Synthesize properties for categories
- Swizzle getter and setter
- Using associated object
- Import FTGPropertyMaestro and you're good to go
- Property with backing instance variable or not of object type are not supported
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL categoryBoolProperty;
This property is not supported because it is of type BOOL
@interface FTGClassA : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *strongProperty;
This property is not supported because it is not in category, it will be auto synthesized to have getter, setter and backing instance variable.
- Support custom getter and setter
@property (nonatomic, copy, setter = updateCategoryCopyProperty:) NSString *categoryCopyProperty;
- Set association type depends on your property attribute
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *categoryStrongProperty;
- Remember to use
to suppress warning - FTGPropertyMaestro will synthesize getter and setter for you, using associated object (Replace implementation if they exist, or add new implementation if they do not exist)
NSArray *kClassAProperties = [FTGPropertyMaestro propertiesForClass:[FTGClassA class]];
FTGProperty *wheelNumberProperty = [FTGPropertyMaestro propertyForClass:[FTGCar class]
@interface FTGClassA (FTGAdditions)
@property (nonatomic, assign, getter = fetchCategoryBoolProperty) BOOL categoryBoolProperty;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber *categoryStrongProperty;
@property (nonatomic, copy, setter = updateCategoryCopyProperty:) NSString *categoryCopyProperty;
@implementation FTGClassA (FTGAdditions)
@dynamic categoryBoolProperty;
@dynamic categoryCopyProperty;
@dynamic categoryStrongProperty;
+ (void)load
[FTGPropertyMaestro synthesizeClass:self propertyNames:@[ @"categoryCopyProperty", @"categoryStrongProperty"] ];
Use XCTest
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