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Lily Conrad conradlml

Idaho Department of Environmental Quality

Andy Chase andychase

@USEPA Tigard, OR

Jaafar Ballout jeff-ball
Chemical Engineer

Arizona State University Tempe

Aloísio Ângelo aloisio0
Engenheiro Civil. Mestrando em Recursos Hídricos.

Universidade Federal do Ceará Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Water Data Integration Branch

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

aweier aweier
Hi! I’m a Data Analytics Master's student based in Houston, with over three years of experience in environmental consulting.

Houston, Texas

Maedeh Yazdani Arani MaedehY
PhD Student at USF doing Environmental Engineering. Data Analysis

University of South Florida Tampa

Luis Ortiz Prukutu
Researcher in city-scale climate, energy, and resilience.

George Mason University New York, NY

Henry Helgen hhelgen
Software Engineer, Database designer, Project Manager, Scrum Master.

GDIT Tillamook, OR

Nguyễn Dương duuoong

VGM.AI - Khoa học dữ liệu không gian Khu văn phòng Tầng 3, Toà CT1, Khu nhà ở Bộ Công An, Đường Phạm Văn Đồng, Phường Cổ Nhuế 2, Quận Bắc Từ Liêm, TP. Hà Nội

M. Johnson Workbytes
Work in IT, in support of application design, development, and deployment. Provide project management support.


John J. Dziak dziakj1
Statistician, computer programmer 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 Penn State graduate

University of Illinois at Chicago Old Forge, PA, USA

Giser_Xiao AidenX0704
Changing the world with code

ZJWEU Hangzhou Zhejiang

Xi SHU shuxiccc
Sichuan university/Environment science

sichuan university chengdu

Reinaldo Matheus Reis Ribeiro ReinaldoMatheus
Graduated in Meteorology (UFPA); 23 years old; Brazilian; Paraense; Improving knowledge in programming, data analysis and machine learning.

Porto Velho > Rondonia > Brazil