Netgen Open Graph Bundle changelog
Added support for eZ Platform 3.x
Removed support for eZ Platform 1.x & 2.x
Scalar and return typehints are added to all classes and interfaces
Support ezrichtext
field type
Remove eZ kernel 8 support added in error
Added literal/url
handler which can generate the absolute URL based on current request
Separated Twig runtime from Twig extension
Use Twig namespaces
Updates to tests
PSR-4 project structure
Dropped support for PHP 5.5
Dropped support for eZ Publish 5 and lower
Removed all *.class
All services marked as private
Enabled Scrutinizer service
Updates to tests
PHP CS Fixer 2
Fix deprecation in YML
Removed deprecated YML syntax
Full test coverage
Switched CS to PSR-2
Real fix for E_WARNING
in meta tag collector if semantic config does not exist
Remove deprecated unquoted service references in YML files
in meta tag collector if semantic config does not exist
Make sure ezimage
field type handler generates full image URI even when variation returns the relative URI
Implement the ability to define the array of field identifiers to be used in field type handlers
Add the ability to silence exceptions in Twig functions based on %kernel.debug%
Fix exception on pages where open graph tags are not configured (caused by fix in 1.0.2
Fix an edge case bug where some handler configuration could be duplicated
Remove need for specifying image alias in ezimage
field type handler
Fix issue with being able to add only one handler of the same type
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