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Iam hacked - jakub JakubSpilka
Please send me mail [email protected]

@Vyvrhell Pardubice

Martin Skalický maskalix

freelancer Pilsen, CZ

Petr Kočí tocit

Samizdat Prague, Czech republic

Veronika Obrtelová Veronika181

Ostrava, Olomouc, Brno, Prague - Czech republic

Hana Maruškevičová Hanka8
self-taught frontend developer

Czech Republic, Prague

Igor MIU-cz
=> open to work @MIU-cz


Simon Podhajsky shippy

Prague, Czech Republic

martin Visgean
Python, rust, javascript, cycling, photography, bouldering.

@sentinelone Prague

Vojta Svoboda vojtasvoboda
Freelance webdeveloper from Prague, Czech Republic.

Vojta Svoboda Prague, Czech Republic

Petr Vychopeň PetrVychopen

Direct technologies Czech republic

Ondřej Klubal ondraklubal
I am educated in the field statistics, currently employed as a data analyst. For programming purposes I use mostly with R / Python.

SAZKA, a.s. Prague

Jakub Drahoš drahoja9

Carebot s.r.o. Prague

Matyas Krecek matyaskrecek97
Software dev, climber, love books 📚.


Omelug Omelug
Pokud vám něco nefunguje, napište na discord "gulemo". Pokud něco hodně nefunguje, pak se na to nejpíš vykašlu, ale za pokus nic nedáte

Ne Stojím přímo za tebou 0_O

Honza Páv honzapav

Uncool Corporation Prague

Jan Moser honzamoser

Czech Republic

Martin Němeček MartinNemi03
Developer, enjoyer of Japanese culture, Manga & Blu-Ray collector, Vocaloid listener, Touhou & Doctor Who fan.. and an autist (AuDHD), 21 🇨🇿

Czech Republic

Adam Koukola koukolaadam
Product/Graphic/Brand designer, Front-end Dev, Student of Information Technologies

Koukola Studio Šumperk, Czech Republic

Lukáš Pánek lukpanek
I'm front-end developer and student from Liberec (that's in Czechia). Currently working at Masaryk University.

@MUNI-CZS Czech Republic, Brno

ANTOND. antond15

AC Scripts Czechia

Jakub Filip filipjakub
Wannabe software developer studying at VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava.
Martin Studna martin-studna
Machine Learning Engineer | Software Engineer

Craftology Labs Prague

Patrik Šušlík smeglofus
Drink coffee and write code
Mariana Lebedová Lebedito
I'm learning QA testing

Prague, Czech Republic

Andrii Iv. (@digitalandyeu) andriilive
Full-stack web-developer. Ex-designer. Languages: 🇨🇿 🇬🇧 🇺🇦

@digitalandyeu Prague, Czech Republic

Jozef Hruška jozefhruska

@webscopeio Brno, Czechia