Victor is the overarching class. This has many features and can be rather complicated in its setup: but then a point and click solution that works universally without customisation is a bad solution for molecular modelling.
Like Monster Victor has two main calculation methods: combine
and place
Whereas in Monster these are independent of protein neighbourhood,
in Victor they are not thanks to Igor.
Victor does the following steps:
- Is given a followup to test and the mol objects of its inspiration and the pdb template file.
- Calls Monster class
- Parameterises the mol
- Generates the constraints
- Calls Igor
- Can do some extras
Core settings controlling its behaviour can be set via class attribute. For example, the warhead conversion methods can be controlled via:
(currently defined only for cysteine)warhead_definitions
While other include:
Two key class methods are Victor.extract_mols
and Victor.extract_mol
Also several methods for covalent operations — see covalent notes
Note that Igor has pyrosetta specific class methods, e.g. downloading electron density for template prep etc.
The following code may have changed. And several of these methods are
Here is a real world usage that uses multiple features:
Import pyrosetta and initialised before everything (applies to Igor too):
import pyrosetta
pyrosetta.init(extra_options='-no_optH false -mute all -ignore_unrecognized_res true -load_PDB_components false')
from fragmenstein import Igor, Monster, Victor
import logging, csv, json
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
configure whither to save and whence to load:
Victor.work_path = '../Mpro_fragmenstein'
mpro_folder = '/Users/matteo/Coding/rosettaOps/Mpro'
alternatively Victor.enable_logfile('reanimate.log',logging.DEBUG)
(see logging notes).
add extra constraints that are warhead & protein specific. note that the warhead definitions contain preferred names for the connecting atoms and their neighbours
for cname, con in [('chloroacetamide', 'AtomPair H 145A OY 1B HARMONIC 2.1 0.2\n'),
('nitrile', 'AtomPair H 145A NX 1B HARMONIC 2.1 0.2\n'),
('acrylamide', 'AtomPair H 143A OZ 1B HARMONIC 2.1 0.2\n'),
('vinylsulfonamide', 'AtomPair H 143A OZ1 1B HARMONIC 2.1 0.2\n')
Victor.add_constraint_to_warhead(name=cname, constraint=con)
Here is the definition of a nitrile warhead, for example:
{'name': 'nitrile',
'covalent': 'C(=N)*', # zeroth atom is attached to the rest
'covalent_atomnames': ['CX', 'NX', 'CONN1'],
'noncovalent': 'C(#N)', # zeroth atom is attached to the rest
'noncovalent_atomnames': ['CX', 'NX']
This allows warheads to be mixed and matched.
The choice of the protein template is a bit weak. I plan to experiment with minimisation against averaged electron densities.
def get_best(hit_codes):
return Victor.closest_hit(pdb_filenames=[f'{mpro_folder}/Mpro-{i}_0/Mpro-{i}_0_bound.pdb' for i in hit_codes],
There is a change I require to the pose
def pose_fx(pose):
pose2pdb = pose.pdb_info().pdb2pose
r = pose2pdb(res=41, chain='A')
MutateResidue = pyrosetta.rosetta.protocols.simple_moves.MutateResidue
MutateResidue(target=r, new_res='HIS').apply(pose)
Define all the steps
def reanimate(smiles, name, hit_codes):
hits = [get_mol(i) for i in hit_codes]
best_hit = get_best(hit_codes)
Victor.journal.debug(f'{name} - best hit as starting is {best_hit}')
apo = best_hit.replace('_bound', '_apo-desolv')
print(f'reanimate(smiles="{smiles}", name="{name}", hit_codes={hit_codes})')
reanimator = Victor(hits=hits,
covalent_resn='CYS', covalent_resi='145A',
pose_fx = pose_fx
extra_constraint='AtomPair SG 145A NE2 41A HARMONIC 3.5 0.2\n',
return reanimator
Read the data and do all warhead combinations if covalent. This data is actually from
For which there is a method in fragmenstein.mpro
data = csv.DictReader(open('../COVID_moonshot_submissions/covid_submissions_all_info.csv'))
issue = []
for row in data:
if row['covalent_warhead'] == 'False':
reanimate(name = row['CID'], hit_codes = row['fragments'].split(','), smiles=row['SMILES'])
print(f'Covalent: {row["CID"]}')
for category in ('acrylamide', 'chloroacetamide', 'vinylsulfonamide', 'nitrile'):
if row[category] == 'True':
combinations = Victor.make_all_warhead_combinations(row['SMILES'], category)
if combinations is None:
for c in combinations:
reanimate(name = row['CID']+'-'+c, hit_codes = row['fragments'].split(','), smiles=combinations[c])
print(f'What is {row["CID"]}')
The above could have been customised further, by making a class that inherits Victor and defining
, post_fragmenstein_step
, pose_mod_step
or post_igor_step
, which are empty methods
intended to make subclassing Victor easier as these are meant to be overridden
—NB pose_mod_step
is run if not pose_fx
is given.
The coordinate constraint generated for Igor, the minimiser can be changed from HARMONIC
(x = mean)
(tol = max distance of contributing atoms) and BOUNDED
(fixed penalty potential well).
Do note that the reference atom for the constraint is the covalent residue, regardless of whether the ligand is covalent.