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This page provides some information that is useful when migrating a project from iBatis 2 to MyBatis 3. It is probably not 100% complete.
###Conversion Tool
There is a tool available in the downloads section that will help you to convert your iBATIS 2.x sqlmap files into MyBatis 3.x xml mapper files.
Get it from http://mybatis.googlecode.com/files/ibatis2mybatis.zip
The tool is designed around an xslt transformation and some text replacements packaged in an ant task and tries to deliver a good starting point before the more complex work begins.
###New DTDs
New sqlMapConfig.xml DTD:
<!DOCTYPE configuration PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Config 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-config.dtd">
New sqlMap (*
.map.xml) DTD:
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
* Root configuration tag `<sqlMapConfig>` is now `<configuration>`
Within the root configuration tag:
<settings x="y" foo="bar"/>
is now:
<setting name="x" value="y"/>
<setting name="foo" value="bar"/>
<settings useStatementNamespaces="true"/>
can be removed, since the use of namespaces has become mandatory.
must be moved out of the <sqlMap>
element to <configuration><typeAliases></typeAliases></configuration>
<typeAlias ... />
and <dataSource>
<transactionManager type="JDBC" commitRequired="false">
<dataSource type="your.package.CustomDataSourceFactory" />
is now:
<environments default="env">
<environment id="env">
<transactionManager type="JDBC">
<property name="commitRequired" value="false"/>
<dataSource type="your.package.CustomDataSourceFactory" />
<sqlMap resource=... />
<sqlMap resource=... />
<sqlMap resource=... />
is now:
<mapper resource=... />
* The root element `<sqlMap>` is now `<mapper>`
* The attribute `parameterClass` should be changed to `parameterType`
* The attribute `resultClass` should be changed to `resultType`
* The attribute `class` should be changed to `type`
* the `columnIndex` attribute does not exist anymore for the `<result>` tag
* The `groupBy` attribute has been eliminated. Here is an example of `groupBy` from a 2.x sqlMap:
<resultMap id="productRM" class="product" groupBy="id">
<result property="id" column="product_id"/>
<result property="name" column="product_name"/>
<result property="category" column="product_category"/>
<result property="subProducts" resultMap="Products.subProductsRM"/>
<resultMap id="productRM" type="product" >
<id property="id" column="product "/>
<result property="name " column="product_name "/>
<result property="category " column="product_category "/>
<collection property="subProducts" resultMap="Products.subProductsRM"/>
####Nested resultMaps
These should now be specified using the <association>
<resultMap ...>
<result property="client" resultMap="Client.clientRM"/>
is now:
<resultMap ...>
<association property="client" resultMap="Client.clientRM"/>
Although this tag is deprecated, it can be used as in iBatis 2. However for versions up to 3.0.3 there is a bug when using type="map"
and not specifying javaType
for a parameter. This will result in
There is no getter for property named '...' in 'interface java.util.Map'
####Inline parameters
is now:
is now:
is now:
####Stored procedures
* the `<procedure>` tag doesn't exist anymore. Use `<select>`, `<insert>` or `<update>`.
<procedure id="getValues" parameterMap="getValuesPM">
{ ? ###call pkgExample.getValues(p_id> ?) }
is now:
<select id="getValues" parameterMap="getValuesPM" statementType="CALLABLE">
{ ? ###call pkgExample.getValues(p_id> ?)}
If you're calling an insert procedure that returns a value, you can use <select>
instead of <insert>
, but make sure to specify useCache="false"
and flushCache="true"
. You'll also have to force a commit.
<cacheModel id="myCache" type="LRU">
<flushInterval hours="24"/>
<property name="size" value="100" />
is now:
<cache flushInterval="86400000" eviction="LRU"/>
Note: you can omit eviction="LRU"
since it is the default.
The <flushOnExecute>
tag is replaced by the flushCache
attribute for the statements and the cache will be used by all select statements by default.
####Dynamic SQL
The most common dynamic SQL in my project is isNotNull
. Here is an example replacement regex:
<if test="$1 !###null">
Also common is the use of isEqual
, you can replace this by a similar <if>
###Java code
* This class doesn't exist anymore. Use `SqlSessionFactory` instead (see User Guide).
####Custom type handler
* Replace interface `TypeHandlerCallback` with `TypeHandler`. It has slightly different but similar methods.
####Custom data source factory
Old interface:
New interface:
Replace method
public void initialize(Map properties)
public void setProperties(Properties props)