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Contract Trading ERROR CODE

NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT 1000 no such account.
DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT 1001 user account duplicate.
ACCOUNT_SETTLED_CURRENCY_NOT_MATCH 1002 account settled currency do not match.
ACCOUNT_IN_LIQUIDATION 1003 account in liquidation, not permitted.
MIN_LEVERAGE_RATIO 1004 leverage is too small
MAX_LEVERAGE_RATIO 1005 leverage is too large.
NEW_LEVERAGE_EQUAL_OLD 1006 leverage is equal old leverage.
MARGIN_NOT_ENOUGH 1007 margin not enough.
BALANCE_INSUFFICIENT 1008 balance insufficient.
RECHARGE_AMOUNT_ILLEGAL 1009 the amount of recharge is illegal.
BALANCE_CHANGE_AMOUNT_ILLEGAL 1010 the amount of balance change is illegal.
INVALID_MARGIN_CHANGE_AMOUNT 1011 invalid margin change amount.
ISOLATED_LEVERAGE_REJECT_WITH_POSITION 1012 leverage reduction is not supported in Isolated Margin Mode with open positions.
BALANCE_VERSION_NOT_EQUAL 1013 balance version not equal.
ACCOUNT_CAN_NOT_WITHDRAW 1014 account can not withdraw.
ACCOUNT_CAN_NOT_TRADE 1015 account can not trade.
ACCOUNT_CAN_ONLY_REDUCE 1016 account can only place reduce only order.
INVALID_FEE_RATE 1017 invalid fee rate.
INVALID_MAKER_FEE_RATE 1018 invalid maker fee rate.
INVALID_TAKER_FEE_RATE 1019 invalid taker fee rate.
UNABLE_UPDATE_POSITION_MODE 1020 unable to update account position mode with open order or positions
INVALID_SYMBOL_ID 2000 invalid symbol id.
DUPLICATE_SYMBOL_ID 2001 duplicate symbol id.
DUPLICATE_SYMBOL_NAME 2002 duplicate symbol name.
INVALID_NOTIONAL_LIMIT_COEF 2003 invalid notional limit coef
DUPLICATED_ASSET_NAME 2004 duplicated asset name
DUPLICATED_ASSET_ID 2005 duplicated asset id
INVALID_ASSET_ID 2006 invalid asset id.
ASSET_NOT_FOUND 2007 asset is not found
NO_SUCH_ORDER 4000 no such order.
PRICE_MISSING 4001 price is missing.
QTY_MISSING 4002 qty is missing.
INVALID_QTY 4003 qty is invalid.
INVALID_CURRENCY_ID 4004 invalid currency id.
UNABLE_TO_FILL 4005 unable to fill.
ORDER_WOULD_IMMEDIATELY_TRIGGER 4006 order would immediately trigger.
REDUCE_ONLY_REJECT 4007 reduce only reject.
POSITION_NOT_SUFFICIENT 4008 position is not sufficient.
REDUCE_ONLY_BUY_ERROR 4009 reduce only rejected, position more than 0 while buy.
REDUCE_ONLY_SELL_ERROR 4010 reduce only rejected, position less than 0 while sell.
MAX_OPEN_ORDER_LIMIT 4011 max open order limit.
MAX_CONDITIONAL_ORDER_LIMIT 4012 max conditional order limit.
INVALID_CONDITIONAL_ORDER 4013 conditional order is invalid.
CLI_ORD_ID_DUPLICATE 4014 clientOrderId is existed.
REDUCE_ONLY_ILLEGAL 4015 reduce only reject, order type not supported.
CANCEL_REJECTED 4020 unknown order sent.
UNKNOWN_UPDATE_TYPE 4021 unknown update type.
REDUCE_ONLY_MARGIN_CHECK_FAILED 4030 reduceOnly order Failed. please check your existing position and open orders.
UNABLE_TO_PARSE_ORDER 4040 unable to parse order.
MARKET_ORDER_REJECT 4050 the counter party's best price does not meet the PERCENT_PRICE filter limit.
ORDER_PRICE_RANGE_REJECT 4051 order price not in the proper range.
TRIGGER_PRICE_MISSING 4060 trigger price is missing.
NO_OPEN_ORDER 4070 no open orders.
ORDER_ID_DUPLICATE 4071 order id is existed.
ACCOUNT_TEMP_LOCKED 4072 account temporary locked.
INVALID_POSITION_SIDE 5000 positionSide is not valid.
POSITION_SIDE_NOT_MATCH 5001 positionSide does not match with userSetting.
ADD_ISOLATED_MARGIN_NO_POSITION_REJECT 5002 isolated position quantity should more than 0 when add margin.
NO_BALANCE_FOR_ADD_MARGIN 5003 No balance for add position margin.
POSITION_MARGIN_CAN_NOT_DECREASE 5004 Position margin can not decrease.
INVALID_POSITION_MARGIN_MODE 5008 invalid position margin mode
SNAPSHOT_REJECT 5005 Snapshot will not be executed on master instance.
SNAPSHOT_TRIGGER_TIME_REJECT 5006 Snapshot will not be executed on this trigger time.

Data parse and processing ERROR

100 TIMEOUT Request time out.
200 PRICE_LESS_THAN_ZERO Price less than 0.
201 PRICE_LESS_THAN_MIN_PRICE Price less than min price.
202 PRICE_GREATER_THAN_MAX_PRICE Price greater than max price.
203 PRICE_NOT_INCREASED_BY_TICK_SIZE Price not increased by tick size.
204 QTY_LESS_THAN_ZERO Quantity less than zero.
205 QTY_GREATER_THAN_MAX_QTY Quantity greater than max quantity.
206 QTY_LESS_THAN_MIN_QTY Quantity less than min quantity.
207 QTY_NOT_INCREASED_BY_STEP_SIZE Qty not increased by step size.
208 TRIGGER_PRICE_LESS_THAN_ZERO Trigger price less than zero.
209 TRIGGER_PRICE_GREATER_THAN_MAX_PRICE Trigger price greater than max price.
210 PRICE_TRIGGER_TYPE_IS_NULL_OR_ILLEGAL Price trigger type is null or illegal.
211 NOT_SUPPORT_ORDER_TYPE not support order type.
212 INVALID_CL_ORD_ID_LEN client order length is not valid.
213 INVALID_CL_ORD_ID client order id is not valid.
214 CL_ORD_ID_ILLEGAL_CHARS Illegal characters found in a parameter.
216 MANDATORY_PARAM_EMPTY_OR_MALFORMED Mandatory parameter {%s} was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed.
217 PARAM_NOT_REQUIRED Parameter '%s' not required.
218 INVALID_SIDE Invalid side.
219 OPTIONAL_PARAMS_BAD_COMBO Combination of optional parameters '%s' invalid.
220 INVALID_PRICE_RANGE price range not valid
221 QTY_TOO_LARGE Qty too large.
250 INVALID_CURRENCY invalid currency.
300 INVALID_SYMBOL invalid symbol.
301 SYMBOL_CAN_NOT_TRADING symbol can not trading now.
302 SYMBOL_ORDER_CAN_NOT_CANCEL symbol order can not cancel now.
400 INVALID_ACCOUNT invalid account.
401 ACCOUNT_CAN_NOT_TRADE account could not trade.
402 INVALID_LEVERAGE invalid leverage.
403 INVALID_USER_ID invalid user id.
405 INVALID_WITHDRAW_BALANCE invalid withdraw balance.
408 ACCOUNT_MARGIN_NOT_ENOUGH account margin not enough.
501 WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE wallet insufficient balance