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Field Desktop

The German Archaeological Institute’s (DAI) new take on a field research documentation system.


Please refer to the wiki.


Development of Field Desktop works under MacOS, Windows and Linux. In any case, before you start, make sure you have NodeJS >= 16 as well as Node Package Manager (NPM) installed.

Then clone this repository locally and run the following commands (in the repository root):

$ npm run bootstrap
$ cd core
$ npm run build
$ cd ../desktop
$ npm start

npm run bootstrap sets up and fetches the necessary dependencies, while npm start compiles the Angular app and starts it via Electron.

Shapefile import/export is handled by a Java command line tool which is called by the Electron app. If Java 8 or higher and Maven are installed, the Java tool can be built via the command:

$ npm run build:java


If the application does not start in an arm64 environment (e. g. Apple Silicon), set this NPM configuration parameter before bootstrapping the application:

$ npm config set cpu=arm64

There seems to be an issue with lerna bootstrap that prevents running install scripts in dependencies. Use the following commands to run necessary scripts manually as a workaround:

$ node node_modules/electron/install.js
$ node node_modules/electron-chromedriver/download-chromedriver.js


The app must have been built (npm run build:test) before running the tests.

To execute the unit tests, run

$ npm test   

The project is set up to manage the compilation of the sources (test as well as regular sources) independently from Angular. This is due to the fact that we perform Node based tests, since our code runs in an Electron context. This is done on the basis of test/tsconfig.json and jasmine. To rebuild the sources for tests continually, you can run npm run build:test+watch in one terminal window, and npm test in another.

For troubleshooting information see here.

To execute e2e tests, run

$ npm run e2e

To execute integration test with Field Hub, run

$ npm run test:hub-integration --prefix desktop

The Field Hub integration tests require installed Docker and docker-compose.


To create binaries run (in repository root):

$ npm run build
$ cd desktop
$ npm run package:[mac|win|lnx]

Only packages for the selected target platform are created. When the command has finished execution, you find packages of the application in the release directory.

Please note that when using Windows, due to nested node_modules and the windows default maximum path length you might be running into errors while attempting to extract the package. In that case, please use a different archiver, for example 7-Zip.