You'll need a minimal complement of software to provision IaaS and build, run, and work with Kubernetes clusters.
You may choose to install them ad hoc or use one of the OS-specific scripts to make it easier to get started.
- Alibaba Cloud (aliyun)
- Amazon Web Services (aws + aws-iam-authenticator)
- Microsoft Azure (az)
- Digital Ocean (doctl)
- Google Cloud Platform (gcloud)
- Oracle Cloud (oci)
- VMWare Tanzu Network client (pivnet)
- argo-cd
- argo-rollouts
- helm
- kind
- kubectl
- k14s
- including imgpkg, kapp, kbld, kwt, and vendir
- k14s Terraform provider
- k9s
- krew
- octant
- tekton
For the impatient, everything listed in the menu above gets installed.
Employs brew
Ubuntu distros only
Employs chocolatey and scoop
If you want to build and run a portable container image, then execute
docker build -t tanzu/tf4k8s-toolsuite .
docker run -it tanzu/tf4k8s-toolsuite /bin/bash