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File metadata and controls

308 lines (265 loc) · 13.2 KB


WIP: A tool to automate checking for updates and downloading newer versions.

This is an idea I've had for a long time, but never had a reason to implement. So we'd need a proof of concept to verify it can work. I'd also like feedback from others in the community on the API.

The idea is your user downloads your app, but it only contains NW.js and a splash screen file that runs the code seen below. This code then downloads a zip file containing your package.nw folder contents, including any node_modules to a folder in appData. Then a new window is launched pointing to a file in the extracted appData folder, and setting that folder as the current working directory. I'm assuming that would work, but have not tested yet.

Main API

In the splash.html file

 * 1. Checks for updates
 * 2. Downloads zip and extracts it if new version is available
 * 3. Launches a window pointed to the latest version
  // OPTIONAL: defaults to true, will not show console messages if false
  verbose: true,
   * OPTIONAL: Your own custom logging function called with helpful
   * warning/error messages from the internal validators. Only used if
   * verbose: true. Defaults to console.error if not supplied.
   * @param {string} message  The human readable warning/error message
   * @param {object} error    Sometimes an error or options object is passed
  customLogger: function (message, error) {
    console.log(message, error);
  splasher: {
     * The websocket port the splash screen window listens on. When your main app window
     * loads, it will use the same port to signal the splash screen to close itself.
    port: 4443,
     * Time in ms to wait after the new window is launched before auto-closing
     * splash screen if a signal is not recieved to close sooner. Send -1 to
     * only close if signaled via the websocket port.
    closeSplashAfter: 3000
  autoUpdate: {
     * NW.js Splasher Auto Update will make a network request to the versionUrl,
     * then pass the response into the confirmNewVersion and downloadPath
     * callback functions you provide.
    // This is an example, you can put whatever URL you want here, does not need to be JSON.
    versionUrl: '',
     * This function is handed the response from the versionUrl request, and the version number
     * of the latest locally installed version of your app. You can then perform whatever logic
     * you want (including additional network calls) to determine wether to download a new
     * version of your app or to use the local copy.
     * If a new version is available, return the new version number to begin the
     * download/extract. If no new version exists, then return false and the latest
     * local version will be opened in a new window and the splash screen closed.
     * @param  {string} response     The network respone from versionUrl
     * @param  {string} latestLocal  The latest downloaded version, or undefined if not present
     * @return {string}              The new version number (continue to download zip), or false (open current version)
    confirmNewVersion: function (response, latestLocal) {
      // This is just an example, you can put any logic you want here
      response = JSON.parse(response);
      const latestRemote = response.latest.version;
      const updateAvailable = require('semver').gt(latestRemote, latestLocal);
      if (updateAvailable) {
        return latestRemote;
      return false;
     * Called after hitting the versionUrl with the response.
     * Must return a url to a ZIP file to be downloaded/extracted.
     * @param  {string} response  The response body from the network request
     * @return {string}           A url to a ZIP file to be downloaded
    downloadPath: function (response) {
      // This is just an example, you can put any logic you want here
      response = JSON.parse(response);
      return response.latest.downloadUrl;
    // If the download or extract fails, we will retry the following amount of times before stopping
    downloadRetries: 3,
    extractRetries: 3,
     * Optional event hook.
     * Called when an update occurs during download/extract. May be called many times.
     * @param {object} update                   Object containing percents
     * @param {object} update.downloadProgress  The download progress object
     * @param {number} update.extractProgress   The extract progress percent
    onUpdate: function ({ downloadProgress, extractProgress }) {
      // This is just an example, you can put any logic you want here
      if (downloadProgress) {
        // for details on this object, see:
        console.log('Download progress: ' + downloadProgress.percent + '%');
      if (extractProgress) {
        console.log('Unzipping: ' + extractProgress + '%');
     * Optional function. You can run any code to validate
     * that the downloaded zip matches expecations.
     * If it does, return true. If you return false, then
     * nwSplasherAutoUpdate will retry the download or stop running.
     * @param  {string}  pathToZip  File path to the downloaded zip file
     * @return {boolean}            true = continue, false = retry/stop
    validateZip: function (pathToZip) {
      // This is just an example, you can put any logic you want here
      return true;
     * Optional function. You can run any code to validate
     * that the files extracted from the zip match your
     * expecations. If they do, return true. If you return false,
     * then nwSplasherAutoUpdate will retry extraction or stop running.
     * @param  {string}  pathToExtract  File path to extracted folder
     * @return {boolean}                true = continue, false = retry/stop
    validateExtract: function (pathToExtract) {
      // This is just an example, you can put any logic you want here
      return true;
     * Optional event hook.
     * When download or extract fails, but we haven't
     * exhausted all retries yet, this is called.
     * @param {string} message  Human readable warning message
    onRetry: function (message) {
      // This is just an example, you can put any logic you want here
     * Optional event hook.
     * Called when an error is encountered that ended execution
     * prematurely. Such as failing to download or extract after
     * all retries were exhausted.
     * @param {string} errorMessage  Human readable error message
     * @param {object} error         Detailed error information if available
    onError: function (errorMessage, error) {
      // This is just an example, you can put any logic you want here
      console.log(errorMessage, error);
     * Optional event hook.
     * Called just prior to opening the new window
     * and closing the splash screen.
    onComplete: function () {
  newWindow: {
    // The file from the extracted zip to load in the new window
    entry: 'index.html',
    // Any NW.js window subfield options:
    window: {
      min_width: 400,
      min_height: 250

In your main window that is displayed after the auto-update (probably index.html);

const nwSplasherAutoUpdate = require('nw-splasher-auto-update');
  // Must match the port number used in the splash.html
  port: 4443


Deleting old cache

 * This will delete all old zip files and extracted files except for the latest version.
   * Optional event hook.
   * Called when any errors are encountered during deletion.
   * @param {string} errorMessage  Human readable error message
   * @param {object} err           Detailed error information if available
  onError: function (errorMessage, err) {
    console.log(errorMessage, err);
   * Optional event hook.
   * When deletion attempt finishes, whether successful or not.
  onComplete: function () {


Where are files stored?

const path = require('path');

// Downloaded Zip files are stored like so:
path.join(nw.App.dataPath, 'nwSplasherZips', version, '');

// Zips are extracted to this location
path.join(nw.App.dataPath, 'nwSplasherExtracts', version);

Technical implementation

  • Would use nw-splasher as a dependency
  • Would use fs-extra to delete files
  • Not sure what to use for network requests (versions.json), downloading zip (including progress updates), or extracting the zip file (including progress updates)
  • We have a lot of beginner programmers. So although internally we may use async/await and promises, I'd like to keep the API as a simple object with callbacks to be more approachable
  • There are a lot of other features we might want to add in the future, like support for .tar.gz, .rar, .7z, etc but let's keep the scope small for now until those features are requested.

Just the required parts of the API

// Main splash screen needs versionUrl, download start confirmation, and a download path supplied
  autoUpdate: {
    // We'll go to this URL on your behalf and hand you the response in the below functions
    versionUrl: '',
    confirmNewVersion: function (response, latestLocal) {
      // You write your own logic to determine the latest version number and return it.
      // Or return false if we do not need to download a new version.
      // The latestLocal variable is the version number the user already has installed locally.
      return '1.4.3';
    downloadPath: function (response) {
      // You write your own logic to determine the URL of the zip file containing the files
      // from the latest version or your app.
      return '';

// New window just needs this ran so it can set the current working directory.

Who is this for?

This approach isn't for everyone. If you're dependencies are tied to a specific Chromium, Node, or NW.js version, and you also need to ship the latest NW.js with your code, this approach won't work for you. Some may want to develop on the latest NW.js, and produce new releases that ship with it. However, prior releases would have older NW.js copies downloaded, which may no longer be compatible with code developed in newer versions, so the auto-updating would pull down code that wouldn't run until the user downloaded the latest full release anyway.


If you can freeze the version of NW.js you use to a specific version and stay on that version for a year or more, this would limit the amount of manual testing you would need to do on different versions of NW.js. Using tools like Babel and Autoprefixer to target a specific Chromium version can help too. Though you'd need to ensure your node dependencies stay in sync with that version as well.

Some may want to encode the NW.js version in their versionUrl, such as:

versionUrl: '' + process.versions.nw

If they release different auto-update packages for different NW.js versions.

We suggest ALL users of this library code in some UI to convey to users when an auto-update won't work, and they'll need to download the full version from the website again. So if a user is on a 3 year old version of NW.js that you want to drop support for, there is some way of conveying that cleanly in the UI that is compatible with the older version.

How can I force the user to update to a newer NW.js version?

Two ways:

  • Thinking ahead: Include some code in the splasher window to look at your end point response, notice a flag, and then display a message with a link "You must manually download and install the latest version", then the link opens in the user's default browser with nw.Shell.openExternal('').
  • Not thinking ahead: If you didn't preemptively include a way of handling this case, you can instead have the latest version of the app just be a window that directs people to download a new version. The new version's splasher could then be better designed to handle this scenario.

For-profit software

If you are using NW.js to create for-profit software, then this style of auto-update may not work for you. If you require authenticating a license, key, or the user, or the download requires authentication, then this "splash + download a zip" approach is likely too simple for your needs, and you should consider writing your own solution custom to your use case. Feel free to fork this repo if you want to use it as a base for your custom solution.