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File metadata and controls

82 lines (75 loc) · 4.98 KB


Controls backups

Usage: backup (localpath remotepath --period="PERIODSTRING" --num-backups=N | [-lhda] [TAG|localpath] [--period="PERIODSTRING"] [--num-backups=N]) [--time-format=FORMAT]

This command can be used to configure and control backups.
A tutorial can be found here:

If no argument is given it will list the configured backups
 To get extra info on backups use -l or -h (see Options below)

When a backup of a folder (localfolder) is established in a remote folder (remotepath)
 MEGAcmd will create subfolder within the remote path with names like: "localfoldername_bk_TIME"
 which shall contain a backup of the local folder at that specific time
In order to configure a backup you need to specify the local and remote paths,
the period and max number of backups to store (see Configuration Options below).
Once configured, you can see extended info asociated to the backup (See Display Options)
Notice that MEGAcmd server need to be running for backups to be created.

Display Options:
-l	Show extended info: period, max number, next scheduled backup
  	 or the status of current/last backup
-h	Show history of created backups
  	Backup states:
  	While a backup is being performed, the backup will be considered and labeled as ONGOING
  	If a transfer is cancelled or fails, the backup will be considered INCOMPLETE
  	If a backup is aborted (see -a), all the transfers will be canceled and the backup be ABORTED
  	If MEGAcmd server stops during a transfer, it will be considered MISCARRIED
  	  Notice that currently when MEGAcmd server is restarted, ongoing and scheduled transfers
  	  will be carried out nevertheless.
  	If MEGAcmd server is not running when a backup is scheduled and the time for the next one has already arrived,
  	 an empty BACKUP will be created with state SKIPPED
  	If a backup(1) is ONGOING and the time for the next backup(2) arrives, it won't start untill the previous one(1)
  	 is completed, and if by the time the first one(1) ends the time for the next one(3) has already arrived,
  	 an empty BACKUP(2) will be created with state SKIPPED
 --path-display-size=N	Use a fixed size of N characters for paths
 --time-format=FORMAT	show time in available formats. Examples:
               RFC2822:  Example: Fri, 06 Apr 2018 13:05:37 +0200
               ISO6081:  Example: 2018-04-06
               ISO6081_WITH_TIME:  Example: 2018-04-06T13:05:37
               SHORT:  Example: 06Apr2018 13:05:37
               SHORT_UTC:  Example: 06Apr2018 13:05:37
               CUSTOM. e.g: --time-format="%Y %b":  Example: 2018 Apr
                 You can use any strftime compliant format:

Configuration Options:
--period="PERIODSTRING"	Period: either time in TIMEFORMAT (see below) or a cron like expression
                       	 Cron like period is formatted as follows
                       	  - - - - - -
                       	  | | | | | |
                       	  | | | | | |
                       	  | | | | | +---- Day of the Week   (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday)
                       	  | | | | +------ Month of the Year (range: 1-12)
                       	  | | | +-------- Day of the Month  (range: 1-31)
                       	  | | +---------- Hour              (range: 0-23)
                       	  | +------------ Minute            (range: 0-59)
                       	  +-------------- Second            (range: 0-59)
                       	  - daily at 04:00:00 (UTC): "0 0 4 * * *"
                       	  - every 15th day at 00:00:00 (UTC) "0 0 0 15 * *"
                       	  - mondays at 04.30.00 (UTC): "0 30 4 * * 1"
                       	 TIMEFORMAT can be expressed in hours(h), days(d),
                       	   minutes(M), seconds(s), months(m) or years(y)
                       	   e.g. "1m12d3h" indicates 1 month, 12 days and 3 hours
                       	  Notice that this is an uncertain measure since not all months
                       	  last the same and Daylight saving time changes are not considered
                       	  If possible use a cron like expresion
                       	Notice: regardless of the period expresion, the first time you establish a backup,
                       	 it will be created immediately
--num-backups=N	Maximum number of backups to store
                 	 After creating the backup (N+1) the oldest one will be deleted
                 	  That might not be true in case there are incomplete backups:
                 	   in order not to lose data, at least one COMPLETE backup will be kept
Use backup TAG|localpath --option=VALUE to modify existing backups

Management Options:
-d TAG|localpath	Removes a backup by its TAG or local path
                	 Folders created by backup won't be deleted
-a TAG|localpath	Aborts ongoing backup

Caveat: This functionality is in BETA state. If you experience any issue with this, please contact: [email protected]