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File metadata and controls

68 lines (57 loc) · 3.21 KB


This project is an implementation of a disk-backed key-value store, specified as a "challenge problem" in a blog post written by John De Goes at Precog. It's broken down into three chunks:

  • com.mergeconflict.bplus: a generic implementation of immutable B+-trees.
  • com.mergeconflict.precog: the original API specified in the blog post.
  • com.mergeconflict.precog.impl: bplus applied to byte arrays with a disk storage policy.

Modules in com.mergeconflict.bplus

  • Id: a unique identifier for a node, a combination of the upper bound on keys contained or referenced by that node, and the distance of the node from the tree's leaves.
  • Identity: a type class capturing object identity, which I believe is needed because Array is horrible.
  • MutableProvider: a "policy" trait capturing how nodes are stored and the branching factor of the B+-tree.
  • MutableTree: a mutable wrapper for Tree, mostly satisfying the DiskStore interface from precog (with the exception of traverse, since that method expects a Reader, which expects byte arrays).
  • Node: the meat of the B+-tree algorithm. A DataNode contains key-value pairs and an Id referencing the next DataNode in the tree; a TreeNode contains Ids referencing its children.
  • Put: the result of a put operation, informally a list of which nodes were made "dirty" and should be subsequently flushed to storage.
  • Tree: a simple wrapper for a root node, the current list of "dirty" nodes and the tree's provider.

Modules in com.mergeconflict.precog

  • DiskStore: the interface for a key-value store.
  • DiskStoreSource: a factory for DiskStores.
  • Reader: an iteratee over key-value byte array pairs.

Modules in com.mergeconflict.precog.impl

  • Stream: a type class to abstract operations on Java InputStream and OutputStream (vaguely similar to Haskell's Binary type class).
  • TreeDiskStore: a MutableTree specialized to keys and values of type Array[Byte], implementing traverse.
  • TreeDiskStoreProvider: an implementation of MutableProvider for disk-backed TreeDiskStores.

Notes / TODOs

  • I hate Arrays: reference identity is for jerks.
  • I hate for-comprehensions (compared to Haskell's do sugar). I hate them so much that I threw out all my code that used scalaz.Validation and scalaz.ReaderWriterStateT. On that note, I also hate "type lambdas" and I think I probably hate scalaz.
  • I need to tweak the tests to use much larger data sets.
  • I haven't implemented Precog's consistency requirement ("If the program is forcibly terminated at any point during writing to a disk store, then retrieving the disk store may not fail and must preserve all information prior to the most recent call to flush"). Plan is to just implement it by copying files around.
  • I haven't properly tested performance.