- issue7 - views/chef_builder/config.erb - workaround when instance method return nil, it happens when you create build_step
- fix for `dry_run, enabled settings get reset after jenkins restart'
- add -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' to ssh run
- ship json data as file ( via scp ), so use file:// not http:// `resource' to avoid http related issues when run chef-client with -j parameter
- ssh identity path option
- regenerated and impoved documentation
- typo fixes
documentation changes, cleaning up README.md
chef client explicitly run chef client with -l info
- syntax error bugfix
- dry-run mode improved - real run of chef-client, but with --why-run flag
- dry-run mode added
- replace publisher by builder
- use simple_console
- doc updated and imporved
- first release version