Details on the various actions that can be performed on the Messages resource, including the expected parameters and the potential responses.
- FetchInbox
- FetchInboxMessage
- FetchMessage
- FetchSMSMessage
- FetchInboxMessageAttachments
- FetchMessageAttachments
- FetchInboxMessageAttachment
- FetchMessageAttachment
- FetchMessageLinks
- FetchInboxMessageLinks
- DeleteAllDomainMessages
- DeleteAllInboxMessages
- DeleteMessage
- PostMessage
- FetchMessageSmtpLog
- FetchInboxMessageSmtpLog
- FetchMessageRaw
- FetchInboxMessageRaw
- FetchLatestMessages
- FetchLatestInboxMessages
Retrieves a list of messages summaries
result = client.messages.fetch_inbox(
domainId: my_domain_id
inbox: my_inbox
skip: my_skip
limit: my_limit
sort: my_sort
decodeSubject: my_decode_subject)
puts result
Retrieves a specific message by id for specific inbox
result = client.messages.fetch_inbox_message(
domainId: my_domain_id
inbox: my_inbox
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
Retrieves a specific message by id
result = client.messages.fetch_message(
domainId: my_domain_id
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
Retrieves a specific SMS message by sms number
result = client.messages.fetch_sms_message(
domainId: my_domain_id
inbox: my_inbox
teamSmsNumber: my_team_sms_number)
puts result
Retrieves a list of attachments for a message for specific inbox
result = client.messages.fetch_inbox_message_attachments(
domainId: my_domain_id
inbox: my_inbox
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
Retrieves a list of attachments for a message
result = client.messages.fetch_message_attachments(
domainId: my_domain_id
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
Retrieves a specific attachment for specific inbox
result = client.messages.fetch_inbox_message_attachment(
domainId: my_domain_id
inbox: my_inbox
messageId: my_message_id
attachmentId: my_attachment_id)
puts result
Retrieves a specific attachment
result = client.messages.fetch_message_attachment(
domainId: my_domain_id
messageId: my_message_id
attachmentId: my_attachment_id)
puts result
Retrieves all links found within a given email
result = client.messages.fetch_message_links(
domainId: my_domain_id
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
Retrieves all links found within a given email for specific inbox
result = client.messages.fetch_inbox_message_links(
domainId: my_domain_id
inbox: my_inbox
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
Deletes ALL messages from a Private Domain
result = client.messages.delete_all_domain_messages(
domainId: my_domain_id)
puts result
Deletes ALL messages from a specific private inbox
result = client.messages.delete_all_inbox_messages(
domainId: my_domain_id
inbox: my_inbox
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
Deletes a specific messages
result = client.messages.delete_message(
domainId: my_domain_id
inbox: my_inbox
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
Deliver a JSON message into your private domain
result = client.messages.post_message(
domainId: my_domain_id
inbox: my_inbox
messageToPost: my_message_to_post)
puts result
Retrieves all smtp log found within a given email
result = client.messages.fetch_message_smtp_log(
domainId: my_domain_id
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
Retrieves all smtp log found within a given email for specific inbox
result = client.messages.fetch_inbox_message_smtp_log(
domainId: my_domain_id
inbox: my_inbox
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
Retrieves all raw data found within a given email
result = client.messages.fetch_message_raw(
domainId: my_domain_id
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
Retrieves all raw data found within a given email for specific inbox
result = client.messages.fetch_inbox_message_raw(
domainId: my_domain_id
inbox: my_inbox
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
That fetches the latest 5 FULL messages
result = client.messages.fetch_latest_messages(
domainId: my_domain_id
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result
That fetches the latest 5 FULL messages for specific inbox
result = client.messages.fetch_latest_inbox_messages(
domainId: my_domain_id
inbox: my_inbox
messageId: my_message_id)
puts result