Releases: meganz/sdk
Releases · meganz/sdk
Version 7.4.1
- [SDK-4104] - Event range should be opened for windows VPN
Target app
- VPN Desktop 1.0
Version v7.4.0
- [SDK-4024] - iOS Binding - Update MegaSearch binding for SensitveFilter
- [SDK-4039] - Use MEGANodeType instead int in childNodeForParent (iOS)
- [SDK-3603] - VPN plan
- [SDK-4012] - Fix "upr" command for API v3
- [SDK-4037] - Infinite generation of LocalNode objects and synced files counter due to escape characters
- [SDK-4041] - Fix file extensions format checked by clang-format in the GitLab CI pipeline
- [SDK-4060] - Wrong feature-id from "uq" command response
- [SDK-3974] - Automatically close a release
Target apps
- VPN Android 2.0
- iOS 14.8
- Android 13.5
Version 7.3.0
- [SDK-3978] - iOS Bindings - Add Bindings for favourite filter options from MegaSearchFilter
- [SDK-3989] - Android bindings to specify client type while initialising SDK
- [SDK-3994] - Android Bindings - Add Copy MegaStringMap Binding
- [SDK-3948] - Create GitLab pipeline that runs clang-format
- [SDK-4005] - megaignore should support excluding files in a specific range
- [SDK-3903] - Investigate recent SdkTest.SdkTestCreateAccount test failures
- [SDK-3908] - jxrlib fails in newer compilers
- [SDK-3943] - Avoid log smashing due to stalls issues and name conflicts
- [SDK-3960] - Update configuration parameters in libmediainfo
- [SDK-3962] - Add an integration test for the statfs(...) system call.
- [SDK-3965] - Delete unused method Node.isVideoWithFileAttributes
- [SDK-3969] - Fix FFmpeg build in Arch Linux
- [SDK-3996] - Use upstream FreeImage port
- [SDK-4001] - Change .clang-format "QualifierAlignment" property to "Leave"
- [SDK-4009] - Update documentation for PasswordDataNode
- [SDK-4015] - Update SQLite version
- [SDK-4019] - Add list of file extensions to be checked by clang-format
- [SDK-4026] - Swift example doesn't build
- [SDK-4061] - Revert search results to natural sorting
- [SDK-3659] - Takedown file is not being properly handled in Sync
- [SDK-3661] - Download transfer issue if the sync has a readonly folder inside
- [SDK-3808] - *~jscd gets corrupted -> cannot use the sync engine
- [SDK-3809] - Linux: sync disabled due to "filesystem mismatch"
- [SDK-3869] - int overflow when USE_POLL in Posix waiter
- [SDK-3944] - Fix non-immediate stall issues disappearing upon unrelated sync actions
- [SDK-3967] - Failure at test SdkTest.SdkUserAlerts
- [SDK-3998] - Add missing rule for JSON files in clang-format
- [SDK-3568] - Minimal fetch for the VPN
Target apps
- iOS 14.7
- Android 13.4
- MEGAsync 5.4.0 RC1
Version 7.1.2
- [SDK-4015] - Update SQLite version
Target apps
- MEGAsync 5.3.0 RC3
Version 4.31.0c (patched)
- [SDK-3890] - Build SDK in Fedora_40
Target app
- MEGAcmd 1.7.0 RC7
Version 7.1.1
Release Notes - SDK - Version v7.1.1
- [SDK-3908] - jxrlib fails in newer compilers
- [SDK-3909] - pdfium fails in newer compilers
- [SDK-3969] - Fix FFmpeg build in Arch Linux
- [SDK-3949] - sync-engine replaces the / by : when a file/folder is uploaded by a sync in MacOS
Target Apps
- MEGAsync 5.3 RC1
Version 7.2.0
Release Notes - SDK - Version v7.2.0
- SDK-3206 - Provide a blocked path when it's not possible to scan folder contents
- SDK-3544- Automate steps of release procedure
- SDK-3859- Avoid creating a stall issue for NO_NAME nodes
- SDK-3934 - Check If Node's Tree Hierarchy Has Sensitive Attribute
- SDK-3966 - Increase number of cores used for compilation in jenkins
- SDK-3986 - Android Bindings - Add Copy MegaRecentActionBucketList Binding
- SDK-3963- Android - add SDK bindings for node with tag implementation
- SDK-3982 - add iOS SDK bindings for remote feature flags
- SDK-3797- Comment to Model::buildModelSubdirs and a few others
- SDK-3891- Reuse CommandGetUserQuota instead of using CommandGetStorageInfo
- SDK-3909 - pdfium fails in newer compilers
- SDK-3928- Get pricing plans with megacli
- SDK-3937 - Comment SyncError::MISSING_PARENT_NODE as obsolete
- SDK-3946- Ensure folders are returned first when sorting with the new API based search() and getChildren() methods
- SDK-3979- [Android] Refactor the Ownership of the Returned Objects from MegaAccountDetails
- SDK-2620- MEGAsync wasn't able to sync locally the newest added file from CD when .debris local copy is missing or deleted
- SDK-3887- Sort order related issues with new search() and getChildren() with MegaSearchFilter
- SDK-3941 - Fix PDB API Failures Windows builds
- SDK-3949- sync-engine replaces the / by : when a file/folder is uploaded by a sync in MacOS
- SDK-3950 - Remove android unit tests from jenkinsfile
- SDK-3957 - getstorageinfo(...) segfaults.
*SDK-3976- Password Manager session resumption failure
- SDK-3573- Feature flags
*SDK-3899 - Extend MegaApi::search and MegaApi::getChildren to include Favourite filter
*SDK-3981- Android Binding - get flag
Target app/s
- Android 13.3
- iOS 14.6
Version 4.32.0
- [SDK-3757] - Add a new Pro level to identify the lower tier plans
Target App:
- MEGAsync 4.13
Version 4.31.0b (patched)
- [SDK-3954] - Adjustments for win 7 on top of last pre SRW for MEGAcmd release
- [SDK-3757] - Add a new Pro level to identify the lower tier plans
Target App
- MEGAcmd 1.7.0 RC5
Version 7.1.0
- [SDK-3913] - [Android] Refactor the Ownership of the Returned Object from MegaNode::getCustomAttrNames()
- [SDK-3914] - [Android] Refactor the Ownership of the Returned Object from MegaNode::unserialize()
- [SDK-3915] - [Android] Refactor the Ownership of the Returned Object from MegaNode::getTags()
- [SDK-3916] - Migrate sdk-megachat jenkinsfile to cmake
- [SDK-2727] - Review test cases regarding shares and folder links
- [SDK-3888] - Patch FFmpeg to fix compilation issue in Fedora 40
- [SDK-3791] - Drop WinHTTP support
- [SDK-3843] - Refactor Utils::getenv()
- [SDK-3845] - Adjust curl and c-ares linkage
- [SDK-3870] - Fix core files processing in Jenkins for Linux
- [SDK-3873] - Remove unused parameter FileSystemAccess* from readbitmap() and generateImages()
- [SDK-3894] - Remove usage of std::variant at SqliteDbAccess::migrateDataToColumns
- [SDK-3911] - Configuration of ffmpeg from vckpg includes extra libs
- [SDK-3923] - Grant owning permissions on bindings to Android team
- [SDK-3929] - Downgrade libuv to v1.44.2
- [SDK-3930] - Ignore CMakeLists.txt.user generated by Qt Creator
- [SDK-3409] - Incorrect fingerprints when uploading files in SDK tests
- [SDK-3855] - Investigate Failure in SyncTest.ChangingDirectoryPermissions
- [SDK-3876] - Upload transfers need to be properly excluded from the transfer queue size dynamic calculation
- [SDK-3757] - Add a new Pro level to identify the lower tier plans
- [SDK-3807] - Add sync errors to syncFolder() method
- [SDK-3896] - iOS bindings - remove the deprecated method setDeviceName
- [SDK-3907] - iOS Bindings - Lower Tier plans
Target Apps
- iOS 14.5
- Android 13.2
- MEGAsync 5.3.0Enhancement