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Yuta Kobayashi yutakobayashidev
High school students interested in open government, mental health, and journalism


Catherine Nelson KatN369

CAN-DO Services Iowa, USA

Miguel Manzano García mmanzano
Developer. ❤️ Laravel & Nuxt. Learning: CSS. Let's build something awesome. Murcia, España

मंदार पाटकर itspatkar
Cyber Security Enthusiast | Laravel Developer

Credility, Mumbai Bharat

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

Isak Rehle IsakRehle

Stockholm, Sweden

Chelbi Denny Moi0
30-16N-01W & 31-16N-01E 39-16-2W

Bearly Rustic Est. and/or Country Real Estate Inc. 30-16-01 31-16-01 39-16-2 17234 SE Crowder Rd & 17234 Northcraft Rd Tenino, ca.

François J. squew
I like programming language dsgn, building critical systems and platforms, NLP and rev. Engineering :) Master in CS from UCLouvain.


Ғ☈ᰀↁ NYStud
Reach out and say hi. Let’s make awesome happen together!

New York, NY

Dairon M. codeadict
BEAM me up! ✨


Ed Dodds eddodds
Revangel on the hero child's journey. Student of folklore, heterodox economics & history, liberal arts, natural theology, & the outré sciences. #XieJiao

Conmergence Nashville, TN USA

BobSaidHi BobSaidHi
Member of @CalPolyWindPower at Cal Poly SLO. Former project lead for Mech Warfare in CP Robotics Club. Retired programmer and lead for @frc6506.

Cal Poly SLO California, USA

Information Systems & Technology Student at UVU
The Insider Sandrush theinsidersandrush
The Sun is Leaking.

Kuala Lumpur

lstuma lstuma
Student @ KIT


Roman Kunshin RomanK2311
I love Android and programs and I also love Material You and Goa Trance.

@Xiaomi Russian Federation, Republic of Udmurtia

Nima.Noghravi Nimanoghravi
I am a second year undergraduate student in the field of English translation.
Abdul Rauf armujahid
Engineering Lead | Cloud Native Full Stack Developer | Technology Innovator | Passionate About Building Solutions That Solve Real-World Problems

Lahore, Pakistan

Alexey Poimtsev alec-c4

Asgard Technologies Warsaw, Poland / Yerevan, Armenia / Moscow, Russia