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Awesome Workshop! #3

aaiezza opened this issue Oct 4, 2016 · 4 comments

Awesome Workshop! #3

aaiezza opened this issue Oct 4, 2016 · 4 comments


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aaiezza commented Oct 4, 2016

This was a very well done workshop! Found it super helpful in understanding heteroscedasticity.
I have to ask though if/when you are planning on doing more of these?

Thank you,

PS: Here is the script I ended up creating during the workshop:

# DE Analysis of RNA-seq data

# Difference between library and require?
# Load libraries
library( edgeR )
library( DESeq2 )
library( limma )
library( Biobase )
library( gplots )

# Load Data
load( 'bottomly_eset.RData' )

# Plot 2 replicate dataset
plot2rep <- function()
    eset <- bottomly.2reps
    cpm.mat <- log(cpm(exprs(eset)))
    mean.vec <- apply(cpm.mat, 1, mean)
    sdvec <- apply(cpm.mat, 1, sd)
    plot(mean.vec, sdvec, pch=".", main="2 replicates", ylab="sd", xlab="Average logCPM")
# Plot 5 replicate dataset
plot5rep <- function()
    eset <- bottomly.5reps
    cpm.mat <- log(cpm(exprs(eset)))
    mean.vec <- apply(cpm.mat, 1, mean)
    sdvec <- apply(cpm.mat, 1, sd)
    plot(mean.vec, sdvec, pch=".", main="5 replicates", ylab="sd", xlab="Average logCPM")
# Plot 10 replicate dataset
plot10rep <- function()
    eset <- bottomly.eset
    cpm.mat <- log(cpm(exprs(eset)))
    mean.vec <- apply(cpm.mat, 1, mean)
    sdvec <- apply(cpm.mat, 1, sd)
    plot(mean.vec, sdvec, pch=".", main="10 replicates", ylab="sd", xlab="Average logCPM")
# Plot all datasets
plotAll <- function( filename = 'heterscedasticity_mean-variance.png', toFile = FALSE )
    if( toFile )
        png( filename,
            height = 1920, width = 1080, pointsize = 12.5, res = 100 )

    layout( matrix( c(1:12, rep(c(rep(13,2),14),2), rep(c(rep(15,2),16),2)), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE ) )

    deSeq2.analysis( TRUE )
    edgeR.analysis( TRUE )
    limma.voom.analysis( TRUE )


    if( toFile )

# # # # # # #
# Create DESeq2 datasets
deSeq2.analysis <- function( plot = FALSE )
    #2 Replicate
    if( !exists( 'dds.2rep' ) )
        dds.2rep <<- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = exprs(bottomly.2reps), colData = pData(bottomly.2reps), design = ~ strain )
        dds.2rep <<- DESeq(dds.2rep)

    #5 replicate
    if( !exists( 'dds.5rep' ) )
        dds.5rep <<- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = exprs(bottomly.5reps), colData = pData(bottomly.5reps), design = ~ strain )
        dds.5rep <<- DESeq(dds.5rep)

    #10 replicate
    if( !exists( 'dds' ) )
        dds <<- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = exprs(bottomly.eset), colData = pData(bottomly.eset), design = ~ strain )
        dds <<- DESeq(dds)

    # Plot dispersion estimates & show separate by strain
    if ( plot )
        # par( mfrow = c(3,1) )
        # par( mfrow = c(3,2) )
        plotDispEsts(dds.2rep, main = '2 replicates' )
        # plotPCA(rlogTransformation(dds.2rep), intgroup='strain' )
        plotDispEsts(dds.5rep, main = '5 replicates' )
        # plotPCA(rlogTransformation(dds.5rep), intgroup='strain' )
        plotDispEsts(dds, main = '10 replicates' )
        # plotPCA(rlogTransformation(dds), intgroup='strain' )

# # # # # # #
# Use edgeR
edgeR.analysis <- function( plot = FALSE )
    if( !exists( 'dge' ) )
        dge <<- DGEList( counts=exprs(bottomly.eset), group=pData(bottomly.eset)$strain )
        # Normalize by total count
        dge <<- calcNormFactors( dge )

        # Create the contrast matrix
        design.mat <<- model.matrix(~ 0 + dge$samples$group)
        colnames(design.mat) <<- levels(dge$samples$group)

        # Estimate dispersion parameter for GLM
        dge <<- estimateGLMCommonDisp(dge, design.mat)
        dge <<- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(dge, design.mat, method="power")
        dge <<- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(dge,design.mat)

    # Do it all over again for 5 replicates
    if( !exists( 'dge.5reps' ) )
        dge.5reps <<- DGEList(counts=exprs(bottomly.5reps), group=pData(bottomly.5reps)$strain)
        dge.5reps <<- calcNormFactors(dge.5reps)
        design.mat <<- model.matrix(~ 0 + dge.5reps$samples$group)
        colnames(design.mat) <<- levels(dge.5reps$samples$group)

        dge.5reps <<- estimateGLMCommonDisp(dge.5reps, design.mat)
        dge.5reps <<- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(dge.5reps, design.mat, method="power")
        dge.5reps <<- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(dge.5reps,design.mat)

    # Do it all over again for 2 replicates
    if( !exists( 'dge.2reps' ) )
        dge.2reps <<- DGEList(counts=exprs(bottomly.2reps), group=pData(bottomly.2reps)$strain)
        dge.2reps <<- calcNormFactors(dge.2reps)
        design.mat <<- model.matrix(~ 0 + dge.2reps$samples$group)
        colnames(design.mat) <<- levels(dge.2reps$samples$group)

        dge.2reps <<- estimateGLMCommonDisp(dge.2reps, design.mat)
        dge.2reps <<- estimateGLMTrendedDisp(dge.2reps, design.mat, method="power")
        dge.2reps <<- estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(dge.2reps,design.mat)

    # Plot mean-variance
    if ( plot )
        # par( mfrow = c(3,1) )
        plotBCV(dge.2reps, main = '2 replicates' )
        plotBCV(dge.5reps, main = '5 replicates' )
        plotBCV(dge, main = '10 replicates' )

# # # # # # #
# Use limma-voom
limma.voom.analysis <- function( plot = FALSE )
    # par( mfrow = c(3,1) )
    # Create design matrix
    design.mat <<- model.matrix(~ pData(bottomly.2reps)$strain)
    colnames(design.mat) <<- levels(pData(bottomly.2reps)$strain)

    # Apply voom transformation
    nf <<- calcNormFactors(bottomly.2reps)
    v.2reps <<- voom(exprs(bottomly.2reps), design.mat,
            normalize.method="quantile", plot = plot )

    # Do same for 5 replicate dataset
    design.mat <<- model.matrix(~ pData(bottomly.5reps)$strain)
    colnames(design.mat) <<- levels(pData(bottomly.5reps)$strain)
    nf <<- calcNormFactors(bottomly.5reps)
    v.5reps <<- voom(exprs(bottomly.5reps), design.mat,
            normalize.method="quantile", plot = plot )

    # Do same for 2 replicates dataset
    design.mat <<- model.matrix(~ pData(bottomly.eset)$strain)
    colnames(design.mat) <<- levels(pData(bottomly.eset)$strain)
    nf <<- calcNormFactors(bottomly.eset)
    v <<- voom(exprs(bottomly.eset), design.mat,
            normalize.method="quantile", plot = plot )


### DEG analysis using different tools

# Set threshold
deAnalysis <- function( p.threshold = 5e-2 )
    ## edgeR ##
    # Design matrix
    design.mat <- model.matrix(~ 0 + dge$samples$group)
    colnames(design.mat) <- c("C57BL", "DBA")

    # Model fitting
    fit.edgeR <- glmFit(dge, design.mat)

    # Differential expression
    contrasts.edgeR <- makeContrasts(C57BL - DBA, levels=design.mat)
    lrt.edgeR <- glmLRT(fit.edgeR, contrast=contrasts.edgeR)

    # Access results tables
    edgeR_results <- lrt.edgeR$table
    sig.edgeR <- decideTestsDGE(lrt.edgeR, adjust.method="BH", p.value = p.threshold)
    genes.edgeR <- row.names(edgeR_results)[which(sig.edgeR != 0)]

    ## DESeq2 ##
    contrast.deseq2 <- as.list(resultsNames(dds)[2:3])
    # contrast.deseq2 <- list("strainC57BL.6J", "strainDBA.2J")
    deseq2_results <- results(dds, contrast=contrast.deseq2)
    deseq2_results$threshold <- as.logical(deseq2_results$padj < p.threshold)
    genes.deseq <- row.names(deseq2_results)[which(deseq2_results$threshold)]
    summary(deseq2_results, alpha = p.threshold)

    ## voom-limma ##
    # Create design matrix
    design <- model.matrix(~ pData(bottomly.eset)$strain)

    # Usual limma pipeline
    fit.voom <- lmFit(v, design)
    fit.voom <- eBayes(fit.voom)

    voom_results <- topTable(fit.voom, coef=2,  adjust="BH", number = nrow(exprs(bottomly.eset)))
    voom_results$threshold <- as.logical(voom_results$adj.P.Val < p.threshold)
    genes.voom <- row.names(voom_results)[which(voom_results$threshold)]

    ## Plot that stuff!
    ## Check out lengths
    textplot( sprintf( 'edgeR:%d deseq:%d voom:%d\nSDE genes comparison | 10 replicates',
        length( genes.edgeR ),
        length( genes.deseq ),
        length( genes.voom ) ) )
    venn( list(edgeR = genes.edgeR, DESeq2 = genes.deseq, voom = genes.voom) )

deAnalysis.2reps <- function( p.threshold = 5e-2 )
    ## edgeR ##
    # Design matrix
    design.mat <- model.matrix(~ 0 + dge.2reps$samples$group)
    colnames(design.mat) <- c("C57BL", "DBA")

    # Model fitting
    fit.edgeR <- glmFit(dge.2reps, design.mat)

    # Differential expression
    contrasts.edgeR <- makeContrasts(C57BL - DBA, levels=design.mat)
    lrt.edgeR <- glmLRT(fit.edgeR, contrast=contrasts.edgeR)

    # Access results tables
    edgeR_results_2reps <- lrt.edgeR$table
    sig.edgeR.2reps <- decideTestsDGE(lrt.edgeR, adjust.method="BH", p.value = p.threshold)
    genes.edgeR.2reps <- row.names(edgeR_results_2reps)[which(sig.edgeR.2reps != 0)]

    ## DESeq2 ##
    contrast.deseq2 <- as.list(resultsNames(dds)[2:3])
    # contrast.deseq2 <- list("strainC57BL.6J", "strainDBA.2J")
    deseq2_results_2reps <- results(dds.2rep, contrast=contrast.deseq2)
    deseq2_results_2reps$threshold <- as.logical(deseq2_results_2reps$padj < p.threshold)
    genes.deseq.2reps <- row.names(deseq2_results_2reps)[which(deseq2_results_2reps$threshold)]
    summary(deseq2_results_2reps, alpha = p.threshold)

    ## voom-limma ##
    # Create design matrix
    design <- model.matrix(~ pData(bottomly.2reps)$strain)

    # Usual limma pipeline
    fit.voom <- lmFit(v.2reps, design)
    fit.voom <- eBayes(fit.voom)

    voom_results_2reps <- topTable(fit.voom, coef=2,  adjust="BH", number = nrow(exprs(bottomly.2reps)))
    voom_results_2reps$threshold <- as.logical(voom_results_2reps$adj.P.Val < p.threshold)
    genes.voom.2reps <- row.names(voom_results_2reps)[which(voom_results_2reps$threshold)]

    ## Plot that stuff!
    ## Check out lengths
    textplot( sprintf( 'edgeR:%d deseq:%d voom:%d\nSDE genes comparison | 2 replicates',
        length( genes.edgeR.2reps ),
        length( genes.deseq.2reps ),
        length( genes.voom.2reps ) ) )
    venn(list(edgeR = genes.edgeR.2reps, DESeq2 = genes.deseq.2reps, voom = genes.voom.2reps) )
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mistrm82 commented Oct 7, 2016

@aaiezza thanks so much for the script! glad to hear you enjoyed it! This lesson does need a few updates just haven't gotten around to it lately. Not sure when @ctb is planning another round of sign-ups for remote-local workshops but I would definitely do it again!

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HI everybody,
Yes, it was a really good workshop. But, I got a problem in one of step:

[1] "Intercept" "strain_DBA.2J_vs_C57BL.6J"

contrast.deseq2 <- list("strain_C57BL.6J", "strain_DBA.2J")
deseq2_results <- results(dds, contrast=contrast.deseq2)
Error in checkContrast(contrast, resNames) :
all elements of the contrast as a list of length 2 should be elements of 'resultsNames(object)'

AS you can find, this part ""strain_DBA.2J_vs_C57BL.6J"" was different from the results in the workshop session and I think that is why I did not get DESeq2 results.
Would you please help me in this?

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HI everybody,
Yes, it was a really good workshop. But, I got a problem in one of step:

[1] "Intercept" "strain_DBA.2J_vs_C57BL.6J"

contrast.deseq2 <- list("strain_C57BL.6J", "strain_DBA.2J")
deseq2_results <- results(dds, contrast=contrast.deseq2)
Error in checkContrast(contrast, resNames) :
all elements of the contrast as a list of length 2 should be elements of 'resultsNames(object)'

AS you can find, this part ""strain_DBA.2J_vs_C57BL.6J"" was different from the results in the workshop session and I think that is why I did not get DESeq2 results.
Would you please help me in this?

Yes that's the problem.
change the line to contrast.deseq2 <- list(c("strain_DBA.2J_vs_C57BL.6J") ) and it should work.

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contrast.deseq2 <- list(c("strain_DBA.2J_vs_C57BL.6J") )

Hi there,

Thanks for your help. Actually it did not work like this: contrast.deseq2 <- list(c("strain_DBA.2J_vs_C57BL.6J") )
But I could get the results through this:
contrast.deseq2 <- list("strain_DBA.2J_vs_C57BL.6J")

The problem solved.

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