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Cloud Run

Authenticate with gcloud, push image to GCR and deploy as a new revision to Cloud Run
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Github Action for Google Cloud Run

An GitHub Action for deploying revisions to Google Cloud Run.

v2 breaking changes

Version 2 assumes that the deployed image is already pushed into Container Registry.


In your actions workflow, somewhere after the step that builds<your-project>/<image>, insert this:

- name: Deploy service to Cloud Run
  uses: stefda/[email protected]
    service: [your-service]
    project: [your-project]
    region: [gcp-region]
    env: [path-to-env-file]
    service key: ${{ secrets.GCLOUD_AUTH }}

Your GCLOUD_AUTH secret (or whatever you name it) must be a base64 encoded gcloud JSON service key with the following permissions:

  • Service Account User
  • Cloud Run Admin
  • Storage Admin
  • Cloud Run Service Agent

The image must be "pushable" to one of Google's container registries, i.e. it should be in the[project]/[image] or[project]/[image] format.

Don't forget to enable Container Registry and Cloud Run API!

Using environment variables

You can supply the path to a file with environment variables using the env input.

Note that the action container doesn't have access to the path in the working-directory config, and so if the action is operating on a specific subdirectory of your repo, you have to supply the path to your .env file relative to root.

If you don't provide a path to .env file the deployment will be triggered with the --clear-env-vars flag.

Connecting to CloudSQL instance

The cloud sql input links your service to a CloudSQL instance. See the doc that explains what happens behind the scenes.

Connecting to VPC network

The vpc connector can be optionally pointed to a vpc connector string, for example when your service relies on a cloud redis instance. For more information on how Cloud Run connects to VPC networks read up on the official documentation.

Cloud Run is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Authenticate with gcloud, push image to GCR and deploy as a new revision to Cloud Run

Cloud Run is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.