Serverless utilties to support neuroglancer-based proofreading, based on Google's "Cloud Run" service.
This directory contains the setup for a container that can be used with Google's "Cloud Run" service to run various serverless cloud functions that support our neuroglancer-based proofreading protocols, such as generating meshes on-the-fly (and storing them to DVID).
To build and upload container with Google Cloudbuild registry:
gcloud builds submit --tag
To build FASTER using the most recent container as the cache:
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml
Alteratively, just use docker to build locally:
docker build . -t
To push to the Google Artifact Registry, you need to authenticate with Google cloud and configure Docker use those credentials:
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth configure-docker # first time only
docker push
NOTE: None of the above commands will actually DEPLOY the container. The easiest way to do that is via the google cloud console.