Table of Contents
The purpose of this document is to help you get started as a contributor for the tf4k8s project. "Contributor" often means one who writes code, but technical writers and instructional analysts may also be contributing documents, so "contributor" is more general and more appropriate in this case than "software developer" or "programmer". Team membership is always in a state of flux with people coming and going, each with their own unique history of development experience. We hope this documentation will provide consistency over time as team membership changes. Another benefit for those of you with little development experience is that this process is widely used by other developers on open source projects and on commercial software projects. So developing with this team will prepare you to work on other teams in the future. We did not make this process up, so we are going to point you off to documents that have already been written by other teams that follow this process.
You might be wondering why it has to be so complicated to contribute code. There would be a lot less overhead if you could just clone the repository, make changes, and then push the changes to the origin repository. That works great when you are working by yourself or with only a couple of other people with whom you have a close relationship. However, working on a big team with the team membership changing frequently requires a different process, in order to assure a quality process for maintaining the code.
There are two independent aspects to the workflow we follow for contributing code to the project. The first part is the branching policy, which gives guidelines for when to make new branches and when to merge branches. The blog post by Vincent Driessen, A successful Git branching model, provides good diagrams that exemplify the process for branching and merging. Atlassian documentation of Gitflow Workflow is also quite good.
The second part of the process is the steps that are necessary because we use GitHub for our central repository. There is no standard "pull request" in Git, so each of the major repository hosting vendors, e.g. GitHub, Bitbucket, and others have their own way of implementing pull requests. In the steps below, we refer to GitHub documentation for managing workflow within a team.
Read "Understanding the GitHub Flow" as an introduction. Those few pages provide an excellent overview to the process followed by developers on this project. Read that document first. Then come back here if you still need more explanation, especially if you are new to Git and/or GitHub.
Follow the links to articles that describe each step in detail. See the Glossary for definitions of italicized words and phrases.
Sign up for a GitHub account.
Fork the SQL Pet project repository into your personal GitHub repository.
Clone your personal GitHub repository to your local development machine. We call that cloned repository your local repository. By convention, Git refers to the original repository as the
for your local repository. See the explanation in the GitHub Guide "Fork a repo". -
Configure your local repository to reference the tf4k8s project repository as your
remote repository. See the explanation in the GitHub Guide "Fork a repo". For example, see Jenny Bryan's diagram in Section 25.2 of her guide. -
Starting from the
branch in your local repository, create a new branch when you are ready to make changes to existing files or create new material. Name that new branch something descriptive for the feature you are adding, such as "read_config_files". Do not do work on themaster
branch. You should only change files in a feature branch that is created in your local repository. -
Commit your changes on that branch as often as necessary until you have completed your unit of work.
Synchronize your local repository with the tf4k8s (i.e.
) repository. Other development may have been committed to the project repository while you have been working on your branch, so you will want to merge from the project repositorymaster
to your branch, in order to keep in-sync. -
Push the branch from your local repository to
, which is your personal GitHub repository. -
Create a pull request from the branch in your personal GitHub repository to the
branch in the project repository. -
Someone in the project with "committer" privileges will review your pull request. They may merge it as-is or they may suggest changes to you. If necessary, return to step 6 to keep improving your contribution and update your pull request.
A pull request is a process where you request another developer to review a branch of your code to be merged into the 'master' branch of the central repository for your project.
A repository holds code as it is developed. There are three interconnected repositories as you contribute to the tf4k8s project: your local repository, origin
(your GitHub repository, created by forking the project repository), and upstream
(the tf4k8s project repository)
local repository is the term we use in this documentation as the git repository on your local, personal development machine. It is cloned from your personal GitHub repository, which in Git is called, 'origin', by convention.
personal GitHub repository is the repository associated with your GitHub account. It is forked from the project repository.
project repository is the repository that holds the history of all work that has been done. Git conventions are to call this the
repository of your local repository. Code from this repository is deployed to the different deployment environments, such as testing, staging, and production.
Atlassian. Gitflow Workflow. Accessed 2018-09-13.
GitHub help. Fork A Repo. Accessed 2018-09-13.
GitHub help. Syncing a fork. Accessed 2018-09-13.
GitHub help. About pull requests. Accessed 2018-09-13.
GitHub Guides. Understanding the GitHub Flow. Accessed 2018-09-13.
"This guide explains how and why GitHub Flow works." -
Vincent Driessen. 2010. A successful Git branching model. Accessed 2018-09-13.
This is the original blog post that introduced the GitFlow model.
Other references for using git
GitHub Guides. Mastering Markdown. Accessed 2018-09-13.
The document that you are reading is formatted with Markdown syntax. So if you are going to edit this document, you should learn to use Markdown. -
Jenny Bryan. 2018. Happy Git and GitHub for the User. Accessed 2018-09-13.
Git Reference Manual. Accessed 2018-09-13.
Scott Chacon and Ben Straub. 2014. Pro Git, 2nd edition. Accessed 2018-09-13.
How to undo (almost) anything with Git. Accessed 2018-09-13.
The content for this page is adapted from John David Smith's sqlpetr Github repository.