SimpleUser, SessionManager, the API framework and core libraries are published...
- as standard ES2017 using standard ECMAScript modules
- with support for tree shaking and without side effects
- but not bundled, not minified, not using .mjs file extensions
No. There are a number of build tools available which can transform what's published to whatever single format is needed - for example, Babel and Webpack.
Yes. But note that TypeScript does not auto-polyfill.
For example, if the compiled target output is ES5 (the target
compiler setting) but the libraries require and utilize ES2017 features (as constrained by the lib
compiler setting), an ES2017 polyfill would be needed to run in an environment which supports ES5 but not ES2017.
No. If you need to make it work in IE, you might try changing the compile target to ES5 and using an ES2017 shim. However only WebRTC based media is currently supported and as IE11 does not support WebRTC you would need to provide a custom SessionDescriptionHandler